View Full Version : Maxton Monster Mile

09-30-2008, 08:09 PM
The Las Vegas Mile Shootout at Nellis AFB was a was a huge success with several Zr-1s exceeding 160 mph.
Us poor guys on the East Coast don't have to sit around and let our Western brothers have all the fun. We can also enjoy this experience at the Maxton Monster Mile in North Carolina. The East Coast Timing Association holds speed trials there five times a year. http://www.ecta-lsr.com/ (http://www.ecta-lsr.com/)
A perfect opportunity to show off what our ZR-1s were designed to do best.
The next event is scheduled for October 25-26 which probably is not enough time for us to get organized.
So who's all interested in joining a ZR-1 posse to head to NC and take on the Maxton Monster Mile in April of 2009?

09-30-2008, 10:12 PM
I am interested.


09-30-2008, 10:43 PM
I'm in. Been planning to do the Maxton for some time now, just haven't cleared the calendar for the right time.

It's been awhile since I looked at their site, but I believe that you have to be a member and then pay so much for the day's activities (maybe unlimited runs). But it seems that the membership is for the calendar year, so if you wanted to make more than one trip during the year it would make more sense to begin with the first run after Jan. 1.

Keep us posted on the plan.


09-30-2008, 11:36 PM
Can anyone summarize their classes and licensing? It looks like you'd have to progress two license categories to run at what most of these cars would be doing, 150+ mph. I wonder if you can do that at a single event?

It looks like you need to join or buy a rule book before knowing what if any safety additions need to be made to the car.

10-01-2008, 01:56 PM
A couple of concerns that caught my eye...

- If you race in Street Category, "no items are allowed that would make any vehicle illegal for street use". Would this include headers?

- "Street cars running under 135 MPH shall be allowed to run with the following exceptions", "no roll structure". If you run over 135 MPH and up to 175 MPH you need a 6 point cage?

- Over 135 MPH all drivers "must wear a drivers suit, golves and boots".

- All drivers bust wear a full faced helmet with face shield.

- Not that I would need to worry about it but over 175 MPH, the safety requirements get tougher.