View Full Version : Clutch and Flywheel Questions

07-21-2005, 06:23 PM
Hello all, I am going to be looking to replay my Clutch in the near furture. and was thinking about the Flywheel. now I have never replaced a clutch or flywheel myself however I want to learn how so i figured I would give it a shot. the questions I have is mostly with the flywheel and this may seem like a dumb question but why makes it a dual mass flywheel and what type of flywheel should I replace it with?

1990 quasar blue
07-21-2005, 07:52 PM

Your choice is either stock or light weight. The main complaint with the light weight is gear rattle. Some don't mind, and others can't stand it. I think with a sprung hub and upgrading the oil to the synthetic BMW stuff is supposed to help.

07-26-2005, 11:42 PM
is the Fidanza flywheel replacement a dual mass flywheel? also I was reading in the Service Manual about the Balancing of the LT5 with the flywheel balance weights does these weights work on the Fidanza or are they needed with that setup? also does the Fidanza only replace the primary or is it a kit with both primary and secondary flywheels?

Hib Halverson
07-31-2005, 10:50 AM
is the Fidanza flywheel replacement a dual mass flywheel? also I was reading in the Service Manual about the Balancing of the LT5 with the flywheel balance weights does these weights work on the Fidanza or are they needed with that setup? also does the Fidanza only replace the primary or is it a kit with both primary and secondary flywheels?

All standard flywheels replace the total dual-mass flywheel. The advantage is less rotating mass. The disadvantage is you no longer get the dual mass wheel's damping of gear rattle.

The two best aluminum wheels for LT5s are 1) the McLeod and 2) the Fidanza.

I run a McLeod aluminum flywheel, a McLeod/Valeo clutch and a McLeod disc. Works great at the 500hp level. One good thing about the McLeod is the friction surface is riveted and can be replaced, if necessary.

Whatever flywheel you get to replace the dual-mass, it will have to be balanced to match the dual-mass. Any good balancing service can do that.

07-31-2005, 07:03 PM
Thanks for the info. Hib!