View Full Version : PNW ZR1 meet/gathering

07-19-2005, 08:06 PM
3rd Pacific North West LT5 Registry Event

This fabulous weekend is now within a month. Plans are
close to being finalized. I've already received email
response from several of you indicating that you will
be attending or are trying to get vacation time

List of events
August 12th Meet and greet dinner followed by drag
racing. (weather permitting on drags). Feel free to
show up around 6, menu will be planned according to
crowd size, so please let me know if you will be
attending solo or with spouses. BBQ chicken was served
last year with the fixins.

August 13th Show and shine with the RCC (usually over
200 cars and typically one of every Corvette built),
then a ZR-1 drive through the back hills up to St
Helens. Dinner following on the Columbia River. Note
you do not have to sign up for the show and shine, you
may arrive and wonder around.

August 14th Autocross at Portland International

August 15th Track day at Portland International

To sign up for the show and shine, and events at the
track please see

Pictures from last years event can be seen at

LT5 Registry Contact Person: Nick Solandros,Pacific
Northwest Regional Director,(253) 639-0525,
LT5 Registry Contact Person: Jeff Flint, Washington
State Director, (206) 755-0976 , jeff2577@yahoo.com
LT5 Registry Contact Person: Robert Melbo, Oregon
State Director, locobob68@hotmail.com


07-30-2005, 07:49 PM
Just checking out the new Forum. Maybe we can get some replies from those who plan to attend the PNW LT5 Event. Patti & I are coming & I'll be showing #418 at the Show/Shine....

08-07-2005, 12:20 AM
Just checking out the new Forum. Maybe we can get some replies from those who plan to attend the PNW LT5 Event. Patti & I are coming & I'll be showing #418 at the Show/Shine....

Well, One week later; thats fine too, just more beer for me, Jeff, Nick, & Rob I guess.....

08-09-2005, 01:20 PM

Can't wait; this one will be a good one!

See you guys on Friday.

08-18-2005, 12:22 PM
Well, the event has passed, and it was our best ever. Look for a write-up and photos soon!