View Full Version : help for ZR-1 owner in serious accident
09-10-2008, 10:07 PM
Hello everyone,
Many of you may have chatted with <DAVZKAR> in the past and know him from some of his posts about his 1991 Black/saddle ZR-1 #0534.
Sunday a week ago Dave went out for a ride in his ZR-1 and never made it home. Dave was admitted to an emergency center in the York PA area following a severe rollover in his ZR-1 and has been there ever since, he was thrown from the car and received massive injuries. Dave suffered a broken back and numerous other internal injuries and may possibly be paralized due to his injuries. As soon as Dave is stabilized, he will be going to a rehab center in Philadelphia for a long road back to recovery if that is possible. To add to this dilema, Dave works for a contractor of the Federal Government and timing couldn't be any worse. His employer informed his wife unless he can physically show up for work today (impossible to say the least) he will not be employed
at that firm any longer. Dave has 4 children, a wife and a mortgage every month so things are not looking good for him. He has immediate medical coverage but nothing long term, Dave is a blue collar worker and managed to get by with everything and buy a 1991 ZR-1 which was the car of his dreams but that now has been shattered.
I'm trying any way I can as Daves friend to help him in any way I can and I'm reaching out to the ZR-1 and Corvette community to see if they too can come to Daves aid in his time of need and help with any donation that that they can afford.
If you have ever spoken to dave to chatted with him you know he is the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off his back if someone needed it.
A trust medical fund has been established in Dave's name at the bank branch where Daves wife Jane works in York Pennsylvania and if anyone can help in even the smallest way, it would be greatly appriciated.
I have seen the powers of the support of this great net and the Corvette community in the past and hope they can help a fellow Corvette guy who is down on his luck. I thank you for your time and support.
Jeff Gibson
Fellow Corvette owner and Friend of Dave Davis of Spring Grove PA.
If you would like to contribute, the address is:
The David G. Davis Medical Fund
Account number: 0571214150
Sovereign Bank, 2690 Queen Street, York PA
Dave is in the York Hospital on George St, rm 319, Tower area and will be transferred to the rehab center after he is stabilized.
Another thread is on the ZR-1 Net Registry home page under donations, Ron Kreigh was gracious enough to help in this cause as well, Thanks Ron and all Registry members.
Please keep Dave in your prayers.....
Jeff Gibson
7103 Forest Green Court
Columbia MD 21046
703 999-8471
please folks donate to help David and his family recover from this very serious accident
we'll keep everyone posted on his condition and progress
thanks Jeff,
David and his family are in our prayers, wishing him a speedy recovery!
please help him get through this very tough time
09-10-2008, 11:05 PM
oh god that's horrible news....i hope everything works out for him and his family and I know that the registry/net will come out in force to help him.
09-11-2008, 08:47 AM
For ZR-1 owners in the MD/NoVA/DC area, Dave is a member of our Get ToGether Group.
I met Dave and Jane at several local car shows and know that they are nice folks.
Please help us support this family in any way that you can.
09-12-2008, 07:34 AM
:pray offering up some prayers for Dave's speedy recovery. This is just terrible to hear about. God bless him and his family.
09-14-2008, 11:03 AM
Hello all,
Dave has been moved to a rehab center in Philadelphia. He is doing OK but has a long road ahead of him, he still does not have any feeling in his lower legs but does have feeling in his upper legs (good sign)! His wife Jane will be calling me today with an update and at that time I will have information on the facility where Dave is doing his rehab.
A group of the ZR-1 guys are planning to pay Dave a visit to try and uplift his spirits, I will post when I know when this will take place if anyone else would like to attend.
I would like to thank everyone for their prayers and support in Daves time of need, and lets not forget those who have generously donated to this cause.
Trust me, when Daves gets better he will give back to the Corvette/ZR-1 community for all their help as I will also, man o man, what a great bunch of folks you all are.
Jeff Gibson
Z Factor
09-14-2008, 12:51 PM
Hello Jeff and welcome to the forum. :handshak:
I am glad you accepted my invitation to come here and keep us posted. I also wanted to suggest you make a recommendation to get a PayPal account sent up for direct donations into the fund.
We will continue to hope and pray that Dave makes a full recovery.
09-14-2008, 04:31 PM
I don't know him, but my best wishes to him and his family. Donation made through the store and Paypal was a great option in there. I hope all goes well for his speedy recovery.
09-17-2008, 09:15 PM
Thank you for doing this for Dave and his family. Glad to support.
- Keith '90 Red/Red#1383
09-17-2008, 10:33 PM
Everyone I have called (sponsors of the forum / members) has offered up HUGE items to be auctioned off and money to be given as well.
Have to love this great group of members and friends who have stepped up to help Dave!
94 #150:thumbsup:
Bell Curve
09-18-2008, 05:02 PM
09-22-2008, 08:39 PM
Any update?
09-24-2008, 09:36 AM
Any update?
Dave is now in a Rehabilitation in Philadelphia and is doing suprisingly well considering his injuries. Dave is just learning to do things on his own from his wheelchair, such as transferring to the commode, showering and living from a sitting position. Dave has a strong will and will bounce back but it will take a lot of time.
Dave still has no feeling in his lower legs and feet. Dave is still recovering from his other injuries, right side broke ribs which is still rather painful, this is slowing his recovery but is starting to get some of his strength back in his upper body.
Dave is trying to gain access to the hospitals library so he can get on the net/computer to thank all those who have stepped up to the plate to help in his time of need, many of which have never met dave before.
He is looking forward to thanking each and everyone for their efforts in his time of need for both himself and his family.
Thanks everyone,
Jeff Gibson
09-28-2008, 11:29 AM
This is the afternarth that Dave survived!
10-03-2008, 09:15 AM
OK I've sold the Injector housings, where do I paypal the funds too.
10-03-2008, 10:59 AM
OK I've sold the Injector housings, where do I paypal the funds too.
Thank you soooo very much,
You can paypal the proceeds to my PP account since I have direct contact with this whole drive and have daily contact with Dave Davis and his wife Jane on the daily basis.
Ron Kreigh and/or Dave Johnson can confirm my involvement. I just made a deposit yesterday into Dave and Janes account to help them with bills.
Once received into my paypal account and cleared, I will send a confirmation to both you and the registry.
Its folks like you that really make a difference and make this site so worthy for all that use it, Thanks to you MOM and all registry members as well for your support and genorosity.
Jeff Gibson
7103 Forest Green Court,
Columbia Maryland
(703) 999-8471
Paypal account:
10-03-2008, 11:14 AM
Funds sent. You're a good freind Jeff. :thumbsup:
Z Factor
10-03-2008, 11:32 AM
This is the afternarth that Dave survived!
Looking at those pictures make you wonder how he even survived. As bad as he is hurt, I am sure his family and friends thank God he is still with them.
BTW - :thumbsup: LoTu5
I know some have donated anonymously as well, and everyone deserves a pat on the back who is helping out.
Rex Ruby
10-24-2008, 12:21 AM
I had the pleasure of spending the day with Dave and Jane today as well as 2 other ZR1 owners David and Jim.
I'm happy to report that Dave was in high spirits and seems to be physically improving as well.
David, Jim and I spent some of the donation money to install a new 36" door in place of the 30" door to Dave's bathroom to make access via wheelchair a lot easier and installed a grab bar in the bathroom to make manuvering easier as well.
I can tell you Dave and Jane really appreciate all the registry has done for them.
BUT they still need more help. Dave needs a stair lift installed which of course costs money! And since Dave is now unemployed help with the bills is still needed as well.
We could ALL be just a blip of the LT5 throttle away from a similar situation so remember to be careful out there!
David let me drive his ZR1 to pick up lunch so I could compare stock (mine) performance with his modified version. Thanks David for letting me hammer on your ZR1, the headers, exhaust and gears are certainly a nice upgrade!
10-26-2008, 09:49 PM
Rex Ruby,
Thanks for your help. It was great meeting you.
To all of the ZR-1 Community: Dave asked me to express his thanks for all the help that he and Jane have gotten. Right now, the arrangements in their house make it impossible for Dave to get to the computer to say thanks directly (we are working on getting computer access for him.)
10-27-2008, 07:01 AM
Pictures of Jim and John widening the bathroom door...
Pictures of Dave's home and John's truck...
Pictures of Dave finishing his candy!!!!!!!!!
Rex Ruby
11-01-2008, 11:50 PM
Rex Ruby,
Thanks for your help. It was great meeting you.
To all of the ZR-1 Community: Dave asked me to express his thanks for all the help that he and Jane have gotten. Right now, the arrangements in their house make it impossible for Dave to get to the computer to say thanks directly (we are working on getting computer access for him.)
It was great meeting you too and thanks for all your help that day!
11-18-2008, 04:09 AM
Words are not enough! Many thanks to all!!! Jane and I want to express our thanks to everyone who has donated so generously of their time, money and prayers. It has meant so much to us both and we are overwhelmed by the kindness of our zr1 friends and brothers. After a month at home recovering from a fractured femur I will soon be returning to Magee Rehab hospital to continue with therapy. Your continued prayers are deeply appreciated and I look forward to meeting many more friends in the future!:cheers::wave:
11-18-2008, 08:36 AM
Hey Dave,
It is good to see you posting again. Good luck with your rehab at MaGee Rehab Hospital. From what you described, it sounds like they have a good program there.
I look forward to the day when we will be able to get together and swap some more car stories.
11-19-2008, 12:11 AM
You're very welcome and it is nice to hear from you and that things are looking better for you. Bless you and your family and best wishes.
Rex Ruby
11-22-2008, 09:25 PM
Hey Dave,
It is good to see you posting again. Good luck with your rehab at MaGee Rehab Hospital. From what you described, it sounds like they have a good program there.
I look forward to the day when we will be able to get together and swap some more car stories.
When and how long will yoy be in rehab?
Sounds like you are on your way to being up and getting around:wave:
11-26-2008, 11:51 AM
I am not up on my feet yet as I am still using a wheel chair. But I can move my left leg fairly well and have movement in my ankle and toes. My right leg has just started with some movement and I can move my big toe. I hope to get back to Magee for the leg rehab. I really can't thank everyone enough for helping with donations of money and time. It's great to hear from you too. All the great support really helps to keep me going and feeling better.:):handshak::thumbsup:
Great news Dave :thumbsup:
Keep the spirits up.... THINK nothing but positive.
11-26-2008, 12:58 PM
Yes, very important to stay positive. I was starting to feel very down. But talking to you and hearing all the positive words from everyone here on the net. Hey it really helps me to get my mind right. Everyone has been super, and thank you.
Z Factor
11-26-2008, 02:46 PM
I am sure everyone is feeling great to hear about your progress. Despite your injuries, you are very lucky and have a lot to be thankful for. Keep your chin while doing your PT because it will be hard, but will pay dividends in the future.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
11-28-2008, 11:57 AM
Thank you for your post. You are sure right, keeping positive is very important . I can't hear that enough. Recovery won't be easy but I have to get tuff and remain positive. I hope everyone had agreat Thanksgiving. On wensday we had a funeral for my wife's father ,he was 86. We were saddened by his passing ,but we had a good Thankgiving and are greatful for all we have. All our children were here except our daughter,Jessica. She is in the army and is stationed in Texas. Thank you again and for your encouragment.
Dave :cheers::handshak::hello:
11-30-2008, 04:31 PM
keep up the positive attitude and we are all pulling for you dave
I had a big grin on my face seeing an article in this months corvette enthusiast about you. great to see you back online and on the mend.
keep the faith! here's wishing you a speedy recovery.
11-30-2008, 08:42 PM
Way to go Dave, we're all rooting for you. Remember a wise man once said "The only thing that stands between a person and what he really wants in life, is the will to try and the faith to believe that it's possible" Keep the faith and the great attitude, it'll never let you down.
12-07-2008, 04:28 PM
Hi, to everyone. I'm back here at Magee rehab. They have really been working with me very hard. We are working on strengthening my legs,and I have even been standing. I also have taken a few baby steps. I have a long way to go yet, but with Gods help and the support from all of you, and family I know that I will walk again. The care here is first rate all the way, but you must remain positive. Thank you for your support and I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Dave Davis & family
12-07-2008, 05:01 PM
Way to go Dave!!! That is the best news I have heard this Holiday Season. Good job. Keep up the hard work. I know that you are excited/relieved, and so are we.
12-08-2008, 08:58 AM
Way to be Dave!!!!! Sounds like those guys and you will have your clutch leg ready to go in no time! Keep working hard and we all will say some prayers for ya!
12-12-2008, 07:14 PM
This is the afternarth that Dave survived!
glad to see he is alive and getting better,
how the hell did he crash it?
12-12-2008, 08:01 PM
glad to see he is alive and getting better,
how the hell did he crash it?
Where have you been Ray? Did you purchase another Z? :)
Dave D is in Phili doing Rehab....
Hope to visit him before in the next week or two.
12-13-2008, 09:59 AM
Where have you been Ray? Did you purchase another Z? :)
Dave D is in Phili doing Rehab....
Hope to visit him before in the next week or two.
Hello Dave,
I have been very busy with work, I did not get another Z, maybe this summer. I miss my cars. I got back in to motorcross and been flying alot.
Dave is lucky he is alive.
What did to do to roll the car?
How is your beast running?
Nice to hear from you.
Rex Ruby
10-25-2009, 09:23 PM
What's Dave's recent status?
Hope all is well!
10-26-2009, 01:09 PM
What's Dave's recent status?
Hope all is well!
Hey Rex,
I'll have Dave chine in as soon as he can but I can tell you Dave is coming back, slow but sure. I think the biggest hurdle right now is dealing with the pain. Don't think it ever goes away, sometimes better then others but always there. Dave is able to get around a little bit with the help of leg braces and a walker, Not a lot but what a large stride from where he was one short year ago. I can say Daves got the right spirit and pushes on, I even got him to go to Carlisle this year for the Corvette event. Kinda wore us both out, I know I was sore for a day or so after that and Dave is not used to sitting in the wheelchair that long, but we both survived and it was good to see some of the Corvette guys (especially the ZR-1 group).
Great to see folks ask about Daves progress, it's also uplifting for Dave as well to know people care.
Thanks and I'll let Dave finish the rest of the story,
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