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View Full Version : ZR-1/Corvette Audio/Electronics

Z Factor
07-10-2005, 06:01 PM
This section will be a growing information source for C4's

I will start out by posting several links to places that repair/replace components that commonly go bad in our year ZR-1's.



Dr. Dons




As many of you already know, our stereos are a combination of Delco Head Units and Bose powered speakers. Each of the four speaker enclosures has a 50watt amp to power that speaker. The most common problem by far is that the amps go bad leaving you with either no sound, or a wide variety of audio maladies such as feedback, popping, buzzing and everything in between. There are two things you can do to solve the problem, but both of them involve sending parts out to be replaced or refurbished. The easiest thing to do is remove the amp that has gone bad and send it off to be repaired. The cost after your initial shipping expense ranges from $57-$80 per amp depending on where you send it. The three linked repair places above have their +'s and -'s for this repair.

Your other option (which I recommend) is to send off your entire speaker enclosure to have everything including the amps replaced. If you send them to Bose, they will replace all the components(speakers, amps, even the enclosure itself if needed) back to factory specs. Furthermore, the new materials/parts are much better than what we originally had from the factory. The cost for doing this outside of your initial shipping cost to them is $75.00 per speaker/amp. The only drawback, and it is a big one, is that the typical turnaround time is 3-4 weeks. That said, you are looking at having the best sound possible with your original factory system.
