View Full Version : Finally got a chance to really run it.
09-06-2008, 09:32 AM
Finally got a chance to really run it and see what its capable of on the race track. This is what a healthy bone stock 90 ZR-1 should run like. Man there is nothing quite like it. The car will run all day like that. No burning oil smell. No overheating. I'm also running Vredestein tires which handled fantastic at those speeds. The LT5 speaks for its self. Enjoy¤t=Reallyfast005.flv
09-06-2008, 09:53 AM
Where were you (street or racetrack) when you made that run? You were there for awhile. Wish I had a spot to let 'er rip like that. What a rush huh?
09-06-2008, 10:34 AM
Where were you (street or racetrack) when you made that run? You were there for awhile. Wish I had a spot to let 'er rip like that. What a rush huh?
I was on the race track. I wished I could have mounted the camera so you could see the track and the speedo. I just didn't have anyway to mount it. I hit 179mph but if I would have keep my foot in it a little longer I'm sure I would have hit 180mph. I just didn't like passing the slower cars at that speed. It made me nervous. But once I got around them it was on. Peddle to the metal. But just 5 monthes ago my throwout bearing broke which means "clutch replacment. I did it myself without a fancy lift which would have been nice. Maybe I'll post pics of the job on the technical section if they allow more than six pics. But as you can see she runs great.
09-06-2008, 10:52 AM
Way to go --- the need 4 speed !!! Thnx 4 the viddy
09-06-2008, 11:38 AM
Awesome. I limited myself to about 130mph on the main straight at VIR a couple months ago. Maybe next year I'll be ready to stay in it longer along with a brake upgrade. She must have sounded really nice.
- Keith '90 Red/Red #1383
09-06-2008, 01:18 PM
It does sound great. But the wind really gets loud when you start getting up around 165mph so you hear wind and motor at the same time. I guess I'm a little crazy but I feel totally confident at those speeds in the car. I had a 1990 Suzuki GSXR 750cc rice rocket that would top out at 151 but I didn't like the way it felt at that speed. You could feel the rear tire start doing that left to right floating crap. But no such thing in this car. And I don't even have the original bilstein shocks on the car. Just KYB gas shocks. I have the original Bilsteins in a box. They need to be rebuilt.
Wild and Blue
09-06-2008, 01:35 PM
Thanks for the video..that was SWWWWEEEEETTTTT ! !
09-06-2008, 06:10 PM
Where were you TWS?
09-06-2008, 06:54 PM
Where were you TWS?
Yes TWS. A guy in a yellow Ferrari 360 I met talked me into it. Started out in green group and worked my way up. I wanted to do the Big bend open road race. But thats an 8 hour drive and they require a roll cage. TWS is only about 45 to a hour away.
09-08-2008, 06:58 PM
I watched the video and really enjoyed it. PLEASE BE CAREFUL.
09-08-2008, 07:34 PM
Just remember that mistakes are usually fatal at those speeds.
Something as simple as a tire blow out can not only kill you but can kill other drivers on the race track.
Be careful and check everything twice before you do it again.
Just Damn.
I'm a little jealous.
09-08-2008, 07:58 PM
You need a tune up, noticed at some points you were only getting 4MPG!
Great video!
92 ZR1
09-08-2008, 08:27 PM
Nice vid man. but take care. those speed are realy scary!
if i want try this speed in my Z , i would give it to someone i hate.
Maybe RON ??! :mrgreen:
09-08-2008, 08:38 PM
They must have let you use the full oval at TWS. Last time I was there, they would not let me do the full oval, just the front straight as part of the 2.9 mile infield course. Sounded great. I always liked TWS for the Z.
09-09-2008, 08:42 AM
You need a tune up, noticed at some points you were only getting 4MPG!
Great video!
92 ZR1
Yea, but at the 130 mark the gas milage seems to be very good!:mrgreen:
Man that made my eyes water.....what a rush that must have been!:thumbsup:
09-09-2008, 06:09 PM
Just remember that mistakes are usually fatal at those speeds.
Something as simple as a tire blow out can not only kill you but can kill other drivers on the race track.
Be careful and check everything twice before you do it again.
Just Damn.
I'm a little jealous.
Well, I don't go hiking in grizzly bear country. I don't go surfing were I know great white sharks are. I don't go sky diving. I don't go mountain climbing. So if my only vice in life is to go fast on the race track once in a while, then I guess I will just take my chances. I guess I could stop driving it. Park it in the garage and just stare at it. But thats just not me. Its a race car. Whats the point in owning one if your not going to put it through its paces once in a while. I just had to know if the car would really live up to its reputation for being able to do around 180mph and I got my answere. And at no time during those speeds did I ever feel uncomfortable like the car was floating or at its handling limits. If I did I would never have pushed it that far.
09-09-2008, 07:04 PM
Well, I don't go hiking in grizzly bear country. I don't go surfing were I know great white sharks are. I don't go sky diving. I don't go mountain climbing. So if my only vice in life is to go fast on the race track once in a while, then I guess I will just take my chances. I guess I could stop driving it. Park it in the garage and just stare at it. But thats just not me. Its a race car. Whats the point in owning one if your not going to put it through its paces once in a while. I just had to know if the car would really live up to its reputation for being able to do around 180mph and I got my answere. And at no time during those speeds did I ever feel uncomfortable like the car was floating or at its handling limits. If I did I would never have pushed it that far.
Please don't take my comments wrong.
I was not judging you in any way, shape or form.
I have no room to talk.
I have gone hiking in Grizzly country, was hoping to shoot one (didn't).
I've gone Abalone Diving in Bodega Bay.
I've jumped out of the door of a perfectly good airplane while the motor was running.
I've been to the top of Mt. Shasta in N. California (14,162ft)
Each and every time I've done something stupid (and exciting) I've always made sure that my equipment was appropriate for the occasion and that it was in good working order and that I knew how to use it.
No more, no less.
Sadly, I've never had my Z faster than about 130.
Maybe someday.....
But you can be sure that I would take every necessary precaution.
09-09-2008, 09:46 PM
Please don't take my comments wrong.
I was not judging you in any way, shape or form.
I have no room to talk.
I have gone hiking in Grizzly country, was hoping to shoot one (didn't).
I've gone Abalone Diving in Bodega Bay.
I've jumped out of the door of a perfectly good airplane while the motor was running.
I've been to the top of Mt. Shasta in N. California (14,162ft)
Each and every time I've done something stupid (and exciting) I've always made sure that my equipment was appropriate for the occasion and that it was in good working order and that I knew how to use it.
No more, no less.
Sadly, I've never had my Z faster than about 130.
Maybe someday.....
But you can be sure that I would take every necessary precaution.
No offense taken. Hey there's no doubt about it. Its dangerous. You could become a big splat at those speeds. But if your gonna do it and you think you have the balls, the race track is going to be the best place. And as far as my wife seeing that video! Well lets just say what she doesn't know wont hurt her.:thumbsup:
09-10-2008, 08:11 AM
I can break every speed law in the country going into 2nd gear.
There's 4 gears after that.
TC you need to hook up with my buddy Joel >>>
09-10-2008, 01:47 PM
I can break every speed law in the country going into 2nd gear.
There's 4 gears after that.
TC you need to hook up with my buddy Joel >>>
Now thats my kinda people. He has dumped some serious $$$ into that c5. Its definately faster than mine. That looks like Nevada Utah or Arizona. :dancing
10-24-2008, 04:27 PM
LOL.....l loved watching the econo gauge show 4 mpg :sign10:
10-24-2008, 07:35 PM
You get a big :thumbsup: and :worship: from me. I just showed ny wife that there is living proof that the car will actually do what its claimed to do. What was the cost to do that at TWS. I use to live in SugarLand and would love to do that. I have also done a lot of risky things in my life - From Scuba diving at Deep Depths, Racing a Laydown RAcing Kart at Speeds of 120mph and 80 laps at the Richard Petty driving experience - Speeds of 165. So I can really appreciate what you just did. My wife actually would come along and watch and video all of my escapades. Not sure if she really did like what I have done - Fortunately I have never been seriously hurt.
Again I - =D> - you
Next time have someone video the car on the track - That would have been a really good momento.
Don Yoakem
91 #267 DArk Red Met.
White Bullet
10-24-2008, 08:19 PM
That rocks!!!:mrgreen:. It pumped me up. There is nowhere around here where that would be possible. It really is great to see it :cheers:. Now just get a tune up to help that gas mileage.:sign10:.
Bell Curve
10-25-2008, 09:19 AM
I hit 179mph but if I would have keep my foot in it a little longer I'm sure I would have hit 180mph.
Dude how could you get it up to 179 and not begin life at 180?
10-25-2008, 10:03 AM
Dude how could you get it up to 179 and not begin life at 180?
He is gonna hit 180 next time he is out at the track when he has the Marc H approved Amsoil in the Z motor! Just Kiddin!
Plus he is going to have a outside view Zcam going next time!:thumbsup:
10-25-2008, 01:30 PM
This is nerdy but......
'a' (= 1) engine rpm x 'b' gearbox output ratio x 'c' differential drive out put ratio x 'd' the rotated radial peripheral measurement of a rear tyre for 1rpm
= distance Y1 (vehicles distance travelled in 1 engine revolution derived from the rotated radial peripheral measurement of a rear tyre for 1 rpm )
Y1 x 7150rpm = Y2 (vehicles distance travelled in 1min)
Y1 x 60 mins = speed (klm/miles) per hour
whats the theoretical speed in that gear (assume 6th?) at 7150/7200 rpm
10-25-2008, 02:40 PM
Well the classic sticker says life begins at 180mph thats also where life ends for a stock ZR-1 unless you riegn in the mods. The only reason I didn't keep my foot in it long enough to hit the 180 mark was because I just didn't feel comfortable passing slower cars up at that speed. I never even used 6th gear. 5th gear all the way. The cost starts at $275 on up depending on what package you want at TWS. And I've never seen them open up the full oval like this before. And as far as gas mileage I'd like to see what your gas mileage is at that speed. I doubt its much better. At 130mph I was still getting 13mpg. There were alot of things going through my head in that video. The first was the enjoyment of the rush. Second was I hope my camera is getting this. The last was if something goes wrong I'm going to be a big splat. And from one ZR-1 brother to another Its here for your viewing pleasure at my expense. Which was fun.:cheers:
10-25-2008, 03:48 PM
I was only hoping that doing the numbers might suggest your speedo was short changing you...l know its normally a bit the other way....but you never know.....great run under any circumstances.......very few people on earth will ever travel at that speed in control of their own destiny
10-25-2008, 06:03 PM
I was only hoping that doing the numbers might suggest your speedo was short changing you...l know its normally a bit the other way....but you never know.....great run under any circumstances.......very few people on earth will ever travel at that speed in control of their own destiny
You may be right. These cars were made to be pushed. And I'm not affraid to push. Alot of people in the corvette club I'm in have brand new Zo6's and they drive them like a school bus. What is that all about. For instance last night we had a friday night street meet at one of the local micro brewery's to celebrate October fest. All the beer you can drink in two hours. One of the guy's brings his 2008 or 2009? limited addition ZO6. He tells my buddy he paid $86,000 for it. And this guy pulls out a silk hankerchief to open his door with. Now at this point we are tying not to laugh. So he starts his car up and my freind says to him I want to see you light those tires up. And this guy turns to him and says "Oh no! I never drive my car like that" And joey says What are you? A f_____g p___y? And the guy gives him a dirty look and slowly drives off. I don't understand people like that. They don't deserve a vette.
10-25-2008, 09:59 PM
I'm moving to texas! At least that track seems like a good reason to.
10-25-2008, 10:53 PM
your top speed were in 5 or 6 gear??
P.S. By changing to 91 or callaway front bumper , you will break 180mph.
I am not saying that cuz 91 front in better, i have 90 Zr-1 and i love the shape of the 90 front more than
91-95 model !:thumbsup:
10-25-2008, 10:56 PM
Corvettes are built to be driven fast at every proper opportunity thats a fact for me...but handled with kidd gloves (or silk hankerchiefs) not in my opinion.
l appreciate the concours collector eyecandy viewpoint.....but to some the purpose of ownership isnt Go! .......its just 'e'go
10-25-2008, 11:26 PM
Corvettes are built to be driven fast at every proper opportunity thats a fact for me...but handled with kidd gloves (or silk hankerchiefs) not in my opinion.
l appreciate the concours collector eyecandy viewpoint.....but to some the purpose of ownership isnt Go! .......its just 'e'go
I sure as hell didn't leave quietly. I layed at least $100 worth of Vredestein rubber on the street for 2 blocks. It looked like a fog bank of tire smoke behind me. There's nothing like that smell. "Silk hankerchiefs! We don't need no stinking silk hankerchiefs!".:cheers:
Also my buddy invited his nieghbors to come with us. They came in a Mercedes Benz SLK55 AMG little two seater convertable. And when we left to go to another pub she thought she was gonna walk away from me in her mecedes. WRONG! So when we get to the pub she says to me OK! So we've established that you can take me out of the hole. And probably all the way. But you have to admit that AMG is pretty quick. And it was. But not quick enough. And then we all site down together and she asks me if I'm seeing anybody and I said no. And she gets this big grin from ear to ear and scoots closer rubbing up against me. And says why not! And I said because I'm married.:mrgreen: Hahaha! Man you could hear the air deflate right out of that bolloon. That didn't stop her from trying. Never a dull moment. Life is good.:thumbsup:
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