View Full Version : Two Questions

08-12-2008, 11:52 AM
#1 I recently had my stock exhaust replaced with headers and B&B exhaust. What are the opinions out there as far as keeping all the stock parts in the event of a future sale of the car? Shipping the stock exhaust home approximately 825 miles, because of its odd size and shape, has become problematic. The question is, is it worth it no matter the expense or where should a person draw the line? :dontknow:

#2 This weekend I took the car to a detail shop (Profinish) to have swirl marks buffed out. Overall a nice job, but we noticed what appears to be a hairline crack or fracture on the driver's door from window down to molding. It does not appear to be a scratch as it is not completely straight, although with a fingernail you can feel a raised edge. :jawdrop: Has anyone heard of or seen something like this before. This mark was not there when we took the car in and was one of the first things we noticed upon picking up the car. The owner of Profinish said that upon buffing it became apparent that this mark was there from previous buffing. The car has not been into a body shop at any time before. I will try and post a picture in the next day or two.


08-12-2008, 12:03 PM
#1 I recently had my stock exhaust replaced with headers and B&B exhaust. What are the opinions out there as far as keeping all the stock parts in the event of a future sale of the car? Shipping the stock exhaust home approximately 825 miles, because of its odd size and shape, has become problematic. The question is, is it worth it no matter the expense or where should a person draw the line? :dontknow:

#2 This weekend I took the car to a detail shop (Profinish) to have swirl marks buffed out. Overall a nice job, but we noticed what appears to be a hairline crack or fracture on the driver's door from window down to molding. It does not appear to be a scratch as it is not completely straight, although with a fingernail you can feel a raised edge. :jawdrop: Has anyone heard of or seen something like this before. This mark was not there when we took the car in and was one of the first things we noticed upon picking up the car. The owner of Profinish said that upon buffing it became apparent that this mark was there from previous buffing. The car has not been into a body shop at any time before. I will try and post a picture in the next day or two.


Your call on retaining the stock parts as you own the car now. Is she a driver, or a garage queen. Id say if you have it cut it in half for easier shipment and put it in the attic if you have the room. If you plan on selling the car later having stock parts to give to the next owner speaks volumes on your care and ownership of the car. A

As to a crack. I see stress cracks that pop up on the front and rear fiasicia but none that extend laterally from the top of the door to the top of centerline molding or the lower rocker molding below the door? Normal stress cracks are just that stress cracks which are noramlly small and angled from a point like the nose emblem mounting or the side markers etc. Sound like the door was flexed in that area.

08-12-2008, 12:10 PM
man I feel for you on point 2. :cry: The only thing is can say is to pick a point along the crack about 1/2 way and push with your finger and see if one side moves as you push....that would tell you for sure if it is in fact a crack or if it is a scratch in the paint. That bites!

The exhaust is a tough Q. I'm getting headers also and I've decided that the stock exhaust stays on the car for now....it is such a pia to store & transport.
I have a 90 & I use my car alot so it is not like it's a NCRS top flight car and they made so many 90's that I doubt my driver will ever be more than that. If I get another exhaust I'll toss my OEM stuff or give it away....ya can't save everything...no room for all of it. The stock answer is "save the parts" so you can return it to stock, but if you drive the car my Q is: does that really matter after 50k miles????

Only you can decide if it's worth it to save the whole exhaust system....I'll proly save my manifolds for as long as I have room but eventually I know there will be a choice. I'm not renting storage space to save stuff, no way.


08-12-2008, 12:14 PM
#1 is purely a personal matter really. When I bought mine it had all the original parts with it even though it had aftermarket exhaust, wheels etc. and yes, they were kind of a pain to ship but I was pleased to get them (just a personal thing, it didn't really change anything for me and would have bought the car without) - I can always put it back to stock if I want to. That said, did you buy the car with the intention of selling it? Those things are generally only really of interest to collector/NCRS types - if your ZR-1 isn't low mileage its probably not really going to make any big difference in the long run. The main thing is, it's your car so do what you want with it - just enjoy the hell out of it the way you want to. :)

Can't help with #2 sorry

08-12-2008, 02:15 PM
Thanks Yea that bites. I'll try that and see if it's a scratch, then go see the detailer. Is getting just that section repaired/ repainted an option?
The car is a 90, not a queen cause the wife and I love it to much not to drive her, WOO HOO, but still has 17,500 mi. Would have more if not for our short driving season. Plus it was at Marc's for 5 months getting p & p and the headers and misc stuff . Cutting in half is a good idea. I guess once I hear the freight charge for sure, maybe.