View Full Version : Secondary Mystery

06-27-2005, 01:34 AM
I own 1991 #553 Turquise/Blk. It's been a great car. My dream machine. My home club is Circle City Corvette Club here in Indianapolis

Recently I was troubleshooting what is appearing to be a shorting secondary injector. If my logic was correct (since the computer fires primary and secondary pairs in parallel and the secondary injectors only have +12 volts supplied when secondaries are opened) the faulty secondary injector was almost to a short circuit and this prevented the same cylinder primary injector from operating (the driver transistor in the ECM probably current limits to protect itself). Hence, when engine was hot and the faulty injector shorted, I would feel a miss if on the secondaries. If not on the secondaries the primary injector was operated OK and the engine was smooth.

This miss seemed to happen at low RPM's and throttle so to check what was happening I set up LED's with series resistors and connected them across the secondary injector relay drive signal (from ECM computer - pulled to ground to activate) and the secondary vacuum valve soleniod signal (also from ECM and pulled to groud). I positioned these to watch while driving.

These signals both were working (sec. ports opened 1/2 sec before sec. injectors to compensate for mechanical delay) but to my surprise the secondaries come on at the slightest touch of throttle at as low as 800 RPM. The secondaries come in on any acceleration attempt other then dead slow. They don't come in at all if the key is off or the engine is very cold as I would expect. I know my secondaries work because with the key on it pulls much harder and all the way to 7200.

So my question to anyone that has some experience here is why might this be? It is contrary to all I've heard and read in many places. I think my car is stock but could it have been re-prommed to do this? Has anybody heard of this being done.

Oh - and when the injectors are all injecting as they should the car runs great - smooth, fast - no drivability issues at all. Low power mode runs perfect as well - just not as much pull as RPM's climb.

Any thoughts out there? Thanks in advance for any responses.

Added note - with the engine hot (after I got the miss) I checked all the injector resistances through the wiring from the ECM connectors and the secondary injector relays. Injectors are supposed to be about 13.4 ohms. I have 3 primaries and 1 secondary at around 9.5 to 11 ohms and one secondary at 1 ohm. That would mean about 12 amps to pull that one. I'll bet they read better when cold. Next stop - gaskets and a source for injectors.

Save the wave,
Doug Gifford

07-03-2005, 02:47 PM
You may want to try Mr. Crowley's fix.....

and here is a link to his own forum ESS

GOOD LUCK!!!!!! :cheers:

07-20-2005, 08:01 PM
Here is a video of my 396 with no secondaries:


Hope this confirms that is does work!

Good luck!


07-20-2005, 09:59 PM
2nd vid kicks butt Mr C.... Looks like u got the jump on the 415 and pulled him all the way!!! Very impressive 11.1 run @128 gotta luv it 4 sure!!! :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :thumbsup:

07-20-2005, 11:44 PM
Thank you for the replys and suggestions.

I have since learned from the 3 rd owner that a burned copy of a Doug Rippie chip was installed. Apparently one thing done was that the secondaries, when permitted by the switch and the computer, are pulled open at the first crack of the throttle.

Now it all makes sense.

I'm going to replace the bad injectors, flow balance the batch - I have extra units to now do so - and put it back together.

I think it will again be fine and I'm going to Carlisle in it.

Doug Gifford

07-21-2005, 01:36 PM
Does your car have any other mods on it besides just a chip?

07-21-2005, 10:07 PM
My car has the chip (anyone who can comment on Doug Rippy chips please do) and I think just the typical MOD of moving the IAC senser to the air cleaner duct.

Other then that it has been:
lowered 1 inch (looks good, handles great)
windows tinted (looks really good)
changed over to Dexcool (I think it was flushed well first since the coolant is staying bright orange and very clear.

08-12-2005, 11:23 PM
Replaced 6 injectors total. One was almost shorted at about 0.9 ohms. Others either flowed too high or had between 9 and 11 ohms.

Re-assembled it and it runs absolutely perfect.

Thanks to all that helped with advice. Carlisle here I come. Debbie and I caravaning with 3 other Z's and 1 C5.


08-18-2005, 11:54 AM
Re-assembled it and it runs absolutely perfect.

Nicely done. Have fun!

09-08-2005, 01:05 AM
Debbie and I drove the Z to Carlisle and did some vacationing around Lancaster PA with our fellow Carlisle cruisers. The LT5 ran perfectly and never skipped a beat. 21 miles to the gallon despite occasional WOT blasts to keep the squirrels out of the pipes.

Needless to say I was quite pleased with its performance. Only one other Turq was there out of the 75 or so that came.

Carlisle was great - 3 days and had plenty to do - numerous activities for the ladies too. Our cruisers had a great time.

09-08-2005, 07:19 AM
Glad to hear it. Always a blast when she's running good.