View Full Version : CARBON FIBER Hood project is finished.and ready to produce![pic]d

07-16-2008, 11:09 AM
Hello Z Folks.
here is the Carbon fiber Hood made by my kids !
the original hood weight 47 Kg !
our Hood is only 17 kg. about 70% reduction in weight! :rolleyes:
I design those Open ducts for my Z! the hood made without ducts!!.

Price will be $ 2300 for Hood! ,shipping cost ,I dono! if you deside to order this from me, you can contact some cargo company to handle it, and i will take care to arange that for you!
i will be glad for group order, price will be reduced $100 for each!
and shipping will be even lower to one preson compare it one order shipping!

I would like to know are you going to pay for tax when you have any product to USA? and how much % ?! so let me know if any one is intersted and like to have this light weight hood! the hood (inner,outer) is Exactly the same as factory!

The inner skin and all holes and studs in place!


07-16-2008, 11:18 AM

My hood...Ready to paint!

and here is my Z Bodyguard ! :D

07-16-2008, 12:19 PM
hadi , hi i just might want one . dont know how to get shipping info though . dont think there is a tax issue . my zip is 93545. could you find out for me , thanx brad

07-16-2008, 12:54 PM
Shipped from where Hadi?

Bell Curve
07-16-2008, 01:02 PM
Shipped from where Hadi?

Yes & why the holes in the hood:confused: Looks like a good way to flood the engine during a storm.

07-16-2008, 01:04 PM
Yes & why the holes in the hood:confused: Looks like a good way to flood the engine during a storm.

Don't think it rains much in the mid east.... 100 year flood?

Hadi, what would be the final cost of the hood, plus shipping to mainland USA?

Bell Curve
07-16-2008, 01:15 PM
Don't think it rains much in the mid east.... 100 year flood?

Hadi, what would be the final cost of the hood, plus shipping to mainland USA?

What about when it does rain or all the dirt and sand? Wouldnt a high rise hood make more sense?

07-16-2008, 01:35 PM
Might work better to get a group purchase together - get them all shipped together to one point and then redistributed from the US. Just a suggestion.

07-16-2008, 02:04 PM
What about when it does rain or all the dirt and sand? Wouldnt a high rise hood make more sense?

Depending upon what you are looking for in your hood functionality, a high rise is usually used to clear a taller manifold stack. The vents he has is for clearing out air.

And some people are willing to take a little risk on water/sand or other elements. Just a matter of personal taste.

07-16-2008, 03:36 PM
Yes & why the holes in the hood:confused: Looks like a good way to flood the engine during a storm.
Shipped from czech Rep.
i think it should go by truck to Germany (maybe Hamburg port) then shipped to USA.

07-16-2008, 03:47 PM
Don't think it rains much in the mid east.... 100 year flood?

Hadi, what would be the final cost of the hood, plus shipping to mainland USA?
jeffi , i realy have no idea , i must ask about shipping cost and find the cargo company do this job with fair price!
i have no experince in this damn country! :(

I think if you order this hood with other guys ,say 5-6 hood , it will go in Container , it will be very good idea! since i order my ZR1 from USA (michigan) and sent her in container to Germany, and it cost me about $1000, but nowdays i dont know the cost.
When i will be free i will try to find, but believe me, i have no time at all, since i am working with my car and still not finished, and i had argument with those kids too because of slow working and some errors,.... and still my car didnt finish! :neutral:

Final cost $2300 , for 3 or more will be each $2200 ! I swear i have not that much profit from this Hood.

07-16-2008, 03:59 PM
The $USD value sucks and getting worse!! so Czech KRON became so high,when it was chit! :D

my Z cost me 18.500 before 2 years, and at this day USD value , my car cost $15000 !!
To bad i bought my car so fast, I could buy ULY's Red Z :cry: and save much money than now!!
Might work better to get a group purchase together - get them all shipped together to one point and then redistributed from the US. Just a suggestion.
this is what i really saying!

07-16-2008, 04:31 PM
BTW , my orginal 1990 hood weight = 100 lbs
My CF hood now weight = 37.5 lbs. with 2 ducts ! 36 lbs. Without Ducts!
the next Hood production i will Bring it to 30 lbs. No open ducts!
the profile outer and inner will be exactly the same as orignal Zr-1 hood! :cheers:

07-16-2008, 04:57 PM
Don't think it rains much in the mid east.... 100 year flood?

Hadi, what would be the final cost of the hood, plus shipping to mainland USA?
i am not going to do holes in any next hood production!!

i did this just for mine. its like Sledgehammer Callaway duct!:mrgreen:

07-16-2008, 05:18 PM
That's a NICE looking hood Hadi! The weight loss is also great.

Nice job!

07-16-2008, 05:44 PM
That's a NICE looking hood Hadi! The weight loss is also great.

Nice job!
thanks bro , hey did you find other Z ? :icon_scra

07-18-2008, 05:21 PM
I asked one guy about shipping Continer(which 1 Zr-1 can go in) i dont know how many feet is it! it cost around $3200 but the guy not sure how much exactly cost, maybe there are other company, i will update this soon!
when i have free time i will find out the cost!

tomorrow it will be Corvette gathering in Prague 19 July, i think i will miss it :(
the car still not finished, the Hood and front Noze still not fixed. i will wake up at 7:00 AM and go to help this Guy to install parts and I hope at 10:00 Am this job finished and go fast to gathering this year!:confused:

P.S Some cargo company in USA has agency in czech Rep. to ship parts or car to USA, its easy for you to find out there how much cost for hood shipping.
remember the hood is 37 lbs. !

07-20-2008, 12:50 PM
Sweet, nice going Hadi. I like the scoops, adds some extra pizazz. Trade ya some fancy port work for one of those hoods :thumbsup:

07-21-2008, 08:26 PM
Sweet, nice going Hadi. I like the scoops, adds some extra pizazz. Trade ya some fancy port work for one of those hoods :thumbsup:
thanks robert!!:handshak:
i will think of your offer, you do nice job i know! we talked before about porting job, if i want do this job ,sure you will be the one.
but i already paint the hood :cry: , i need to know what kind of porting you will do for me...and so!
BTW, it was raining so much last night and the i was driving the car and there was no flooding isue,
i did this duct and i position it in right place!

this picture is for your eyes!:)

i will lower the rear 1 inch soon.

07-21-2008, 09:01 PM
That was the day when i missed the corvette gathering in Prague this year :mad:

07-22-2008, 04:00 AM
That looks really slick, Hadi! I wouldnt sweat water...It will just run down the side of the motor or a arms anyway..
Bet it works great in getting rid of underhood heat.

P.S. Are you pregnant yet? :eusa_shhh

07-22-2008, 09:26 AM
Looks really great Hadi and functional as well. Good work!

07-22-2008, 09:36 AM
looking good.. you have some more photos of the front now?

I also noticed the rear bumper was different, I assume the reverse lights are not required? what did it take to flush the plate like you did?

Are you also not required to have legit tags on your cars over there?

07-22-2008, 11:10 AM
the rear is orignal callaway, but i cut the middle and made some hard work to it so it looks like that! better,nice and looks wider to vision.

btw. the overall rear width is the same as 06Z06 !!
yesreday when i was driving my car back to prague as you see from photo shot, one zo6 came fast to my rear and slow down, guess he was surprised cuz he saw the wide azz :mrgreen: and the he went fast next to me so he show me how to play ! petty i couldnt behind him, cuz my friend was in the next car behind me ( i rent that car and wanted take it back) and i didnt want he lost me!:dontknow:
Jeffe , my car still need lots of work, i have led kit for rear marker, and even back light, you will see nice job soon when i have free time!
today i removed the rear mufflers to polish it agin and remove rust and Man the sound is WAAAW :jawdrop: , love it!!!
you wanna hear the real sound of LT5?? then remlove the mufflers!:worship:

07-22-2008, 11:21 AM
Jeffe , my car still need lots of work,

Yeah so does mine.. it was in poor shape when I got it

So do you need to get the correct tags for the car to drive it there legally?

07-22-2008, 11:30 AM
So do you need to get the correct tags for the car to drive it there legally?
i dont need to change the TAG , i just need to make international insurance there, i did once $500 for 2 weeks with michigan tag!:mad: cuz one police was angry with me and he told me what if i was in USA and i drive the car without car paper and insurance,sure they will :censored: me and send me to jail,
so i told him i am not American guy , i am kuwaiti!! :p

most police here leave me when they check my car,and they should,cuz they will feel sorry and when this sweety wouldnt be driven on their city!:rolleyes:
Jeffe, the front noze,and rear bumper need more time to adujsted .

07-22-2008, 01:56 PM
thanks bro , hey did you find other Z ? :icon_scra

In a word, no... But I have a new job, so my "saving up" process has been accelerated. Hopefully I should be back in a Z by next year.

But I have to say that the completed product's looking pretty good. Great job Hadi! :jawdrop:

07-22-2008, 07:55 PM
Gotta hand it to you Hadi, diggin in your own pocket to experiment and come up with this. Not many out there have the passion for the car to this extent....OR are insane enough to try. =D>

07-22-2008, 08:07 PM
Gotta hand it to you Hadi, diggin in your own pocket to experiment and come up with this. Not many out there have the passion for the car to this extent....OR are insane enough to try. =D>
Thanks bro.
man , i still feel the car need care and lots of new things and missing more performance parts....
i could do more jobs quick if it was in kUWAIT with me! :???:

I had meeting with the kid yesterday to talk about molding the interior, the front dashboard will be Carbon Fiber and all plasic will be replaced with CF, but his dad sudenly had brain damage and he was in hospital,and remain for 14 days! see my bad luck! :-(
ofcouse the carpet the streeing ,the seats going to be changed also to cool CF seats.

07-23-2008, 01:18 AM
hadi first time i ever saw your ride . do you have the whole callaway aero pkg on your car .very nice color too . no luck getting her into home yet?

07-23-2008, 04:53 PM
Brad??:mrgreen: what do you see now in picture??
i wanted sell my callaway pakage ( only 1990 zr1) for $8k if some one intersted , and i will mold the one i have now on car to Carbon fiber pakage,but its hard and need time! this project is in my head long time, i just cant remove what i did now, i need to drive my Z and replace parts and bla bla ..
so let me know who is interest in Calla , :icon_scra

Brad, so are you serious to get carbon fiber hood now? did you check with any cargo compnay for cost??

One CF hood takes 10 days to produce it!

07-23-2008, 05:29 PM
Looking good,Hadi

Can you make 1991-1995 stock bumber moldings from corbin fiber or plastic.How much $$.


07-23-2008, 10:34 PM
Pete , i dont have 91 front or rear bumper , but i think you can have have CF bumper and add the 91 strip to it?

i wanted do CF callaway noze, but it will cost me to much, and i will not losse $$ if someone going to buy my original callaway noze ans the rest of kit! and i will dublicate the orignal to carbon fiber to myself! :icon_scra

07-24-2008, 03:19 AM
Hadi,the strips/bumper moldings are no longer available and are very hard to find,unless you pay the big $$$$.


07-24-2008, 03:27 AM
yeah i am interested hadi , i am just so darn busy right now . i need another 10 hrs in every day

08-08-2008, 08:09 PM
Special offer.... MY HOOD FOR SALE . $1995. this is once and not happening again. :) [ i mean the price]
P.S. for Other CF hood i will be produced, going to be $2250. never less!

08-18-2008, 08:06 PM
Jeffe ,
can you tell me Total Cubic Capacity of our hood?
Measurements/Dimensions (L x W x H) ?

if you like please fill the form here for quotion:

let me know :)

08-19-2008, 02:39 AM
inner skin...

08-19-2008, 02:46 AM
inner skin...

08-19-2008, 08:28 AM
shipping update. Jeffe !
i forward the email from the shipper company to you:
let me know if other want to know how much the shipping cost to his State inculding Zip!

Dear Hadi,
Nice to talk to you right now.

As per out phone conversation, you would need following rates:

1) 32 lbs from CZech to Maryland USA– could you pls send me dims of shipment?

- if you need delivery up to door, pls send me delivery adresse

2) rate for container from Liberec to USA

- pls let me know type of container (20 or 40 foot]

- if you need delivery up to door, pls send me delivery adress


08-26-2008, 07:08 AM
Some times i hate to sell in ebay!! :mrgreen:

Strange PM from ebay member, tell me guys what do you think??:icon_scra

"why dont u sell me that hood for less all of the other hoods u sell are cheeper.im in iraq im a US soldier just think u owe it 2 us for saving you.plus i know it didnt cost that much 2 make.look on ebay they have reg hoods for 200 and realy nice turbo hoods for 750 none of those have shiping over 150.y dont u give back 2 the people that have done so much for you?"

08-26-2008, 01:30 PM
Don't worry about it Hadi. PM him back and say that it's not like other hoods it's a damn CARBON FIBER C4 hood!

08-26-2008, 01:33 PM
Tell him to F.O..

Then tell him while he was gone youve had to watch his girfriend and he owes you for your services. THe mail over there is really not that slow, he just hasnt gotten any for a reason=D>

Whats the item number?

08-26-2008, 01:43 PM
Don't worry about it Hadi. PM him back and say that it's not like other hoods it's a damn CARBON FIBER C4 hood!

After your done telling him it's carbon fiber then tell him to Phock Off.


Z Factor
08-26-2008, 02:25 PM
Some times i hate to sell in ebay!! :mrgreen:

Strange PM from ebay member, tell me guys what do you think??:icon_scra

"why dont u sell me that hood for less all of the other hoods u sell are cheeper.im in iraq im a US soldier just think u owe it 2 us for saving you.plus i know it didnt cost that much 2 make.look on ebay they have reg hoods for 200 and realy nice turbo hoods for 750 none of those have shiping over 150.y dont u give back 2 the people that have done so much for you?"

That is very strange indeed, unless you are paraphrasing rather than actually having cut and pasted his words.

08-26-2008, 04:52 PM
Don't worry about it Hadi. PM him back and say that it's not like other hoods it's a damn CARBON FIBER C4 hood!
HE KNOW it is carbon, he sent me 3 PM even the item ended before 3 days i had this PM about my item ! what i have to do if he is in US army,
Ok then let him trade me with one Used BRADLY from US army , I love them :worship: !!woow!

Ron, Item biding finished. i Dont know even where this guy Fom Poland went??:icon_scra , if you see his PM , you think he will send the money the same day and bid on my CF hood! as you said Ron, ppl in Ebay what buy for FREE !:dontknow:

The strange is, the guy have postive feedback 98% !!!

09-10-2008, 04:18 AM
The Reserve reduced ! My CF hood on ebay.:-({|=

09-18-2008, 02:15 PM
Hello Hadi

A great job. I hope to see you next year in Prague on the international Corvette meeting.

Greetings from Switzerland

09-18-2008, 03:40 PM
Hello Hadi

A great job. I hope to see you next year in Prague on the international Corvette meeting.

Greetings from Switzerland
Heyyy Sam , long time ago i dont see you around..
say hello to your wife and family! :wave:
this year i missed the Covette gathering in prague because repaint job i done to my Z. yaa hope to see you next year! :thumbsup:

SAM, i will be in CZ from 30 Sep. ,then maybe i will make a trip with my Z to Switzerland. you can PM me your address if you wish
to meet me there for one day. take care.

Bell Curve
09-18-2008, 05:39 PM
Any normal hoods or high rise ones:confused:

09-18-2008, 08:04 PM
Any normal hoods or high rise ones:confused:
Rise one we do too, if you give me the dimension ,how much of inch it will be rised and the length. but this takes time.
The one i have is Normal one, but then i opend 2 holes in it.

09-18-2008, 09:10 PM
hadi just wanted to say that your hood looks very nice and very fairly priced too . just wish i had extra funds for one .maybe next year after i get situated

10-09-2009, 10:11 PM
Hello guys,
CF hood Special winter price.
i am welling to sell my CF hood, for $1000.
but i am not sure about shipping cost. i must ask!from czech Rep to USA.
let me know if you are serious and want to buy it.
P.S. i will be in czech rep. from 25 Nov. till the 15 Dec. , and this is the only
time i can arrange and ship the hood to.

10-09-2009, 11:48 PM
Hello guys,
CF hood Special winter price.
i am welling to sell my CF hood, for $1000.
but i am not sure about shipping cost. i must ask!from czech Rep to USA.
let me know if you are serious and want to buy it.
P.S. i will be in czech rep. from 25 Nov. till the 15 Dec. , and this is the only
time i can arrange and ship the hood to.

Pm sent

10-10-2009, 01:31 AM
Some times i hate to sell in ebay!! :mrgreen:

Strange PM from ebay member, tell me guys what do you think??:icon_scra

"why dont u sell me that hood for less all of the other hoods u sell are cheeper.im in iraq im a US soldier just think u owe it 2 us for saving you.plus i know it didnt cost that much 2 make.look on ebay they have reg hoods for 200 and realy nice turbo hoods for 750 none of those have shiping over 150.y dont u give back 2 the people that have done so much for you?"

Did you tell the cheap bastard to pi$$ off?

10-10-2009, 03:11 PM
Thanks for guys who sent me PM.
Anyway , I know how Lowest price I made here. No where you can find!
Trust me, i need every $1.00 these days.
I need to restore my Z,and i have many issue i must finish with the car.

The guys who made this hood, is hard to produce the same hood, no time, and his father had health problem during this year.
I have some other stuff of my Car with them ,and I myself haven't got time to visit and talk to them regarding other carbon stuff to produce. :neutral:
My guess , it will be no way to produce the same carbon Hood in near future.
so take this chance if you have $$ for this fair price .
IF the time come and my guys has time ,i will Never sell the same hood less than $2000. i am serious.
the CF and other material goes high price nowadays!!
If i sold MY Hood, some day i will make the same for my Z again.
for any question feel free.