View Full Version : re: Range what number do you get? 90-91 Owners

06-04-2008, 06:40 PM
Ok a quick question if I may. Upon filling up my 91 twice a week and when I say fill it up im the kind of guy that pushes in the extra 2 gallons lol what number to you get for "range"? My highest is 418.

Reason I have to ask is becuase my fathers range on his 1996 LT4 is over 500?:jawdrop: So I have to ask WTF? I know the LT4 is not more fuel efficient than the LT5 and the fuel tank is not larger. Any thoughts out there folks?

06-04-2008, 11:27 PM
I can't tell you the range - But the trip to B.G. down and back I got the following according to the trip meter for avg. fuel economy.
Trip from chicago to B.G - 21.3 MPG
Trip back to Chicago - 23.3MPG

We were doing the speed linit due to sever rain in both directions.

Don Yoakem
91- #267 Dark Red Met.

Paul Workman
06-05-2008, 09:34 AM
On the surface it would appear both cars driven the same would compare very closely. But, looking at it more scientifically, one quickly can identify too many variables at play to draw anything but a general comparision. (e.g., driving habits, terrain, A/F tables, MAP vs. MAF hysteresis, O2 performance characteristics, A/C usage, day/night driving proportions, make and sizes of tires, tire pressure, body style, aerodynamics, weight differences (i.e., that wide butt, wider tires)...etc, etc.)

That said, I seem to recall getting 1 to 1.5+ more mpg with my '95/LT1: "same" displacement & gears, but different tires/sizes (BFG KDs on the LT1 car vs. GY F1/D3s on the Z) etc. But too, the torque curve of the LT1 was such that it would cruise in 6th at 55-60 mph without "lugging" (read: feeling doggy) like I seem to feel the LT5 doing in 6th at those speeds. I find myself running in 5th in the Z until I get above 60 where I didn't w/ the LT1...The LT1 seemed to have more grunt in city traffic conditions and low throttle settings than my LT5 does, specifically between 1500 and 2500 rpm - typical traffic/highway cruising rpm.

According to the (trip) computer...My mileage on a recent trip averaged 27+ w/ cruise, 100% highway speeds of 65-70 and some of it had some "roll" in the terrain. But, after including some stop and go traffic upon destination (day trip to the "House on the Rock" tourist trap;) ) upon return the average was just a bit under 24...23.7, I wanna say. Sounds like it is pretty close to what others are getting for similar driving situations (with I assume the 3.45 gear).

Then too, I expect "RANGE" is somewhat ambiguous compared to actual miles/gallons calculations/comparision.

Daryl...Maybe you two should trade vehicles for a year and compare?:-D


06-05-2008, 01:48 PM
i wonder how precise those electronic doodahs really are?

06-05-2008, 01:50 PM
Im getting a solid 22-24 MPG on the freeway and an easy 20 around town. Beats my 2007 Ford F-150 that gets maybe 14mpg or 9 mpg while towing :jawdrop:

I am sure a lot of factors play into the range as Paul aptly pointed out. I was just wondering what other folks were seeing when they filled up to the top. I also noticed yesterday the range accuracy is rather dubious as my range total stayed the same one the freeway for about 44 miles before it started dropping.

06-05-2008, 02:46 PM
The range is based on reasonably short term economy. Cruise lightly with a full tank, and 25 short term MPG would = 500 miles (25*20) in range. You could have over 500 easily.

06-05-2008, 04:10 PM
i wonder how precise those electronic doodahs really are?
Best approximation based on gas gauge level, injector pulse width averaged over a short interval and recent history. Since these cars' gas gauges drop slowly at first and the last few gallons disappear in an instant, I don't bother looking at the range at all. After a few tanks you'll get the pattern. Just don't try to stretch out the last few gallons to prove a point, the fuel pumps need some liquid to stay cool and happy. I'm always on the lookout for a fuel stop when the gauge nears 1/4 left regardless of range remaining.

06-05-2008, 04:19 PM
Best approximation based on gas gauge level, injector pulse width averaged over a short interval and recent history. Since these cars' gas gauges drop slowly at first and the last few gallons disappear in an instant, I don't bother looking at the range at all. After a few tanks you'll get the pattern. Just don't try to stretch out the last few gallons to prove a point, the fuel pumps need some liquid to stay cool and happy. I'm always on the lookout for a fuel stop when the gauge nears 1/4 left regardless of range remaining.

Well hopefully nobody does unless you enjoy a duel fuel pump install. I usually fill mine up at 1/2 full. I always set the trip odometer just to make sure the float is close and im not having a 40 MPG week ;).

06-05-2008, 09:55 PM
I agree with the above . filling at 1/2 full to keep the pumps i find that the milage is pretty close 1-2tenths off . i other ihave seen 500 on the other indicator but very rarely. my milage with 3.92 gears on the highway is between 23.5 - 25.4 depending on speed . i use the cruize control 80%of the time .

06-07-2008, 10:14 AM
Yea me too on the 1/2 and no less than 1/4 for "time to fill up"....them pumps gotta stay cool.

I must have something wrong with my car....I can't seem to get better than a 20 avg, if i'm lucky.....I think there is something wrong with my right leg ....maybe I should get the paper & pencile out?:redface:

.....or it's the people I cruise with.:icon_scra

06-07-2008, 10:26 AM
Must be that left foot diease every one haves Tom. Remember mines a daily cruiser and at 430am on the way into work the cruise is set for 35 miles at 72mph. As my foot is susecptable to the same diease my mileage always caries lol

06-07-2008, 10:37 AM
Must be that left foot diease every one haves Tom. Remember mines a daily cruiser and at 430am on the way into work the cruise is set for 35 miles at 72mph. As my foot is susecptable to the same diease my mileage always caries lol

:sign10: :sign10: I think I suffer from an overweight condition in one foot, gotta go on a diet!

Actually, our roads are clogged with SUV's & Mini-Vans that cause me to use too much trottle to get around them.......and I'm addicted to the sound of an LT5 @ 5500+ rpms...it's sooooo sweet:mrgreen:

Ya know this is gonna sound really bad......but if I own an vette, gas milage should be the least of my concerns....unless I use it for diagnostic reasons, which I do....sometimes:o

It's a nice day here, so I think I'll go add to the fine air here in the NYC/Metro area....have a nice day Daryl!


We Gone
06-07-2008, 11:01 AM
I can get 28-29 on the big road...but around town 16-17 is the best I can do. 3K rpm shifts sure do sound good..:thumbsup:

Paul Workman
06-07-2008, 12:36 PM
Just don't try to stretch out the last few gallons to prove a point, the fuel pumps need some liquid to stay cool and happy. I'm always on the lookout for a fuel stop when the gauge nears 1/4 left regardless of range remaining.

Good point.:)


06-08-2008, 06:50 AM
I can get 28-29 on the big road...but around town 16-17 is the best I can do. 3K rpm shifts sure do sound good..:thumbsup:

Damn Steve! I get maybe 16 around town....14 is more the norm for me. The only highway driving was when my car was new, to me, less than 10k miles and I took it to BG. I got a bit over 21.....

Oh well I guess I still should go out and practice so I can learn how to drive my car.....think I'll do that today!:mrgreen:

06-08-2008, 11:31 AM
I can get 28-29 on the big road...but around town 16-17 is the best I can do. 3K rpm shifts sure do sound good..:thumbsup:

How fast are you going to get that kind of mileage? Thats awesome :dontknow:

06-09-2008, 07:46 AM
Okay, yesterday's group cruise was a combo of some highway & a lot of back roads with a lot of two lane back road twisties ......it was fun and the run was about 225 miles in total.......now the gas milage figures from the car's DIC:

avg mpg = 16.5, however on the highway with sparse traffic and the car at about, ahem, 85ish the DIC said 24 mpg in 6th......I found my trouble with my gas milage....I like 5th better than 6th, and I truly think my car likes 5th better than 6th.....she just purrs like a fat cat after Sunday's cruise...it always amazes me that the more time an LT5 spends above 3k rpms, the better it seems to run afterwards.


We Gone
06-09-2008, 09:23 PM
How fast are you going to get that kind of mileage? Thats awesome :dontknow:

70 to 75 with long runs of 250+ miles
Only takes a few spirited runs to drop it down to the mid 20s

06-09-2008, 09:46 PM
Filled my 91 today display showed 16.9 mpg average; hand calc 16.78 mpg. Pretty close for a 17 year old car. My short trips to work are what keeps my average down, car does not get warm until almost there(~11miles). On longer trips I useually will see 21-23mpg with the 4.10 geared car and 23-25mpg with 3.92 geared car.

06-09-2008, 11:22 PM
I dont know guys its hard to bitch when the LT5 puts out some respectable gas mileage number and some spirted fun at the same time. Simply put what a great ride!!! Why did I wait so long :D

06-17-2008, 10:07 AM
Best I get around town is something like 14.2.It was in the 13 range before I replaced the chip.I just took a little road trip,it was between 20-22.