View Full Version : CONTEST: What has to come off

06-03-2008, 03:04 AM
To remove the passenger side cam cover?

And yes, I already know the answer.

Submit answers to contest@pnwzr1.com

Correct answers will include everything needed for removal. If there is a tie and somebody submitted an extra part that does not need to be removed, the person with less incorrect items wins.

Winner recieves: Your next years LT5 registry dues paid in full. Or if a new member your first year dues.

06-03-2008, 07:05 AM
Cool Deal!!!:thumbsup:

actually, all anyone needs to do is remove the top from their cross fountain pen and write the check to the ZR-1 tuner of their choice........soooooo, how much Jeff?:mrgreen: :hello:

06-04-2008, 06:44 PM
Cool Deal!!!:thumbsup:

actually, all anyone needs to do is remove the top from their cross fountain pen and write the check :mrgreen: :hello:

Then wait for the bucket of sand.... Yikes :jawdrop:

06-04-2008, 09:36 PM
The first thing that comes off is the shirt.....
Oops, wrong forum...


Zr1 Destroyer
06-06-2008, 07:10 PM
The cap on my beer and Valium bottle...lol!

06-07-2008, 10:48 PM
Contest closed:

With no entries.

06-07-2008, 11:53 PM
Welll...too bad no entries. How about posting the list of items that have to come off? Some are obvious, but are some optional?

06-08-2008, 12:01 AM
Welll...too bad no entries. How about posting the list of items that have to come off? Some are obvious, but are some optional?

Valid question I would have no idea without looking in the manual. But my guess was going to be the front tire and front subfender and inner wheel wheel and possibly the blower motor as its in all in the general area

06-08-2008, 03:30 AM
Looks like the air conditioner condenser box has to come out or at least it has to be moved a few inches away from the cam cover.
I couldn't seen any other way to get the rear most bottom cam bolt cover off.


06-08-2008, 11:30 AM
Valid question I would have no idea without looking in the manual. But my guess was going to be the front tire and front subfender and inner wheel wheel and possibly the blower motor as its in all in the general area

The tire coming off just makes it easier but not necessary. The blower motor does not have to come off either but the cover does. The passenger side was the easier one to remove. I rember what I took off but don't know what you call everything.:o

06-08-2008, 11:38 AM
The tire coming off just makes it easier but not necessary. The blower motor does not have to come off either but the cover does. The passenger side was the easier one to remove. I rember what I took off but don't know what you call everything.:o

Holly crap Bobby you mean the firewall suitcase for the enite ac unit housing?

06-08-2008, 11:43 AM
Holly crap Bobby you mean the firewall suitcase for the enite ac unit housing?

No - just the small cover just adjacent to the cam bolt. If I remember it was just 4 or 5 small screws. Very easy to remove. It's the drivers side that is a PITA. It was hard for me to understand that you had to remove the drivers seat to get to something that was outside of the cockpit:icon_scra

06-08-2008, 11:46 AM
No - just the small cover just adjacent to the cam bolt. If I remember it was just 4 or 5 small screws. Very easy to remove. It's the drivers side that is a PITA. It was hard for me to understand that you had to remove the drivers seat to get to something that was outside of the cockpit:icon_scra

Ill have to look at that area again. Hmm 4 to 5 screw sounds like the blower motor back side. Been there done that

06-08-2008, 11:56 AM
Ill have to look at that area again. Hmm 4 to 5 screw sounds like the blower motor back side. Been there done that

I'm just waiting for Jeff to jump in here (once he gets up) and say what a total idiot I was for tackling something like this with little or no experience. We had quite a few "chats" on the phone regarding the removal of the covers. He might change his mind about helping novice mechanics after working with me He'll have a requirement that states "you must have some knowledge before working on your vehicle".:mrgreen: All kidding aside, without Jeff's help my Z would still be in pieces. He has the patience of a Saint.:handshak:

06-08-2008, 02:52 PM
LOL,no worries Bob. Working on cars takes patience.


1) AC/Heater box cover (held on by 5 screws)
2) Spark plug wires (flop them over the top of plenum)
3) Fuel feed and return lines
4) Remove coolant outlet tube (drain some coolant!)
5) First bolt on injector housing
6) Loosen bolt on alternator
7) Remove Cam cover vent tube
8) Remove 27 bolts from cam cover
9) Pry cam cover up

06-08-2008, 05:48 PM
LOL,no worries Bob. Working on cars takes patience.


1) AC/Heater box cover (held on by 5 screws)
2) Spark plug wires (flop them over the top of plenum)
3) Fuel feed and return lines
4) Remove coolant outlet tube (drain some coolant!)
5) First bolt on injector housing
6) Loosen bolt on alternator
7) Remove Cam cover vent tube
8) Remove 27 bolts from cam cover
9) Pry cam cover up

Ya, that's it......

06-09-2008, 06:45 AM
LOL,no worries Bob. Working on cars takes patience.


1) AC/Heater box cover (held on by 5 screws)
2) Spark plug wires (flop them over the top of plenum)
3) Fuel feed and return lines
4) Remove coolant outlet tube (drain some coolant!)
5) First bolt on injector housing
6) Loosen bolt on alternator
7) Remove Cam cover vent tube
8) Remove 27 bolts from cam cover
9) Pry cam cover up

I give this post.... :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
three thumbs up.
now, my problem is
even with the correct info.
I'd probably lose a screw here or there
but i'd get it off, my main phobia, would
be to re-istall all those parts.
thanks for the great info, Jeff