View Full Version : Samco PVC System Rebuild Kit

05-15-2008, 04:54 PM
Part # 10122198 from White Racing

Anyone tried these? Mine look bad, but wanted to here a good story before spending that much.

05-15-2008, 05:10 PM
i have 1 on the black car i made one for the callaway snat. cost 20 bucks and seems to work better also. just couldnt spend the 200 for one simple piece of rubber . samco or not .price way out of line to me

05-15-2008, 08:40 PM
i have 1 on the black car i made one for the callaway snat. cost 20 bucks and seems to work better also. just couldnt spend the 200 for one simple piece of rubber . samco or not .price way out of line to me
Brad from where you got yours??

05-15-2008, 10:52 PM
i got the last one from a forum member that was clearing out all his zr1 parts . got a set of head gaskets and some other gaskets . also got a c ouple of old mags that had zr1 articles . one had i believe 5 zr1 in different states of mods . that was neat reading about that one . dont get me wrong it nice that someone does these .but..........geeze so hadi , old pal how ya been ??

Zr1 Destroyer
05-16-2008, 12:07 AM
Part # 10122198 from White Racing

Anyone tried these? Mine look bad, but wanted to here a good story before spending that much.
:cool:I had it on my 90....same as factory just a little stiffer.....still had to put zip ties around the base like the factory. Nice looking piece!

05-16-2008, 01:49 AM
I had it on my 90....same as factory just a little stiffer.....still had to put zip ties around the base like the factory. Nice looking piece!
Wouldnt't it be nice to see this piece and other available to Net Registry members? Things like....thermostat housing, PCV hose, crossover coolant tube, breather box hoses....can you guys name som eother hard to get/find parts that would be great to see for members?


05-16-2008, 02:09 AM
Wouldnt't it be nice to see this piece and other available to Net Registry members? Things like....thermostat housing, PCV hose, crossover coolant tube, breather box hoses....can you guys name som eother hard to get/find parts that would be great to see for members?



It'd be great. Like the other guys I have a hard time paying $200 for what should be a $25-$50 part.
I do realize that having something made in the aftermarket is pricey, but honestly, $500+ for a used thermostat housing, $450 for a water pump, $200 for a hose, $350+ for spark plug wires?
Are we crazy?:mad:
Supply and demand sucks.



05-16-2008, 03:44 AM
Some are in it for the passion and the hobby, some in it for the money.
Everyone has the right to ask their price though....

If I had to pay $500 for a small used part Id fire sale the car just to avoid having to get cornholed to get a lousy part. If I have to feel lousy about buying a part I dont want to own that car anymore

Maybe the day of repop stuff will come for the Z. (have my doubts though)
Projected sale/profit vs. cost of mfg. :dontknow: . Doesnt look like it has worked out for one person in particular who has tried it.
Sure would be nice.

Back in the day it was stupid high pricing for junk musclecar parts, now you can flip open a catalog and order literally anything and its pretty reasonable, keeps the hobby fun.

05-16-2008, 08:58 AM
Wouldnt't it be nice to see this piece and other available to Net Registry members? Things like....thermostat housing, PCV hose, crossover coolant tube, breather box hoses....can you guys name som eother hard to get/find parts that would be great to see for members?



"We are not in the parts business" So ..no soup for you Come back in one year... Uly !

Bob G
05-16-2008, 10:44 AM
How about chain tensioners & guide wear strips

05-16-2008, 11:01 AM
How about chain tensioners & guide wear strips

Please see my post above.

05-16-2008, 01:27 PM
Uly,great idea.:thumbsup:

On the other hand if prices for parts keep going up my Z is my retire plan.


05-16-2008, 03:52 PM
Wouldnt't it be nice to see this piece and other available to Net Registry members? Things like....thermostat housing, PCV hose, crossover coolant tube, breather box hoses....can you guys name som eother hard to get/find parts that would be great to see for members?


Great idea, count me in.....

05-18-2008, 08:32 AM
Re: the bottom PCV hose. There is a write up from Mr. Blanchard over @ the mothership in the "how To" section....if I remember correctly.

In keeping with our spirit of self-reliance the plumber in me asks if anyone has a broken OEM hose. I'm asking so that I may have it to use as a template to play around with so as to maybe copy it in copper tube and see if it is possible to make a functional and sweet looking replacement part....I'll return the loaner part undamaged.....I know I could just use mine but then my car would be stuck in the barn where I can't work on it anyway...Co-Op garage contract restrictions.....anyway just a thought.:redface:


forgot this, sorry, I don't want to get into the mfg'ing end, rather I want to come up with something that is easy to assemble & show everyone else how to do it so that you can do your own when the time comes.

05-18-2008, 10:14 AM
i have an unbriken spare that i could let you use if you want . pm me your add ans i will send it to ya