View Full Version : Running rough...

05-29-2005, 10:58 PM
Lately the Z has been hesitating a tad after shifting gears. Today I went to start it and it sounded like a cat was caught in the engine. It ran a few miles to the storage unit, where it proceeded to run smoothly and then suddenly die. I tried restarting several times with the same result. The Service Engine light is on. Could this be a fuel pump problem?

Z Factor
05-30-2005, 12:01 AM
Have you tried running it cold to see of it dies after warming up?

Have you checked your map sensor connection?

05-30-2005, 02:41 PM
At the risk of sounding like a complete dumbass I'm going to have to ask where the map sensor connection is.

Z Factor
05-30-2005, 08:56 PM
At the risk of sounding like a complete dumbass I'm going to have to ask where the map sensor connection is.

There are no dumb questions since we all had to learn at one time. It is right behind the plenum. There is a small space between the firewall and the plenum and the hose connection is there. Typically it gets blown off, but it can also develop a hole/crack. Just take a flashlight and look from the side to see if it is intact and connected. While it might be something else, this common problem is a quick and easy thing to check.


06-06-2005, 04:17 AM
The map sensor connection it was. Thanks.

Z Factor
06-06-2005, 11:48 AM
The map sensor connection it was. Thanks.

My pleasure, Yoda ;)