View Full Version : Quarterly Publication
05-04-2008, 06:53 PM
When I signed up, I was informed there was a quarterly publication for the members. Quarterly means every 3 months? I've been around longer than that. Is there such a thing, when does it come out, and how do I get a copy? Also, as a member, can I download the past issues? Seems I had this same problem with the old LT5 Registry and a certain guy got crucified for not delivering his quarterly publications on time. What's up with this?
05-04-2008, 07:20 PM
Problem is this is a volunteer organization. Volunteers have other things going on, and don't have the time to harp on members to submit content.
When was the last time you submitted anything for the publication?
And yes, the old issues are available in the members section.
05-05-2008, 09:49 PM
Cut the crap, I've heard it all before. Bottom line is the members are paying for things they expect to get, but don't.
05-05-2008, 11:44 PM
Send an email to Ron and Dwight with your complaint, they will be more than happy to assist you in this problem.
05-06-2008, 01:27 AM
Cut the crap, I've heard it all before. Bottom line is the members are paying for things they expect to get, but don't.
You may think you have heard it all, but you have not. You do not speak for me. I am very satisfied with what I "get" from the ZR-1 Net/Registry.
05-06-2008, 02:27 AM
The 1/4's are posted on web
But not many owners sending in info like Dwight, Marc, Jeff
05-13-2008, 02:27 AM
WTF ??? :confused:
05-14-2008, 09:31 PM
When I signed up, I was informed there was a quarterly publication for the members. Quarterly means every 3 months? I've been around longer than that. Is there such a thing, when does it come out, and how do I get a copy? Also, as a member, can I download the past issues? Seems I had this same problem with the old LT5 Registry and a certain guy got crucified for not delivering his quarterly publications on time. What's up with this?
Sorry to read this and wish you had just contacted the Registry.
When I decided to expand the ZR-1 Net into the new ZR-1 Net Registry one issue I had as well was the publications both in timelyness and cost.
That is why I offered the best of both worlds, free access to the electronic copies and free access to every copy from day 1.
These can be access in the "Members Only" section of the web site at: When you joined you were given the login and password to access this site. Once there you have access to download and print all 14 copies. If you need access contact Bill at
Also for those who wanted a hardcopy delivered to their house they have that option as well for a fee that just barely covers the cost of the printing.
Every issue from day 1 is there except the April issue which is late for some reason.
05-15-2008, 07:40 AM
Cut the crap, I've heard it all before. Bottom line is the members are paying for things they expect to get, but don't.
I read you're post, and since i've not had the pleasure of
meeting you in person, I'm assuming you really don't understand,
how the newsletter works.
ALL articles written in the newsletter, are submitted to the registry,
editor, Dwight, for consideration, and approval.
This forum, is an all volunteer publication.
meaning, if the members do not submit, articles, there are none.
Most of us are guilty, of not helping to correct the problem,
myself included. I am in the process of correcting my inactivity.
So, to become part of the solution, and not a part of the problem.
Write an article, take some pictures, tell us about you're car.
A road trip, A modification you've completed. How you found you're car
and why you wanted a ZR1. If ALL of us take time out of our busy life's,
to do this, our editor would be sifting through ton's of articles, and there would be more information, for all of us to share.
Sometimes, ya get a little more with sugar than salt. :dontknow:
p.s. Hi! Mom...missed you at the gathering...
05-15-2008, 10:43 AM
Unfortnately I had to miss the Gathering this year, first one since '95. Was visiting my Son in GA who is going to college there.
I sure did miss everyone but I was watching the NCM video cams. :)
05-23-2008, 06:55 PM
we are a bit behind schedule, but we DO manage to get 4 newsletters out per year, at a very affordable price considering what you get.
unless you sign up for the hard copy, it's not mailed, you just view it online.
now that BG is behind, we'll get cranking to get the next one out which should have been april as you point out.
please DO submit your ZR-1 stories. the newsletter is only as good as those that write for it. I've done my best to keep it interesting and supply plenty of ZR-1 material, please lend a hand.
we'll do our best to keep this on schedule as I totally understand that not getting what you sign up for is never acceptable.
no one pays to be treated badly. we aims to please!;)
05-23-2008, 11:24 PM
Thanks for the response, Ron. Both of us have been around for a long time, and we remember what it was like when the previous registries started falling behind on commitments to the members. I don't mean to be a PITA but I don't want to see all that happen again. We both know that the quarterly publication is not late because someone didn't send in an article. Most of us should do more to submit material, but that is not the reason an issue is late. At the very least we should expect more from those with the Director titles. It doesn't have to be 40 pages every quarter, but it should be on time.
05-26-2008, 08:29 PM
Thanks for the response, Ron. Both of us have been around for a long time, and we remember what it was like when the previous registries started falling behind on commitments to the members. I don't mean to be a PITA but I don't want to see all that happen again. We both know that the quarterly publication is not late because someone didn't send in an article. Most of us should do more to submit material, but that is not the reason an issue is late. At the very least we should expect more from those with the Director titles. It doesn't have to be 40 pages every quarter, but it should be on time.
So Carl, when was the last time you submitted an article?
The current registry is nothing like what Larry ran, or what Clint took and ran into the ground. This is a living breathing entity that is run by it's members. Not just one or two individuals.
Content is one of the big things for putting together a nice issue. You can only reprint the stuff from the old newsletters so many times.
06-02-2008, 12:32 AM
The current registry is nothing like what Larry ran, or what Clint took and ran into the ground. This is a living breathing entity that is run by it's members. Not just one or two individuals.
It's not that different from my perspective. Many of the same "Directors" with the same titles and functions, most doing exactly what they did, or didn't do, all along.
06-09-2008, 07:15 PM
Well having "been around" and member of all but the original ZR-1 Net Registry I disagree.
so here's an example of how we differ
we're putting our money where our mouth is.
for ANYONE (other than board members) who submits an article that is accpeted by the editor, you get either your choice of a free T shirt or Hat. Article can be anything of interest. but no copies of existing stuff please, and please don't waste time on jokes, this is a serious offer so please submit a serious article (although it can be funny, humour is encouraged!)
for the "best article" voted by the board for each newsletter (one per quarter) you get $50 CASH!!!
OK, now, get to writing!!! the club newsletter is only as good as the input, and you only get what you incent so hopefully this will encourage folks to get involved.
it's not too late to make the June Newsletter, but please be prompt. if you miss the cut off for june, don't worry, we'll still award the credits for the next issue so you can't lose.
the ZR-1 Net Registry is a formal corporation NOT run by one person, so no, this time it's different and might I add better. never before did the club give back to the members and offer as much for as little. so I am not being to biased as I think most would agree.
thanks for the feedback, please let me know if you have any questions.
please submit your articles!
06-09-2008, 11:31 PM
I have submitted an article that was broken into two. This was the windshield replacement article. Never heard about a t-shirt or hat. Don't tell me, it didn't start until after I submitted mine right? Well I didn't submit the article for a reward, but maybe it will help others to submit.
OK Here goes, below are other items that I feel need to be adressed:
The financial page has not been updated since 3/03/2006 and the Bylaws state that it will be updated quarterly on the website and in the Newsletter. I have been here over two years now and have not seen an update. According to an email I recieved from Dan, there was almost twice the amount of money in the pot as that statement shows.
I understand the Treasurer has been replaced. Nothing was posted in this Forum or the Webpage soliciting a new treasurer or keeping us updated on the appointment.
There was to have been a "Regular yearly business meeting" at the Gathering, according to the Bylaws. Did this take place? What was talked about (agenda)? What was decided? It would be nice to see some posted minutes of this meeting if it was held.
I think the Club Bylaws should be available on the General Website to all those frequenting the Net Registry, not just the members. At least everyone will know the who, what, when, where and why of the ZR-1 Net Registry.
I think the Registry Board of Directors should be reimbursed for attending any required function. At present the only required function I can think of is the Annual gathering.
That's it for now.
06-10-2008, 10:44 PM
Sounds like this stuff is being made up as we go along. It also sounds like there are a lot of things not being attended to. Tell me again what's so different compared to the last time???? OK, there haven't been any upside-down LT5 photos printed. Don't tell me the difference is about article bonuses, because there are other things that need attention, too. Find out who's running the ship, I think I see an iceburg.
06-10-2008, 11:26 PM
One of the best things about the registry is the ability to voice your opinion and not get banned. This is great and I hope we all can appreciate this privilege.
06-11-2008, 04:51 AM
One of the best things about the registry is the ability to voice your opinion and not get banned. This is great and I hope we all can appreciate this privilege.
You're absolutely right about that. I certainly appreciate it. A little more activity on this site by the Board would be very nice.
See ya in Battleground.
06-13-2008, 02:25 PM
Hi John,
Even though I'm not running the club anymore or on the board I'll pass along my feelings since I was the one who originally set this club up.
This forum is open to the public. I don't feel items like the bylaws, finanical reports or club business should be made public.
I do feel this info should be made available to the "Registry Members" either on the Registery Member Only potion of the web site or using the clubs email.
I have submitted an article that was broken into two. This was the windshield replacement article. Never heard about a t-shirt or hat. Don't tell me, it didn't start until after I submitted mine right? Well I didn't submit the article for a reward, but maybe it will help others to submit.
OK Here goes, below are other items that I feel need to be adressed:
The financial page has not been updated since 3/03/2006 and the Bylaws state that it will be updated quarterly on the website and in the Newsletter. I have been here over two years now and have not seen an update. According to an email I recieved from Dan, there was almost twice the amount of money in the pot as that statement shows.
I understand the Treasurer has been replaced. Nothing was posted in this Forum or the Webpage soliciting a new treasurer or keeping us updated on the appointment.
There was to have been a "Regular yearly business meeting" at the Gathering, according to the Bylaws. Did this take place? What was talked about (agenda)? What was decided? It would be nice to see some posted minutes of this meeting if it was held.
I think the Club Bylaws should be available on the General Website to all those frequenting the Net Registry, not just the members. At least everyone will know the who, what, when, where and why of the ZR-1 Net Registry.
I think the Registry Board of Directors should be reimbursed for attending any required function. At present the only required function I can think of is the Annual gathering.That's it for now.
06-13-2008, 03:57 PM
Hi John,
Even though I'm not running the club anymore or on the board I'll pass along my feelings since I was the one who originally set this club up.
This forum is open to the public. I don't feel items like the bylaws, finanical reports or club business should be made public.
I do feel this info should be made available to the "Registry Members" either on the Registery Member Only potion of the web site or using the clubs email.
Hello to you too Dave. Nice to see you posting.
I was only talking about the Bylaws being on the website. They are, after all, public information and should be available upon request. But why make it that hard or even charge anyone to see them (membership). I mean, there are no advantages or disadvantages to having access to the Bylaws. It might help to be more open about these things and could possibly generate more interest in joining the club as a member.
I guess my big point here is I am a member of the Registry and would like to see more information being passed on to the general membership. Right now I feel like this is a closed little club and you have to know someone to find anything out.
To me, all meetings should have agendas published and minutes posted afterwards. This is the way you get involvement from the general membership.
All this, or course is only my 2 cents worth and I'm glad I won't be banned from this Forum for stating them.
06-13-2008, 05:26 PM
Hello to you too Dave. Nice to see you posting.
I was only talking about the Bylaws being on the website. They are, after all, public information and should be available upon request. But why make it that hard or even charge anyone to see them (membership). I mean, there are no advantages or disadvantages to having access to the Bylaws. It might help to be more open about these things and could possibly generate more interest in joining the club as a member.
I guess my big point here is I am a member of the Registry and would like to see more information being passed on to the general membership. Right now I feel like this is a closed little club and you have to know someone to find anything out.
To me, all meetings should have agendas published and minutes posted afterwards. This is the way you get involvement from the general membership.
All this, or course is only my 2 cents worth and I'm glad I won't be banned from this Forum for stating them.
Hi John,
You are correct the bylaws are not secret in nature. Just my opinion that the laws since they apply to ZR-1 Net Members I see no real purpose or why the rest of the world would even care. Again like you my $.02.
As far as the club being more open I agree. There's nothing to hide and the club belongs to the members not anyone individual. I also don't believe anyone is hiding anything on purpose. In truth there really isn't much going on.
The purpose of the newsletter is to let every one know what's going on as well as the web site and thru email.
This forum as well, however the original intent of this forum was to act as a public place for all to meet and greet. So you have members as well as non-members posting.
What makes this or any club a great club is for all to participate but the truth of the matter is only a small percetnage actually do. 80% of the work is done by 20% of the members and nobody gets paid for doing it which is not a bad thing. :)
Nobody gets ban for an honest opinion. =D>
06-17-2008, 10:01 PM
Since one of the purposes of this site is to solicit new members (since there is application information on the site), it may be of interest, not just to existing but prospective members, to know what the By-Laws are. Are they available anywhere on this site? I saw a page that listed the 8 Board Members, but is there a list anywhere of all the Directors of this club? I'm really curious how many people accepted officer positions in this club who should feel responsible for its success by doing things like contributing news articles, while at the same time a member from one state takes crap from the director of another state.
06-17-2008, 11:05 PM
In my old and feeble mind I am having a tough time trying to figure out what these members want. Do you want a copy of the By-Laws? Do you need the financial sheets? Do you feel "left out" because you are not on the Board of Directors or hold office? This organization is not some large corporation. It is a bunch of great guys and gals that care an awful lot about the Z's and are willing to share their thoughts and opinions.
When I got my Z, I felt that I needed the companionship and knowledge of other Z owners. I found that here. The articles in the publication have given me many insights to my Z. I really don't care if there is only one issue a year or four. Just keep feeding me information. I have not sent anything in to be published because I lack the knowledge regarding the tech issues of our cars. I can make a fool of myself in much easier ways:mrgreen: .
Over the last fews months, I have seen many of the members get together in their own areas. This is something that this organization has done to promote our hobby. That is what this organization is about. I don't think that By-Laws, Directors, etc. has anything to do with what we want from this site. You can see down below that I am the "Minnesota State Director". What does that mean? Well, nobody ever stepped forward and took the position so I figured what the heck. Can't be too many responsibilities. And I was right. All I do is take my Z to shows and cruises and brag about our cars. I pass out the NetRegistry cards and talk to people about our fine organization. I contact people that I know have brought Z's to MN and try to get them to join. Is that enough to be know as MN Director? I hope so because that is all that I can do for our hobby.
I'm sure that our President and the Board does everything in its power to keep this organization floating. It has to be a challege to them to plan the events, finding articles for the publication, and the various other items that need attention. I'm sure their full time jobs keep them pretty busy during their everyday things. The President's pay probably is very big:mrgreen: for the grief that he has to put up with.
Ok, I'm done rambling. I just had to get this off my chest.
Thank you Mr. President and the Board. To me, you all are doing a fine job keeping the ZR-1"s on the map.............Keep up the good work:handshak:
06-18-2008, 12:45 AM
The thought has been bouncing around in my head, why not repeat some of the old regitry news letter information after all there are a bunch of new Z owners that have not seen all the old articles. That includes me.
I am not suggesting we republish the news letter information available on this site but from the days before the current version of the news letter assuming of course that information is available.
As a member I am looking forward to the Pacific NW ZR1 gathering at Jeff Flints place which is supported by the National ZR1 Net Registry. These events are the heart of the organization to me.
I may even make the Los Vegas gathering in September another ZR1 Net Registry supported event.
06-18-2008, 02:50 AM
Since one of the purposes of this site is to solicit new members (since there is application information on the site), it may be of interest, not just to existing but prospective members, to know what the By-Laws are. Are they available anywhere on this site?
Carl, here are the bylaws for you to browse at your convenience. They are located here, and you must be a member to see them.
I saw a page that listed the 8 Board Members, but is there a list anywhere of all the Directors of this club?
Here you go once again. Browse at your convenience.
I'm really curious how many people accepted officer positions in this club who should feel responsible for its success by doing things like contributing news articles.
Let's go through the list of who they are and what I know they do.
Ron Kreigh - Pres - He does plenty.
Ron Hanselman - VP - Vegas event.
Mim Petersen - Secretary - I see her at a few races but don't talk registry with her.
David Johnson - Treasurer - He just accepted this pos. He has done plenty of organizing for Carlisle and some products forr registry members.
Uly Uplinger - Vegas events for the past three years.
Bill Hedberg - Membership Director - Busy man as well, sending out member packets, answering questions and keeping things in order. Thank goodenss he's retired.
Chris Gilliand - Race/NCM director - NCRS guy, helps in setting up special displays has hosted a SE event in Birmingham
Dwight Eickmeier - Editor - A guy who gets no credit. Creates, edits the newsletter, begs for material, re-uses old material, is at almost all major events. Probably one of the biggest LT5/ZR-1 supporters.
The board of directors should not be filling out articles for the newsletter, unless it is just an brief update on what is going on....
while at the same time a member from one state takes crap from the director of another state.
Sorry if you feel that way Carl. But the only posts that I can vividly remember from you are complaints. Complaints about signing up, complaints about the newsletter, complaints about the password.
06-18-2008, 02:54 AM
The thought has been bouncing around in my head, why not repeat some of the old regitry news letter information after all there are a bunch of new Z owners that have not seen all the old articles. That includes me.
I am not suggesting we republish the news letter information available on this site but from the days before the current version of the news letter assuming of course that information is available.
As a member I am looking forward to the Pacific NW ZR1 gathering at Jeff Flints place which is supported by the National ZR1 Net Registry. These events are the heart of the organization to me.
I may even make the Los Vegas gathering in September another ZR1 Net Registry supported event.
Doug, look forward to seeing you and Velma again. You are right, the heart of the registry is the events.
06-18-2008, 07:56 AM
thanks for the support guys. for me personally, there are always challenges and keeping up with the demands of a busy job, family and the club sometimes suffers as I don't have as much spare time as I need to keep on top of the many issues.
clearly, as everyone stated, in this type of club you "get out of it" what you "put into it" it's pure volunteer, and we do it for the love of the
ZR-1 and getting together with good friends, sharing experiences, and yes, helping each other!!
that being said, in many cases our "deliverables" and administrative support has slipped a bit. in the case of the newsletter, I write up quite a few articles, but I REALLY need your help.
stories about cruises, what you enjoy about the car, something you fixed, ideas, challenges, experiences, anything. don't be embarrassed!
I am calling for help from our directors and board too.
we're trying hard to get the newsletter out, but still short of content.
I'll write up more, but I could use a hand. please don't hesitate to write up something about a local meet, cruise spot, or just one of your experiences enjoying the car (why you like it, challenges, ect...)
sharing experiences is what the club is truely about!!
I want to thank everyone who works hard to continue this fine organization.
much of it happens behind the scenes, alot of effort is put into running the club, and we don't make a penny.
financially, the club is doing better than ever! none of us profit from that, the club members do. we sponsor the major events, and also encourage local events to step up and ask for funding too. that's what it's there for!
this site and the members are a source of info and assistance to keep their cars running, get better performance, and keep them on the road.
as parts become more scarce and are discontinued, used parts are the only source sometimes, or creatively making new ones, which makes the club even more inportant to scrounge up what you need.
many times we encourage vendors to make or recondition discontinued parts, and the "buying power" of a large group of members is the only thing that will make that happen.
thanks for your support. and keep those complaints coming too. they are the breakfast I feed on to make improvements, and yes, fess up to where we are "under performing" as can happen from time to time.
but with the complaint, please offer suggestions and help. as the Prez, I do my best to heard the cats and I have alot of help. but the more you get involved to make the club better, the easier it becomes and the better the overall club is. two words. get involved. this type of organization depends on it.
thanks for listening.:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :D
Z Factor
06-18-2008, 12:14 PM
One of the best things about the registry is the ability to voice your opinion and not get banned. This is great and I hope we all can appreciate this privilege.
Indeed, and any complaint or criticism done in a civil manner will always have a place on the forum. Other than spammers, no one has ever been banned from the forum, and I hope to keep it that way.
This particular section of the forum serves several purposes, and members inquiries or suggestions about the club are also welcome. The feedback from members allows the board and directors to better understand the needs and desires of the membership.
06-19-2008, 12:37 AM
Jeff, thanks for the links, and Ron - excellent post - good job.
06-21-2008, 02:20 PM
Sounds like this stuff is being made up as we go along. It also sounds like there are a lot of things not being attended to. Tell me again what's so different compared to the last time???? OK, there haven't been any upside-down LT5 photos printed. Don't tell me the difference is about article bonuses, because there are other things that need attention, too. Find out who's running the ship, I think I see an iceburg.
This is my favorite post from this whole thread!=D>
I haven't been onto this forum in a while, so I wasn't aware of this thread.
Carl - if you have some specific complaints about the job I'm doing as editor of the newsletter, please feel free to email me and I'll send you my phone number and we can chat about it on the phone.
Let me first answer the question above - I'm the one running the "ship", and I don't think I've run it into an iceberg (as opposed to an iceburg which I can only assume is a new burger at McDonalds with ice chips on top of the meat).
The second issue of the newsletter is indeed delayed, and there is good reason for this. It isn't actually because I'm sitting around on my *** doing is actually due to the fact that there is very little content being submitted to me for to insert into the publication. That's right, I said it Carl, without content from our members, there can be no newsletter.
I strive for excellence in everything I do, and I refuse to allow our newsletter to degenerate into a magazine that reprints outdated material from old publications as its only content. If people want to read the old articles, they can be scanned in online - that is NOT what the purpose of our publication is to be. This newsletter is to be the voice of its members and it is to be current.
At this point I wish to thank Hib Halverson, Marc Haibeck, Ron Kreigh and Jeff Flint for their tireless efforts to provide me with content for the newsletter. All four of these guys work full time and do not have extra time to spare to repeatedly produce articles for our newsletter. Hib is a professional writer, and is constantly on the road. He allows his professional articles to be printed in our little publication - it is truly a wonderful thing!
Marc Haibeck is a tuner who always makes a big effort to produce at least a short article that is a technical article on a new topic. He is a very busy man and yet he still finds time in his busy schedule to bring us fresh content.
Jeff Flint is busy starting his new business, yet he always finds time to motivate the northwest members to produce articles on the events up there as well as technical articles on projects he completes for his customers (no easy feat taking photos while working to earn a buck!).
Ron Kreigh is our fearless leader - the amount of time and effort he puts into this club is ridiculous to say the least. Just look how many posts he has made in this thread alone. Ron ALWAYS steps up to bat for me when content is light. Ron constantly writes articles for the newsletter. Ron also has a family and works very hard at his full time job. Without Ron's efforts, this club would not exist today.
Also - Dave Bright still helps with the final publication of the newsletter, even though he is not officially a board member - he is the president emeritus!
I know to some it may seem like the newsletter is an amateurish publication, but you'd be surprised to know, that it actually takes a lot of effort to assemble this magazine. As editor, my job (and I take it seriously) is to assemble all the submissions, edit the content for grammatical errors as well as syntax and punctuation. Additionally, I have to assess the photos, organize them and put these two together into an esthetically pleasing format for publication. Also - all advertisements must be updated and any classified ads must be inserted. This process is a solid 20 evenings of my time, and usually one weekend too. This does NOT include when I write an article myself (which I try not to do, as I want this newsletter to be a voice of you guys, not something that is my own personal pulpit). I try to make my article on the same quality as Hib's articles - but I don't do this for a living, and it takes time! Hib is good at what he does!
So - at a minimum, it takes 30 days to assemble a newsletter, but this can double or triple or quadruple when waiting for content and when composing content of my own (as I did for this issue).
John Boyd indicated he sent in an article that was split from last issue - that information is continued in this issue. John - sometimes I have to split the article if it arrives midstream in the assembly process of the newsletter - don't worry - it'll all get out there! I'm also sure a shirt and hat can be sent your way for your contribution!
Please - everyone - know that I realize I volunteered for this job, and that doesn't excuse me from doing a first rate job! I am working hard to produce a very high quality newsletter for you all to enjoy. I implore you - please send in anything that could be published in our newsletter! I will accept any content! It can be about how you bought your car, a cruise you took, your other toys, your bikes/trucks/cars, your family, your local event.......anything! It can be about how you live on an island where the speed limit is 25 mph and you now only shine the car and it gleams brighter than the sun! :-D I would love to have a backlog of articles to choose from for your enjoyment!
I also have good news! I'm just finishing up the current newsletter as we speak! It should be printing next week! :dancing Due to the help of some of the members on the listserve, I have recently also gotten a few entries that will allow me to produce the third issue within a month or so! Hopefully by August the 3rd issue will be in print as well.
Finally - if anyone wants to discuss the newsletter with me - just email me! We can chat it out!:blahblah: I love to talk cars and I'm committed to our group and to the newsletter itself. I'm really happy to see that you guys like the newsletter and that you're enjoying it - it has been a personal labor of love for me!
Carl - how are you doing these days? I haven't seen you since Carlisle 02! Here's a trip down memory lane for ya:
How is Lissa? You guys enjoying Florida? Say hello for me!
Take it easy guys!
06-21-2008, 08:07 PM
Nice to see you posting over here. Your points are well taken and your work is very much appreciated. I always look forward to the publication.
I am curious what it would take to re-publish some of the old articles. I'll bet there is a lot of stuff us new guys would like to read about from those old articles. I'm not talking about filling the HOTB with old stuff now, just selected articles that would be of interest.
As far as my article being published, when I sent it in it was trying to help out with content. I thought, this will never fly, replacing a windshield, jeez, how boring, nowbody will want to hear about this. Thanks a lot for that.
And I was being sarcastic about the hat and shirt (you do know what sarcasm is don't you ?? LOL), I didn't send that article in to get anything and as I mentioned, maybe that will help with submittals.
Thanks again for posting here and thanks to rest of you for posting too.
06-21-2008, 11:07 PM
NOBODY (ESPECAILLY ME!) is taking shots at those who are keeping on top of things (Jeff, Marc, and all those you mentioned), I'm concerned about things like this:
The Editor shall be in charge of the quarterly publication and all special publications of the ZR-1 Net Registry newsletter, this quarterly newsletter shall be made available to the ZR-1 Net Registry members both in hardcopy (at extra cost) and to the ZR-1 Net Registry web site as an electronic file for downloading. The Editor shall solicit articles from all Regional Directors and club members for publication in the quarterly newsletter. The Editor may edit articles as necessary but not to the extent the article loses its intent or meaning. The Editor shall determine that articles relevant to club business or proposals are written in a manner which displays no malice toward others. The Editor has the authority to accept or reject any article for publication. The Editor may appoint an assistant to share the duties of the position. Publication will be best effort possible. Newsletters will be mailed the first week of January, first week of April, first week of July and the first week of October. The editor has the option if required to publish additional newsletters during the year.
The first week of April was quite some time ago. If you are short of material, the officers need to demand more from their loyal Director level subjects, not criticize the members. I really don't know, and how could I, if you are short on material to publish or just not getting your job done. I suspect you are doing what you can, but obviously I do not know what is going on.
As for other duties, why are the financial details so out of date? This statement is over TWO YEARS OLD (from the current web site)>
Registry Financial Statement
Last update 03/03/2006
Treasurers Report
I take a great deal of pride and pleasure in presenting the financial status report to the membership of the ZR1 Net Registry. Since the creation of the Registry we have been very busy building the fiscal infrastructure necessary to support our organization.
I am happy to report that we have been quite successful. However, this success can only be attributed to the hard work of the volunteers who hold administrative positions in the organization and the members who have had faith in this organization via their financial support.
Allow me to highlight a few of our financial related activities: are now incorporated in the State of New Hampshire as a non profit entity. December, our organization was conditionally granted 501c(7) tax exempt status. We are in the process of filing the IRS paperwork for “confirmed†approval and should have that accomplished within the next few months. have implemented a fully functional accounting system (QuickBooks) complete with receipt and invoice capabilities. have established systems to accept payments of various forms- including those from personal checks, credit cards and Pay Pal. This indeed makes it very convenient for our members to join and purchase items. this point most of our major expenses have been made. We are in a very sound
financial position as we enter the time of year when most of our activities will take place. financial activities of the Registry from inception to December 31, 2005 are reflected on the accompanying statement.
Respectfully Submitted,
ZR-1 Net RegistryStatement of Revenues and ExpensesJanuary 1, 2005 - December 31, 2005
************************************************** *******************
>>>>> SNIP< as the details do not need to be published here<<<<<<
2005 !!!! You get the point!!!!!!!!!
You guys need to re-evaluate this situation. You need officers who will work for your club, not a group of members who just happen to have the coolest ZR-1s.
Oh, Kurt, the pics were interesting. I know if I wasn't out there (and Kevin) chasing the "other" cars from between the Kerbeck tent and our tent, half of you guys wouldn't have had a plce to park!!
06-22-2008, 01:30 AM
I really don't know, and how could I, if you are short on material to publish or just not getting your job done.
You would know because I am constantly requesting material in my letter from the editor in each issue. You would also see me posting on the Corvette forum and the listserve that I need more material. This isn't something new, it has been going on for quite a few years now.
Oh, Kurt, the pics were interesting. I know if I wasn't out there (and Kevin) chasing the "other" cars from between the Kerbeck tent and our tent, half of you guys wouldn't have had a plce to park!!
A) My name isn't Kurt. Maybe you should check your issue of the HOTB to see what it is.:jawdrop:
B) Did you really just pat yourself on the back for an event from 5 years ago?
What our club wants is members who are interested in helping the club prosper. It is very simple - if members don't send in material, there will not be a newsletter. Anyone who paid for a hard copy will get a refund.
I'm going to try to ignore some of the more insulting comments in this thread because I know that most members appreciate the efforts I put into this newsletter and I won't let one bad apple spoil the bunch.
In the future - please offer solutions, not a litany of problems you see. Remember - the directors are not paid for their efforts, and neither are they chosen based on their cool cars - they are elected by the members. If you want to make a difference, feel free to run for office. If you are severely disappointed in how the club continues to run its affairs, feel free not to rejoin.:hello:
06-23-2008, 09:38 PM
Well the next issue has come out and it sure has some neat info in it. Wish I could have been at BG this year. Lotsa artillary came out.
06-24-2008, 09:12 PM
Well the next issue has come out and it sure has some neat info in it.
And what a great article about last year's West Coast Gathering in Las Vegas!
Oh wait, that was mine!
Lets see some interest in another Las Vegas GTG end of Sept. 2008. We just need to work out the details........
Thanks Dwight! Great Pics!
flyin ryan
06-27-2008, 01:31 AM
i loved the info & pictures of the phase 2 LT-5=D>, can't get enough of that stuff.
06-28-2008, 05:21 PM
great job on the newsletter, I sent out a message to all the board, regional, state, and country directors in the hopes of stimulating more interesting content.
the current newsletter is up for viewing and it has some of the most interesting highlights of BG!! it really was a special event and had some of the best new development in a long time.
have a look, I think you will be pleased.
keep up the good work, and thanks for all your efforts to keep the newsletter such a high quality publication. it not only looks great and has some very interesting news, it's consistently got info that cannot be found ANYWHERE else
also folks, keep an eye out for next months Corvette Enthusiast
Chris Chessnoe, my counterpart on the Callaway Owners group assembled 7 supervettes, 4 Callaways, and 3 ZR-1s. we drove through the country and switched cars every 20 or so miles until each of us had driven all the cars. we all wrote our impressions. it was quite a blast! a very interesting event to drive all these rare cars which will go down in corvette history thorugh some great back roads of VA
I won't soon forget it. If you like, after it's published I'll do some additional photos and follow up news.
in another breaking event, the ZR-1 "mother lode" has been found. A small shop in Ok City area, which was previously largely "unknown" to anyone except the locals, has quite a stash of interesting LT5s, info, and memorabilia. The registry will be stepping up to not only do a news story on it, but to preserve much of this rare and historically important info
stay tuned!! this really is an "LT5 gold mine"
06-28-2008, 05:40 PM
the current newsletter is up for viewing and it has some of the most interesting highlights of BG!! it really was a special event and had some of the best new development in a long time.
have a look, I think you will be pleased.
keep up the good work, and thanks for all your efforts to keep the newsletter such a high quality publication. it not only looks great and has some very interesting news, it's consistently got info that cannot be found ANYWHERE else
As always the newsletter looks good. I've already submitted an article for Dwight for the next one. Hopefully others will submit and we can get a nice thick issue out in short order.
07-30-2008, 11:04 AM
I received my copy in the mail this week and Just wanted to say have just read it cover to cover. I haven't been able to do as much this year as I'd like to with the ZR-1, what with wedding plans and everything so it was great to get a great bunch of info and articles.
Thanks to everyone concerned. :thumbsup:
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