04-06-2008, 03:16 PM
The weather gods smiled upon us and the event went with beautiful weather and a great turnout... loads of cars and HP. Dyno shoot, Peoples Choice etc etc. Two of the brethern showed up to show two fine examples of the ZR-1...
Here is Phil's ZR with mine (the hood anyway) in the background>>
and the opposite view of my ZR and Phil's (ZR) butt>>>
I have to say..being my first time showing a ZR there is a LOT of interest in the car and SO many could not believe GM made a car with the beautiful LT5 (some even said had to be a modded car :???: ) and when they saw that these cars were both early 90 models the expression was...one of :worship: .
Anyway had fun, got my first sun burn of the car show season and look forward to the next event and hopefully more ZRs...
Here is Phil's ZR with mine (the hood anyway) in the background>>
and the opposite view of my ZR and Phil's (ZR) butt>>>
I have to say..being my first time showing a ZR there is a LOT of interest in the car and SO many could not believe GM made a car with the beautiful LT5 (some even said had to be a modded car :???: ) and when they saw that these cars were both early 90 models the expression was...one of :worship: .
Anyway had fun, got my first sun burn of the car show season and look forward to the next event and hopefully more ZRs...