View Full Version : I need performance Camshafts. not regrinded!

04-05-2008, 11:31 PM
I need performance Camshafts. not regrinded! any one where to get?
i dont want big cams, need just mild cams.:icon_scra
something for 427 cid.

04-05-2008, 11:47 PM
Hadi, Good Luck on that one.
Where were you when i was selling the SGC Stage II's .237 .440

My question is,why not regrinds,for the price they work i just took out a set of regrinds after about 6k miles and still look new.

With a stock regrind you can go as big as .239 .440


04-06-2008, 01:12 AM
hadi i agree , pete is very knowledgeable on thee cars . he may even know where to get a good guy to do it for you . or are you into virgins:o

04-06-2008, 05:45 AM
. or are you into virgins:o
in machines better virgins! but in chicks,Regrind one is better, experience...and make you feel happy!
Ask RON he know it. http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p183/hadi-zr1/rofl-1.gif

before year ago i spoke to much with Areon reagrding cams...,
he told me he wanted to bulid me (big virgin cams) which cost $4000. maybe its stage lll .
this is where we start speaking about complete 427 cid kit.

i heard bad thing about regrind Lt5 cams. :icon_scra
its hard for me to send cams,and wait...! you know...
if you have good cams,which can be good for 350 too, or good source?

Q 1: what did you do you do with your regrind cams?
Q 2: why you bought stage ll ,when you dont wanted fix them? can i know.

04-06-2008, 01:13 PM
before year ago i spoke to much with Areon reagrding cams...,
he told me he wanted to bulid me (big virgin cams) which cost $4000. maybe its stage lll .
this is where we start speaking about complete 427 cid kit.

i heard bad thing about regrind Lt5 cams. :icon_scra
its hard for me to send cams,and wait...! you know...
if you have good cams,which can be good for 350 too, or good source?

Q 1: what did you do you do with your regrind cams?
Q 2: why you bought stage ll ,when you dont wanted fix them? can i know.

A 1: I have regrinds in my Z as we speak have been in my car for
over year, a few friends have regrinds in there Z's all four Z's are
doing just fine the auto 421 runs 10's has regrinds.:)

A 2: At the time (3or4 years ago) the regrinds had not been tested after
testing and prooved themselfs the SGC's went up for sale/sold.:)


04-07-2008, 01:09 PM
What is an average cost one might expect for a set of 350 re-grinds?

04-07-2008, 01:30 PM
What is an average cost one might expect for a set of 350 re-grinds?

For the regrinds that have prooven to work are a bit pricey.
To regrind your stock cams $1500 In.& Ex. worth 15-20 HP
