View Full Version : Scottsdale Arizona Pavillions Sat 29 Mar

03-21-2008, 11:07 PM
Hey any chance of getting a few ZR-1s together about 1pm on Saturday the 29th. Phil and Fred can you make it before the weather gets hot again. RubyZ sent you a PM as well. Im bringin my dad and his 96 CE along as well. Daryll GC !

03-22-2008, 03:17 AM
So far Bob Aka Digital Disaster driving a 96 GS with the DRM 480 package is coming, My ftaher is bringing his 96 CE, Fred is bringing one of his many ZR-1s and Im going. Hopefully Phil will show and bring his Haibeck 500 special. Dont worry photos to follow after the GTG.


03-22-2008, 05:11 PM
Thanks for the invite. Don't know if I'll be able to make it this time but will get there eventually! So once it starts getting hot, does the event die down?


03-29-2008, 12:08 AM
That's Tomorrow
Get out the dusters & Drive it SPIRITED
To Rock & Roll McDonalds(Pavillions)
They sell 100 Octane Unleaded next Door at Union 76 to boost up our 91 octane

03-29-2008, 01:26 AM
That's Tomorrow
Get out the dusters & Drive it SPIRITED
To Rock & Roll McDonalds(Pavillions)
They sell 100 Octane Unleaded next Door at Union 76 to boost up our 91 octane

leaving the house at 1pm Pops coming with me in th 96 CE, Fred will be there at 33o. Bob canceled. 100 Octane!! wow

03-30-2008, 02:20 AM
GC & Fred
Nice to see you & your family's
Weather was perfect, all the usual suspects at Rock & Roll McDonalds
Please post some pics
Lets do it again
I guess I upset 1 lady with the 6500 rev from Haibeck, Oh well
She wont be back

03-30-2008, 01:15 PM
Hey Phil yeah it was pretty nice. I will post a few tonight!! I wish I was there went that happened but was chasing down a soda with my son at that moment lol. Great time!!!:)

03-30-2008, 02:00 PM
Ok here are only the few pics I took. Only 6 C4s total were at the show. Most Corvettes were either C5s and C6s. Our little C4 GTG has 3 ZR-1s(Fred,Daryll and Phil) represented, 1 96 CE LT4 (brought by my father Herb) and an LT1 and another LT4.
We were on our own row next to about 12 67-69 Camaros. I was susrpised to see only a couple of C3s and C2s

Phils Motor back From Haibecks!!

A view of Freds 90, My Fathers 96 and My 91

A Sideby View of Mine and pops car

A before the show pic

From the Rear same place

03-30-2008, 11:40 PM
Thanks for the pics
Lets do it again
Then maybe cocktails at my place

03-31-2008, 12:16 AM
GC & Fred
Nice to see you & your family's
Weather was perfect, all the usual suspects at Rock & Roll McDonalds
Please post some pics
Lets do it again
I guess I upset 1 lady with the 6500 rev from Haibeck, Oh well
She wont be back

That was great, VERY impressed with your car. I wish I had a video of that, you literally almost blew her off her chair. Boy, was she pissed! It almost sounded like a sonic boom! I can't believe those Corsas were so quite at idle and .5 seconds later...... I had a great time, and I think my wife did too. As usual, it was great to see Daryll and family.

flyin ryan
03-31-2008, 11:44 PM
nice pics, thanks for posting:thumbsup: