View Full Version : More CF Nazis

03-19-2008, 03:09 PM
FastZR1 asked a simple question in the CF ZR-1 section wondering where Jeffvette was.

Not only did a MOD moved the thread, but when ZRWON asked a follow up thread the "Administrator" himself locked the thread and even deleted a posting that I had made.

CF is P--ING me OFF!!!!! :mad:


03-19-2008, 03:39 PM
FastZR1 asked a simple question in the CF ZR-1 section wondering where Jeffvette was.

Not only did a MOD moved the thread, but when ZRWON asked a follow up thread the "Administrator" himself locked the thread and even deleted a posting that I had made.

CF is P--ING me OFF!!!!! :mad:


Must of missed my post ;) http://www.zr1netregistry.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5242

03-19-2008, 08:48 PM
Yea ya beat me to it! ;)

Now I can :censored: about CF in two threads!