View Full Version : Emblem color

03-19-2008, 08:35 AM
I've got a 92 ZR-1, blk/blk #193. The hood emblem is getting faded and I wanted to replace it. The one on the car has a chrome circle to it. I ordered a replacement, and it came in black. Which is the proper stock one for this car? :confused: If needed, I can post pics later tonight.

03-19-2008, 09:11 AM
Black is the proper one according to NCRS, but I bet the chrome ones look better :-)

Paul Workman
03-19-2008, 07:00 PM
I got mine here at Mid America, but you might check eBay as well. However, someone said the eBay ones were plastic. The ones I got from MA were metal and top notch (read: Beautiful!)

Here's a link for the gas door...


And here's a link for the hood


From 91 on the bowtie was on a black background. Prior to that and it was on a red background.

Hope these links at least provide the info you're looking for.


03-19-2008, 08:45 PM
Go to your local chevy dealer - Some of these emblems are still avail. thru the vintage program. I got a rear one for my 91. Very resonable priced and the corect color.
Don Yoakem
91-#267 Dark Red Met.

03-19-2008, 10:14 PM
I got mine here at Mid America, but you might check eBay as well. However, someone said the eBay ones were plastic. The ones I got from MA were metal and top notch (read: Beautiful!)

The ones from GM are plastic. I believe it was another issue of a change in materials. My 89 original emblems were metal and I bought the 91-96 emblem and it was plastic from GM.