View Full Version : blk car is mad at me no start city .....

03-09-2008, 11:45 PM
i think the blk car is pissed off at me for cleaning and doing work on the wifes new 92 callaway zr1 . so its no start city . battery is good 13.3 security light is blinkingso i dont think its vats . relpaced the starter last summer . i turn the key and nothin . i tried the ole ck the clutch switch trick . turn the key to start and then press the clutch in and cant see the volt gauge change . so does that mean the clutch switch is gone . i moved the white car out of the garage in hopes that she would start no luck there either . i cant find the link to the t shootingfor this . HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-10-2008, 02:13 AM
i'd jumper out the clutch switch on both cars just because it's one less thing to fail. if you want I can post the procedure on how to do it

Paul Workman
03-10-2008, 07:01 AM
The voltage not changing when the clutch pedal is depressed may be a good thing - indicates NO current - likely a connection somewhere - but "probably" not the starter! By-passing the clutch switch sounds like a good 'SOP' thing anyway. Good luck. IF you need a schematic, I'll see if I can locate one and scan it for ya.


03-10-2008, 07:34 AM
i'd jumper out the clutch switch on both cars just because it's one less thing to fail. if you want I can post the procedure on how to do itthat would be great for a proceedure . i can do the mechanics , but when it comes to electric ,i suck . i am challenged in that area. :icon_scra so any help id be forever in your debt:worship:

03-10-2008, 09:30 AM
I belive I can help you out.
It's called the "Dreaded No Start".
Here's a link:

Let me know if you need some help.


03-10-2008, 10:25 AM
update , did a scann and its got code 46. i remember now putting the key to the 92 in the ignition of the 90. then put the key for the 90 in and tried to start . and nothin. did i fubar when i mixed up keys .can i clear this no wonder the blk car wont start i violated her with an ailien key .i said i was sorry but that didnt help:o .help the stuff drives e nuts :icon_scra i know i am an idiot :o

03-10-2008, 10:51 AM
The VATS should clear after about 5 minutes.

03-10-2008, 10:54 AM
i just tried it again and same thing .does that mean the little pill thingy has gone bad ?

03-10-2008, 11:37 AM
Pull drivers side hush panel. Find Purple wire that goes to clutch
switch. Look at switch and note the color of wire coming back
up.(Yellow??) Will be able to jumper them right there. I used a 3 in
wire with terminals on the end and unplugged the wires going to switch
and plugged in the jumper wire. Use a 12 ga wire at least as it does
carry a heavy current load which is why the switch fails, it gets hot
and the resistance across the points stops current flow.

03-10-2008, 12:52 PM
kevin thanx so much . i will give it a try during lunch hour

03-10-2008, 02:03 PM
Well if your security light is on and it's throwing a code 46, I personally wouldn't bother with the clutch safety switch. It would seem to clearly be a VATS problem.

Try cleaning the contacts on the key, and retry it. Possibly the pill is worn too much, though in my experience this results in intermittent problems, not just one day it no longer works. That's when I get a new key.

03-10-2008, 04:52 PM
How It Works
The idea behind it is very simple. The ignition key has a "chip" (just a resistor) installed on it, which can be easily seen. When you attempt to turn the ignition ON, the resistance of the chip is measured, and compared to the value stored in the VATS decoder module. If they are the same, a signal is sent to the ECM telling it to fire the injectors. At the same time, the starter enable relay will be energized by the VATS decoder module. If the wrong resistance is read, then the signal will not be sent to the ECM, the starter enable relay will not be energized, and the injectors will not fire. Additionally, a code 46 will be shown. This code will not be stored in the ECM's memory, and is only present while the conditions for a code 46 are present. The module will shut down for 2 to 4 minutes. During this time, any attempts to start the vehicle will not work. If the ignition switch is turned during this time, the timer will restart even if a key with the correct resistance is used.

03-11-2008, 12:00 PM
thank you so much to all that helped . it turned out to be the key pellit on one of the ignition keys was bad . disconnected the bat for a while and put the new key in and there was that sweet sound of her running.:mrgreen: I am happy again.phew

03-11-2008, 02:38 PM
Everything you never wanted to know about VATS.
