View Full Version : DISASTER! I wrecked my Z!!!

03-08-2008, 05:41 PM
After two months in the shop, I finally had my '90 ZR-1 running at full power. I picked up my car this morning, drove it around for 30 minutes and when I was about to drive it home, I decided to take it out on the highway... :mad:

I merged on the highway, gave it some gas and hit a patch of black ice. I lost control and took out a light pole. I was only going maybe 50 miles an hour, but it was enough to break a hole in the clamshell, blow the front driver's side tire out, and completely remove the "fins" behind the tire. :censored:

As far as it looks, it reminds me of the way BBBADZR-1's front clip looked on his old white '94. BUT, 2212 will NOT be parted out! As far as I can tell, the frame's still straight and besides the clamshell and front end, there's very little damage on the car. So this Vette will rise again!

But, in the meantime, this has been one awful day. But the old girl did her job and protected me because I'm perfectly fine. From the looks of it, it could have been a lot worse, so at least I have my health.

As soon as I figure out how to get photos off my phone, I'll post pics of my poor baby.

03-08-2008, 06:16 PM
I hate to hear that you wreaked your car but at least you're here to tell us about it.

03-08-2008, 06:49 PM
Damn Bro.

email them from your phone to your email address and then you can upload/post them

03-08-2008, 06:50 PM
Glad to see you are OK....the car can be fixed and you will be up and running soon.

03-08-2008, 06:55 PM
Dan, sorry to hear about your incident. The important thing is you are still hear to tell us about it.

I will say you will probably be better off letting this one go. I have gone through a rash of crap on a 94 that took a hit to the front nose and required 10k in work from the body shop. It still isn't right. Has a horrid vibration in the engine. Post some pictures up and I can give you some more info.

03-08-2008, 06:57 PM
Sorry to hear about anybody wrecking a car. Glad you are OK and are able to fix it.

03-08-2008, 07:00 PM
What a bummer!!! but glad to hear you're ok outside of that sick feeling.:cry: You'll have the beast back and running in no time!:cheers:

03-08-2008, 07:18 PM

03-08-2008, 09:09 PM
Soory to hear about your day , and your Z !! Butwe are all glad to hear you are A-OK. As Rosana Dana always siad - Its always Something.

Don Yoakem
antioch IL - #267

03-08-2008, 09:23 PM
Let's hope Jeffvette is wrong. I know he does. :(

03-08-2008, 09:55 PM
Damn, I feel for you....I hope it can be brought back, good luck.:cry:

03-08-2008, 10:28 PM
1)Glad you are not hurt

2)Hope you had it insured with a good company

3)If Phrogs, Jeffvette, or Kurt White show up at your door.......run like hell, they're like the Grim reapers of ZR-1s.

92 ZR1

03-08-2008, 11:38 PM
Sorry to hear of the wreck, but as others have said the most important thing is that you are OK.

03-08-2008, 11:41 PM
Sorry to hear about your car but glad to hear you are okay.

03-08-2008, 11:45 PM
If Phrogs, Jeffvette, or Kurt White show up at your door.......run like hell, they're like the Grim reapers of ZR-1s.

Now that's funny right there! http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/grinser/grinning-smiley-018.gif

Glad you're OK.

Z Factor
03-09-2008, 12:49 AM
It is horrible to hear about your accident, but it is great to hear you are physically alright and that no one else was injured.

Here is hoping you are able to get it back on the road soon.


03-09-2008, 01:28 AM
That's a total bummer. I know what you mean. I got to playing with a couple of GTO's today, and thought I was going to lose it on the freeway. Totally freaked for about twenty minutes.

Hope you can get it back soon.

03-09-2008, 07:01 AM
Dan, sorry to hear about what happened.

I know this don't make it any better, but there are a lot of 90 Z's in the world and there's only one of you.

Glad you didn't get hurt and that no one else got hurt. I'm sorry for what happened to the car.....but it's a car and maybe nothing is too badly damaged beyond cosmetics.


03-09-2008, 09:21 AM
So sorry to hear about this. I guess there are some real benefits of living in Florida in the winter. But in the summer it's crazy around here too with the tourists on the way to Orlando + very heavy downpours. I've been so close to being nailed or 3 or 4 occasions it's scary. We'll find you a new one!

03-09-2008, 09:36 AM
That's a total bummer. I know what you mean. I got to playing with a couple of GTO's today, and thought I was going to lose it on the freeway. Totally freaked for about twenty minutes.

Hope you can get it back soon.

Well? Did you win?

Paul Workman
03-09-2008, 09:57 AM
Thank God U are OK! Now...to see if the patient can be revived, I recon. I hope Jeffvette is wrong, as I'm sure he does as well. But, his point is well taken: gotta know when to give final rights (so to speak). I know I wouldn't be quick to give up until I could no longer get a pulse from her! When you get done assessing, and if it is a "go", give us a list, and mebby the "Z boyz fm Illinoiz" can pool resources and get her back on the road with a little TLC and some sweat!

Sorry 'bout your mishap. BTDT (different vehicles) and it happens so fast!! We're all are sick at the stomach with ya, I'm sure.


03-09-2008, 10:56 AM
Damn that must hurt... so sorry to hear :cry:

03-09-2008, 11:00 AM
I have worked in insurance claims for years, and have seen alot, what I do know is that a car can always be replaced, and on the other hand any car can be repaired, it really depends upon the quality of the repair facility and level of interest the owner has financially.

92 ZR1

03-09-2008, 12:54 PM
Well? Did you win?

I could handle the stock one, until he hit the button. License plate said "NITROUS" on it.

The twin turbo car, I had nothing for. They were suprised at the 17 yr old technology n/a car that could play with them. (Just a C4!)

When it came down to it, they were tools, taking HUGE risks on the freeway.

Decided not to go on the cruise today, because I knew what my attitude would be with the C5 and C6 cars.

03-09-2008, 01:38 PM
Hey sorry to hear that! Like everyone said, the most important part of the car is ok, the occupant. It happens, don't get too upset about it. The alternative would be to leave it in your garage occasionally wiping it with a diaper or starting it up on jackstands. I'd say better to wrap it around a pole, having enjoyed the hell out of it up to then. :)

On the plus side, here's your chance to go CF with the hood and cut the weight down some. And no need to keep it original for "collectability", mod the hell out of it! Also maybe a chance to get some new rims. :D

03-09-2008, 03:14 PM
So sorry for your mishap and glad you are OK. Good luck on the rebuild if you can go that way and as a few others said there are plenty of ZR-1's around as to get another if needed. Now you will find out how good or not your insurance company is. Keep us posted on it all as I am sure most are interested in the ongoing saga and eventual outcome. The best thing at this point is that you can out well and the Z protected you well. You we can't replace!!!

03-10-2008, 10:32 PM
Just got back from Florida...and this is not what I hoped to see!! Glad you werent hurt. Have the Z checked out for any hidden damage & go from there.......Good Luck!

03-10-2008, 11:16 PM
Don't feel too bad, you're not the only one that got bit by black ice this winter.


I on the other hand hope that either the repair cost comes close to/exceeds what I owe on the car, or it is officially totalled. I have had friends (who happen to be truly talented collision repair/paint specialists) look at it and tell me the same thing that Jeff said, that the car will probably never be the same. Add to that, the fact that it is a "high mileage" (65K+) car with a questionable history, and I would rather see the car be sacrificed for the good of other ZR-1s.

FWIW, the damage is more extensive than it first appears. Look closely at the third brakelight. From this angle;


you can sort of see that the whole body is twisted. Keep in mind that this impact was at approximately 30-35 mph with an unsuspecting tree. (Before anyone asks, no I was not driving like a jackass. More importantly I was not hurt at all.)

03-11-2008, 12:17 AM
Glen, sorry to hear about your accident, but seeing the back end shot seals it. It can be repaired, but why? Give me a shout tomorrow.

03-11-2008, 01:20 AM
Sorry to hear about both accidents. Fortunately neither of you were injured.

03-11-2008, 02:28 AM
Ouch, that has to hurt seeing it like that, must be sick to your stomach.
Hope youre doing well physically and in spirit, keep us posted on yourself and the Z.

03-11-2008, 10:25 AM
Well Im glad your ok.

But I do have a complete 90 nose and I also have a hood, What all is damaged?

Talk to the insurance company yet?
If they total it, Id be interested in buying it from you for the buy back cost :mrgreen:

anyway it sucks but keep on trucking

03-11-2008, 11:53 AM
There is no frame per se, but rather a cage, and they are designed to bend rather than twist. The only real difference between a ZR and a regular vette is the door back fiberglass. My guess is both will probably be totaled, and both for relatively minor damage. Done correctly, they are fairly easy fixes (Yeah I've built them for several years). I'd be interested in purchasing either as a builder. Economicaly it IS hard to justify rebuilding if you are planning to resale and make money considering what they are going for now.

03-11-2008, 12:15 PM
After two months in the shop, I finally had my '90 ZR-1 running at full power. I picked up my car this morning, drove it around for 30 minutes and when I was about to drive it home, I decided to take it out on the highway... :mad:

I merged on the highway, gave it some gas and hit a patch of black ice. I lost control and took out a light pole. I was only going maybe 50 miles an hour, but it was enough to break a hole in the clamshell, blow the front driver's side tire out, and completely remove the "fins" behind the tire. :censored:

As far as it looks, it reminds me of the way BBBADZR-1's front clip looked on his old white '94. BUT, 2212 will NOT be parted out! As far as I can tell, the frame's still straight and besides the clamshell and front end, there's very little damage on the car. So this Vette will rise again!

But, in the meantime, this has been one awful day. But the old girl did her job and protected me because I'm perfectly fine. From the looks of it, it could have been a lot worse, so at least I have my health.

As soon as I figure out how to get photos off my phone, I'll post pics of my poor baby.

FUUUUCCCKKKKKK !!!! :jawdrop:

03-11-2008, 01:11 PM
This is a bummer thread to view. Sorry to hear about the mishaps. The temptation to drive these cars in the Winter with nice, cool, dense air is intense. So glad to hear both of you are OK!

03-11-2008, 02:29 PM
Just Dang.
Glad that you're OK, but sucks that your Z if fubar.
I wouldn't be all that surprised if it would cost more to repair your car than to replace it.

First thing, find out how much the buy back is if the Insurance Co. totals the car. Then call up Johnny, he'll take care of the rest.

There's lots of good ZR1's out there at bargain basement prices. If you don't mind high miles I know of a show condition black '90 that's already had all the mods (headers, findanza, shifter, gears, etc.) that you could get for less than $20k.


03-11-2008, 04:57 PM
Glen, sorry to hear about your accident, but seeing the back end shot seals it. It can be repaired, but why? Give me a shout tomorrow-Jeffvette

Jeffvette, if you ever go to work for an organ donor program stay away from me, reminds me of the monty python skit:

Bring out your dead! But I'm not dead yet!

(No Zs to see here, Jeffvette. Just move along!)

03-11-2008, 05:15 PM
Bring out your dead! But I'm not dead yet!

Well, he will be soon. He's very ill.

03-11-2008, 08:39 PM
Thanks a lot guys... I've been really sick (with the woulda coulda shoulda flashbacks) the last few days and have really tried not to think about it. . This was my dream car and I had it back from the shop for about half an hour and wrapped it around a pole. Luckily, I have full coverage on her, so I should be OK either with repairing it or buying a new one.

It really means a lot to me how you guys have come out and given me your condolences... I was really looking forward to going down to BG with my dad and his '84, but I may have to make the trip as an odd man out in my wife's C6.

The adjuster is coming out tomorrow, so I should know what the deal is by tomorrow night. I'm just still in shock because I was just about to take it back in the garage to put my new '96 seats in because she was pinching my big butt. BUT, I HAD to get her up to speed on the interstate and wrecked it...

Hopefully I can either get it up and running or find another Z in short time.

Thanks again for all of your condolences, and as for all of you Illinois guys, I'm still going to pester you at all the meetings. I just hope you won't mind the C6 at all the upcoming meetings!

-- Dan

03-11-2008, 08:43 PM
Dan, I would definitely take a look at Mike D'Angelos car if he still wants to sell it. Everything is done to it and done right and at a killer price as well. Just depends if you like red.

Post some pictures if you got them.

03-11-2008, 09:33 PM



I didn't even want to look at these photos... I'm still sick about it. As soon as I get another look at her, I'll take some better pics.

03-11-2008, 09:56 PM



I didn't even want to look at these photos... I'm still sick about it. As soon as I get another look at her, I'll take some better pics.

D I am so sorry. Dont feel so bad its only a car and you can get another. The good news story is you are unhurt. Upon driving my car from Houston to Phoenix last Feb I did a complete 360 on I-10 about ten miles short of Van Horn Texas in the ice and snow. I was lucky not to lose the car. GC

03-11-2008, 10:18 PM
Hard to tell from the pics, did the windshield break?, if not thats a good sign. I hope the car is repairable, $ price of components is rather high, and I doubt that your carrier is going to do alot of searching for parts, you always have options if you aggressively search for parts, your carrier will probably search traditional salvage yards for parts or use OEM list, this means a quick end, as there generally are not many vette parts at these yards.

If they total it, you might come out in good shape. IF they use a service such as CCC, they use actual cars for sale to determine the value; autotrader, dealers, and local publications. Based on cars I have seen on-line(many overpriced) I think you have a good chance of coming out pretty good. Look at Zs in a 50-100 mile radius of your house, that will give you an idea, then give consideration +/- for mileage.

As far as the salvage, if the carrier knows what they have, they would run it through Co-Parts VIXs system, in which they put the car up for sale via the internet to salvage dealers, and whatever the highest bid is(and this is a worldwide auction) that is what yoru have the option of buying it back for. If they don't know vettes, they may just call a few yards to get a quote and offer it back usually at anywhere from 10-20% of the value, vettes bring alittle more in the 25-30% range.

Let me know how things go, or if you have questions, I am a claims manager over 12 states, and recently took over our company's classic car division. Hopefully its repairable, if not I would also be interested in the car, not so much to part out as to build a sub 3000lb Z.

Good Luck,

92 ZR-1

03-11-2008, 10:25 PM
from the thumbnail size pics. the door looks untouched. the hood and fender are regular Vette parts as is most of the other pieces there, which helps

assumignt he frame is not tweaked you might be okay.

if you don't get another Z I know of a cool 89 for sale :-D:wink:

03-11-2008, 10:45 PM
Like you guys said, all the ZR-1-only parts are A-OK. There's some paint damage on the rear end where the car came to rest on the log, the exhaust pipes were bent, but the Z parts are just fine.

The windshield's fine, the doors are untouched, the interior's fine (other than that whole deployed airbag thing) and the only pieces that are hurt are on the front end, so I think there's a good chance that this car will rise again!

I hope and dream that one day I'll be able to drive this car again. As you can see from one of the photos, it pulverized the car battery, but other than that, everything looked pretty straight.

Oh, how I hope that I can drive it again one day... I hope my car's not dead!

03-11-2008, 10:52 PM
dj, glad you`re not hurt. fix that car. even if it gets a salvage title, thats no big deal. ten years and 25,000 miles ago my 90 #2161 got a previous salvage title. it slid backwards, hit a concrete wall and knocked the left rear wheel forward 2 inches. that was $500 on a frame machine. it looked a lot worse than yours and you cant tell it now. if you have any problem finding parts, let me know. theres a salvage yard nearby that has a 1990-C4 lacking only the hood. He`ll ship the parts right to your doorstep.

03-11-2008, 11:04 PM
The thing is that I bought this car to keep forever. I never wanted to sell this car, or trade it in, no matter how many miles it got on it or how "underpowered" it would be compared to contemporary Vettes.

My dad has his '84 that he bought new with its 205 lousy horsepower, yet he's kept it absolutely perfect ever since. It's worth jack s**t, it has half the power of my wife's C6, but it's his. And he loves it and so do I.

This Z is MY car, so if I can help it, I'm going to try my best to repair it.

So like Richard said, if there's any way that I can make this car drivable again, I will. Salvage Title or not, this was my dream car and I hope and pray that I can drive her again.

03-12-2008, 12:21 AM



I didn't even want to look at these photos... I'm still sick about it. As soon as I get another look at her, I'll take some better pics.

Good luck with the repair..................

Captain A
03-12-2008, 10:58 AM
Bummer, happy to see no one was hurt.

03-12-2008, 01:20 PM
I think your hope to fix your car [salvage title or not] is very unusual and commendable these days. Unfortunatly a lot of owners would just say pi-- on it Ill by another one. Hope the repair works out for you, you're my type of owner.

03-12-2008, 02:36 PM
So like Richard said, if there's any way that I can make this car drivable again, I will. Salvage Title or not, this was my dream car and I hope and pray that I can drive her again.

That's the spirit!! Keep thinking that way and it WILL come about and be whole again

03-12-2008, 04:40 PM
This Z is MY car, so if I can help it, I'm going to try my best to repair it.

So like Richard said, if there's any way that I can make this car drivable again, I will. Salvage Title or not, this was my dream car and I hope and pray that I can drive her again.

I know what your saying, I'd give every effort to bring her back also. Good Luck.

03-17-2008, 06:47 PM
What's the update?

03-17-2008, 07:00 PM
What's the update?

Im with Jeff can she be fixed???

03-17-2008, 07:57 PM
djpatrick35, I hate you!! how you drive in this snowy weather??!
good you are ok!
the car can be fix for 95%.
just give it to a good Pro guys and it can be fixed.
do you want Carbon fiber hood? :wink:

03-19-2008, 01:00 AM
Sorry to keep you guys waiting, but I've been playing phone tag with my damn insurance adjuster. Although, I think my leaving about 15 "Don't total it" messages in his voicemail hopefully had an effect.

03-19-2008, 04:58 PM
VICTORY!!! 2212 will rise again!!! The insurance company will pay for all repairs and the damage with about $7,000 more in wiggle room before they deem the car totaled.

Give me a few months and I'll be driving my Z with you guys again!!!


03-19-2008, 05:05 PM
i told ya it will be fixed!! :wink:
i am happy for you....
and do not ever drive Z in wety or icey roads.

03-19-2008, 05:07 PM
i told ya it will be fixed!! :wink:
i am happy for you....
and do not ever drive Z in wety or icey roads.

I've definitely learned my lesson Hadi... :o

03-19-2008, 05:40 PM
VICTORY!!! 2212 will rise again!!! The insurance company will pay for all repairs and the damage with about $7,000 more in wiggle room before they deem the car totaled.

Give me a few months and I'll be driving my Z with you guys again!!!


do you have any specifics on the damage? was the frame tweaked??

Paul Workman
03-19-2008, 07:09 PM
:dancing :dancing =D> Now THAT is terrific news!!!! I hope to see ya at the Bloomington Gold in June. Hopefully it will be ready by then. If ya need extra pairs of hands, hollar!;)


03-19-2008, 07:21 PM
VICTORY!!! 2212 will rise again!!! The insurance company will pay for all repairs and the damage with about $7,000 more in wiggle room before they deem the car totaled.

Give me a few months and I'll be driving my Z with you guys again!!!


Most excellent!! :dancing

03-19-2008, 07:34 PM
Excellent news!
You must feel much better.
Make sure whomever does the repairs know what they are doing!

03-19-2008, 08:39 PM
Right on bro.....glad to hear it will be rollin' again!:cheers:

03-19-2008, 09:01 PM
Congrats, glad to see they saved it!:dancing

92 ZR1

03-19-2008, 10:08 PM
do you have any specifics on the damage? was the frame tweaked??

The adjuster quoted the damage at $11,000 and as I said, they're willing to put up about $18,000-$19,000. The damage included the clamshell, the front end, the (pulverized) battery, the driver's side front rim and the exhaust that was all bent to hell. The adjuster didn't think the frame was bent, but all the body panels on the front clip would have to be replaced and there might be some damage on the front driver's side suspension.

I'm taking it to a shop (Platinum Collision for all you Chicagoland guys) that did a great job on my wife's C6 when she rear-ended someone when she was talking on the phone. :thumbsdo:

They have a lot of experience with Vettes so I'm pretty optimistic about how it'll turn out. This is the shop that I was going to take her to to get repainted anyway.

As for the exhaust, this gives me a chance to get an updated system, and as for the rims, I was thinking about getting some Grand Sport-style rims too. So hey, this could be a chance for me to personalize my baby a bit.

Hell, I could pull a Hadi and futilely try to track down an Aerobody to put on it! :p

03-19-2008, 10:45 PM
That's great news dj. I'm sure I'm not alone here in saying whenever I hear of or see one of these cars being lost, it hurts.

03-19-2008, 10:46 PM
Get ready for the battle of finding NOS discontinued parts, and sourcing used ones.

And FYI, make sure all the battery acid is cleaned up. Reworking a harness that is rotten sucks.

03-19-2008, 11:11 PM
The adjuster quoted the damage at $11,000 and as I said, they're willing to put up about $18,000-$19,000. The damage included the clamshell, the front end, the (pulverized) battery, the driver's side front rim and the exhaust that was all bent to hell. The adjuster didn't think the frame was bent, but all the body panels on the front clip would have to be replaced and there might be some damage on the front driver's side suspension.

I'm taking it to a shop (Platinum Collision for all you Chicagoland guys) that did a great job on my wife's C6 when she rear-ended someone when she was talking on the phone. :thumbsdo:

They have a lot of experience with Vettes so I'm pretty optimistic about how it'll turn out. This is the shop that I was going to take her to to get repainted anyway.

As for the exhaust, this gives me a chance to get an updated system, and as for the rims, I was thinking about getting some Grand Sport-style rims too. So hey, this could be a chance for me to personalize my baby a bit.

Hell, I could pull a Hadi and futilely try to track down an Aerobody to put on it! :p

I suggest a Corsa Power Pulse system

03-20-2008, 12:25 AM
I have a pair of 89 Fender gills for it if you need them

03-20-2008, 01:27 AM
[quote=djpatrick35]VICTORY!!! 2212 will rise again!!! The insurance company will pay for all repairs and the damage with about $7,000 more in wiggle room before they deem the car totaled.

Give me a few months and I'll be driving my Z with you guys again!!!

Great news! Another car like mine, (#2161) saved from the graveyard by a proud owner. :icon_thum LONG LIVE THE KING!!!

ZR-1 Franz
03-20-2008, 02:06 AM
Hello from Switzerland,
I am really happy for you. It's good to hear these news.
I hope, that you can take time enough to make a perfect repair
and you will have a great time with your car in future time.
I wish you all the best and have a good time,

03-20-2008, 09:45 PM
Glad to hear the good news!!!

03-21-2008, 10:55 AM
Great news!!! I'm glad it worked out for you. Most of those guys have some good connections, when my '90 was hit in the passenger door a few years back they located a brand new NOS door to replace it with.

03-22-2008, 07:39 AM
Hey Dan that's great news! Just make sure you get a shop you can trust and that will work with you.=D> :dancing


04-07-2008, 12:12 PM
UPDATE: New development with my car. I just called the shop on the phone and they said they found more damage than originally expected. So they're now looking at it as a "restoration job." So they're estimates take it right up to the limit of what the insurance company is willing to pay.

They have the car all in pieces, so no more surprises are expected. Even so, I'm on the hook for the rest of the car and I'll pony up. Hell, who can beat a whole new car for a couple thousand bucks (and insane insurance costs in the future!)

I'm going to head over there in the next week to see if they'll let me take some pictures. If so, I'll post 'em up.

04-07-2008, 05:50 PM
If they do total the car Im interested, Get some pictures of it torn apart im interested to see what else the found, I mean most of these parts can be found.

Again I am interested if they total your car out youll find another one if they do.


04-08-2008, 06:05 AM
:read2: so Dan what did they find??

I hope it's not catastrophic. Good luck with this endeavor, man!:cheers:

04-15-2008, 04:38 PM
Here are some better pics of my car. The insurance company I'm working with is a complete disaster. Five weeks after the accident and three weeks after I get confirmation to fix my car, the body shop hasn't be able to get ahold of my adjuster to OK the new cost ($18,000 - which they also said they would approve, but you can't get ahold of this damn guy!!!)

Here's the motor... Notice the computer that I spent TWO MONTHS waiting for and how trashed it is...


You guys can check out the whole deal on my new photobucket album.


04-15-2008, 04:43 PM
$18K for the repair?? I would get it totaled and buy another one honestly..

there is a red 90 on ebay at 10,500 right now with 77K miles (needs an interior though)

04-15-2008, 04:49 PM
Here are some other pics:


God... I miss my car... :cry:


04-15-2008, 05:15 PM
$18K for the repair?? I would get it totaled and buy another one honestly..


Just let it go to ZR-1 heaven and get another. This car will never be the same, and by the time you add up all the dicking around with the insurance company and the repairs that are not done properly it's just a mess. Imagine they will find more once they really get into it.

04-15-2008, 05:27 PM

Just let it go to ZR-1 heaven and get another. This car will never be the same, and by the time you add up all the dicking around with the insurance company and the repairs that are not done properly it's just a mess. Imagine they will find more once they really get into it.

I could see if it were 9K but 18K???!?!?

That is a bunch more then I paid for my 90..

04-15-2008, 07:14 PM
How many miles does the car have and how much $$$ are you in it? If you don't mine me asking?


04-15-2008, 08:50 PM
Did you notice the nice black tape sealing the Air bag on that red 90?

92 ZR-1

04-15-2008, 09:15 PM
Let it be totaled, buy it back. I'll buy the motor :D

Part it out.

04-15-2008, 09:17 PM
Did you notice the nice black tape sealing the Air bag on that red 90?

92 ZR-1

That car is a pile of crap. It has definitely been in an accident, front bumper is all tweaked as is the hood. Plus the airbag :thumbsdo:

04-15-2008, 09:35 PM
That car is a pile of crap. It has definitely been in an accident, front bumper is all tweaked as is the hood. Plus the airbag :thumbsdo:

looks like they pressure cleaned the motor yikes!!! DJ let it go 18k is nuts!!! if you let it go I need one rear wheel!!! Honestly start over with a anothe car.

04-15-2008, 09:43 PM
Jeffvette-"That car is a pile of crap. It has definitely been in an accident, front bumper is all tweaked as is the hood. Plus the airbag" :thumbsdo:

Translation: Don't bid on this car, its going to be at Jeffvettes pick and pull next week.:D

I considered bidding until it got to 10K+, the unknowns are too scary. Shipping was also another $800.

92 ZR1

04-15-2008, 10:01 PM
Wow red 90 on the Bay went for $11,900.00...thats crazy for that car.

92 ZR1

04-15-2008, 11:27 PM
Wow red 90 on the Bay went for $11,900.00...thats crazy for that car.

92 ZR1

Yeah It did not click on the airbag when I first looked at it
it would have been worth 9K to part out though

04-18-2008, 12:07 AM
Well guys, they totaled my car. It turned out that they fired my adjuster and that's why I couldn't get ahold of him. My new adjuster said the repair cost was just too much for the car and that they were bound by law to total the car. I guess you can't argue with that.

So, I've offered to buy the wreck b/c I know a few of you guys are interested in buying the car for parts (LGAFF). My wife said that we will be getting another one, but after eating a lot of debt because of this wreck, it might be quite a while before I'm driving a ZR-1 once again.

But I'll still be showing up at a lot of events. But it'll be a while before I can fire up an LT5...

R.I.P. '90 #2212 I barely knew ya...

04-18-2008, 12:11 AM
wow, that's rough man. glad to see you're not giving up on the brotherhood though.

04-18-2008, 12:30 AM
What a BUMMER! :cry:

04-18-2008, 03:30 AM
DJ, consider yourself lucky. I know it doesn't feel that way, but trust me..... You are way better off in the long run.

04-18-2008, 05:56 AM
DJ, consider yourself lucky. I know it doesn't feel that way, but trust me..... You are way better off in the long run.

I agree with Jeff! I feel badly for you though. I hope this car didn't put you in too deep of a hole. Somethings are just better off left for dead sometimes.

I hate to bring this up.....please DJ no disrespect intended.
I have a shopping list, if you are parting out the car...especially as yours is a 90. Keep us informed. Thanks.


04-18-2008, 07:56 AM
I hate to bring this up.....please DJ no disrespect intended.
I have a shopping list, if you are parting out the car...especially as yours is a 90. Keep us informed. Thanks.


YEAH I might have a short list too..

04-18-2008, 08:01 AM
Sorry about that Dan. If you interested, I'm considering selling my 90' (looking for a 93-95 Z) and I'm not in any hurry. When your ready let me know.


04-18-2008, 08:59 AM
Yep as stated it sucks but you will find a better one. Having owned one you know exactly what to look for on a new one.

04-18-2008, 07:13 PM
Well so sorry to hear of the bummer DJ.

Plenty of us around to give you a ride now and then to keep your spirits up till the next one comes around for you.

Give me a call @ 815-344-6688 someday when you are jonesinz about it all and stop out and we will take ya out for a spin in 92 443.

I bet the other locals will all pitch in and do the same till you get another.


At least as far as the location poll is concerned!!!