View Full Version : Cleaning brake calipers

03-02-2008, 10:19 AM
While I'm waiting for winter to pass, I've got the Z up in the air with the wheels off to do some suspension detailing and to change the brake fluid. What is the best way to clean the calipers? They are so rough and porous its hard to find something that works well.

03-02-2008, 11:36 AM
Do you plan on removing the calipers to clean? If no then what I am suggesting needs to be done with care since you do NOT want to get clearner on the dampers or painted parts.

Use Brake Kleen (non chlorinated) and a stiff brush (small one...quite often a detailers brush will do... ) Make sure damper etc are protected... newspaper with painters tape works... looks sorta like this when you first start>>>


Now clean with the Brake Kleen using the brush to work hard spots..make sure you have an absorbent material under area you are working due to fluid dripping off onto floor. Now wipe everything down... to really finish off calipers use a Dremel tool with brass rotory brush... makes for a nice finish.

Here is the finish (albiet with sport rotors and EBC pads)>>>

I am quite sure others will chime in with their technique...

03-02-2008, 11:40 AM
I use my die grinder with different sized brass rotating brushes. Its really efficient & makes quick work of the task. You can use small ones (2") that fit in between the fins. The larger ones (4")...are slower turning and great for buffing. Use Simple Green as a lubricant /cleaner....or whatever you like.

This is when I did my 94 convert's suspension



03-02-2008, 11:33 PM
Wow ... thanks for the tips. The results are fantastic. Hadn't thought about the Dremel tool approach.