View Full Version : March 2, 1990

ZR-1 Franz
03-02-2008, 09:52 AM
Hello from Switzerland,

March 2, 1990. A date we should remember. On this day Tommy Morrison
and his team broke three world records of endurance regardless of
category or class, driving a Corvette ZR-1 on the test track in Fort Stockton.
Meanwhile the records were broken by a Volkswagen prototype, but this
was a purpose built car and can't be compared to the enormous performance
of the ZR-1, because the Corvette was nearly stock.
Still 18 years later we have to congratulate Tommy Morrison and his team
on these records.

03-02-2008, 10:00 AM
Here's to Tommy Morrison and the team. Just one of the many things that make this car so special. :cheers:

03-02-2008, 01:21 PM
Long Live the KING and to those who had the Balls to prove it! :thumbsup:

03-02-2008, 01:56 PM
they can say what they want about newer is better .let them go to fort stockton and try to better the kings record . they may make em faster ,but our engine is still the best built , longest lasting motor ever built for the corvette . example my 148k car has run11.38 @124+ mph in the 1/4 with just full porting. we did a leak down test and the worst cylinder was 5percent . we did the test twice to make sure .I'll bet i can get 250k before a rebuild . not bad at all . heck the car will proably last longer than me .

flyin ryan
03-02-2008, 02:47 PM

03-03-2008, 07:27 AM
:cheers: to TM & the King!

I agree with the amen also to the durability of our motors.:worship:

03-03-2008, 07:57 PM

Ft. Stockton is located in West Texas (not too far from where I grew up) and March 2 also happens to be Texas Independence Day ... so for Texans who own ZR-1's, it is a double celebration.


03-04-2008, 12:08 AM
Long live the King!