View Full Version : Stumbling issue gone???

Paul Workman
02-10-2008, 01:20 AM
Well, I spent the better part of today pulling the plenum and replacing the coils and wires.

Among other things, I discovered-

-a vacume line that connects to the underside of the TB's chin that was NOT connected.
-MICE had been nesting in the valley of my LT5 and they made a mess of the coil pack area.
-one plug wire had what looks like a nick which would be introduced by an rodent's bite. The rest looked dirty, but other than than they seemed to be free from more bites. (So, I'll clean 'em and keep 'em 'case someone wants 'em later.)
-the torque on the IH bolts was loose

I got it all back together and fired her up. SES light came on, and the scanner said, "Hey, stupid! you forgot to connect the MAT sensor!""

I connected the MAT sensor and fired her up again. Aside from a fast idle, it now runs smooth as silk. And, when I "blip" the throttle, there is no stumble - it revs smartly and cleanly. WooHoo!

Well, the "acid test" will have to wait till I can put it on the road. But, things look very encouraging. Oh, and y'all were right 'bout pulling the plenum: It's a piece of cake.:thumbsup:

Stay tuned!


02-10-2008, 02:02 AM
I am having a wierd idle it surges after the car is warm and I can not figure it out, I was just under the plenum and couldnt find any vacum leaks.

hope yours works out!

02-10-2008, 08:01 AM
sweet deal!:thumbsup:

02-10-2008, 10:00 AM
-MICE had been nesting in the valley of my LT5 and they made a mess of the coil pack area.

Hey they thought it was another Chevy mouse motor and felt right at home.

02-10-2008, 11:24 AM
Great news Paul...sounds like you got it licked!! I hope my results are the same when I'm done. I had a mouse make a home in my valley as well. All he managed to get to was the bif cable on the starter and the smaller purple wire that goes to the starter.....pretty much just chewed through the insulation.

02-10-2008, 12:46 PM
i used to have the mice problem also . an old hotrodder gave me a yip thats really worked , keeps the inside of the car smelling nice also . take a bar of Irish spring and cut it in 8ths and put them in the interior 1each under the insirts of the back 2 stage pods 2 each under the seats and one each under the carpet above the throttle area and in the passenger area. the other 2 iput on the plenum after i am done driving . i thought the guy was goofy , but ya know what it WORKS

02-10-2008, 01:24 PM
-a vacume line that connects to the underside of the TB's chin that was NOT connected.
It's a piece of cake.:thumbsup:

Good work! Exactly what we told you Pizza night...

Bet you can't wait to take her out on the road!


Paul Workman
02-10-2008, 01:38 PM
i used to have the mice problem also . an old hotrodder gave me a yip thats really worked , keeps the inside of the car smelling nice also . take a bar of Irish spring and cut it in 8ths and put them in the interior 1each under the insirts of the back 2 stage pods 2 each under the seats and one each under the carpet above the throttle area and in the passenger area. the other 2 iput on the plenum after i am done driving . i thought the guy was goofy , but ya know what it WORKS

Kewal!! I'll add Irish Spring to the list:
Bounce sheets worked in the past, but not 100%
Peppermint oil works as well (and I like the smell better!)
Heard about Irish S. but never tried it. But, hey! IF it works and is cheap as a bar of soap...Nutting to loose, right!

Paul Workman
02-10-2008, 01:54 PM
Yep! Can't wait!!:thumbsup:
