View Full Version : Anyone know how to remove front spring retainer bolt???

Black Rocket
01-29-2005, 01:07 AM
Anyone know how to remove the front spring retainer bolt. I am referring to the bolt that holds the front spring clamp in place. The rear bolt on the drivers side is behind the steering shaft knuckle and is impossible to see much less get a wrench onto. I'm thinking of removing top coolant hoses, serpetine belt and sliding a bow wrench back under the front main pully.

Any suggestions would be muck appreciated!!!

02-15-2005, 12:33 AM
I know this is probably too late and hopefully you have figured it out by now, but just incase. Just did mine yesterday and it was a little tricky. You will need one of those flexible cables with the fingures that push out of the end and hold on to things. Cant tink of the proper name right now. What i had to do was loosen the clamp on the front of the black plastic cover that is wraped around the steering box. Mine had a plastic tie wrap on the small end around the steering shaft which I cut. then I was able to push the black plastic cover out of the way just far enough to see the bolt head. I found that bolt was held tight in the aluminum spring clamp due to corosion so I was able to get the nut off with out having to get a wrench or socket on the head. The flexable cable was used to get it out of the frame for cleaning and getting it back thru the hole in the frame Have yet to tighten it back up , but can't see a problem in getting a 15mm socket with a universal in there.