View Full Version : Lifter Tick??

01-25-2005, 02:05 PM
Now Im hearing that the Z I am looking at has when he describes as a lifter tick.

Should I be worried about this? He also said he thinks it MAY need a cam tensioner? Does this sound right? What is involed in this? Could that be the cause of the tick?

Should I be getting ready to run or what?

I do all my own work on my own cars, but am not familiar with the LT5 yet.

Help me out guys.

1990 quasar blue
01-25-2005, 08:35 PM
The cam tensioner is common and nothing to worry too much about. A lifter on the other hand would have me concerned. From what I've read in this post and your others, I would keep looking. I think you can find a much better car for not much more money. Just my thoughts.
Good luck.

01-26-2005, 10:12 AM
Make sure what you're not hearing is fuel injector ticking. The fuel injectors will make a ticking sound.

01-26-2005, 05:11 PM
I should be getting a recording from a camera sometime soon of the sound. I will try to post it to get your opinion on it.

01-26-2005, 05:12 PM
The cam tensioner is common and nothing to worry too much about. A lifter on the other hand would have me concerned. From what I've read in this post and your others, I would keep looking. I think you can find a much better car for not much more money. Just my thoughts.
Good luck.

Yea now I saw a 92 34K for $23.500

I want to look at that one.

01-26-2005, 05:17 PM
The cam tensioner is common and nothing to worry too much about. A lifter on the other hand would have me concerned. From what I've read in this post and your others, I would keep looking. I think you can find a much better car for not much more money. Just my thoughts.
Good luck.

Is this the cam tensioner:

I am not worried about the body condition(the scratches) if I can get it cheap enough 15K.

But that engine has got to be strong.

Would I have to replace the cam tensioner?

How hard would it be to do if I had to?

01-26-2005, 06:09 PM
Also understand the the CCT only makes a ticking noise when the engine is first started before the oil pressure comes up. Once the oil pressure starts coming up the ticking noise will stop. If not it may not be the CCT.

Also certain oil filters other then the stock GM has better anti-drain back which helps eliminate the CCT noise.

01-26-2005, 06:17 PM
Heres the engine:

Heres the car:

The way he described it, is the sound was there the whole time he had it idling, about 45 min.

Im waiting to get the video to show you guys for your opinion, should be soon.

01-26-2005, 08:16 PM
Got videos, but dont know how to post them. :???:

01-28-2005, 07:06 AM
the LT5 can produce some deceiving noises, sometimes the gear rattle from the tranny or the knock from a bad dual mass can be deceiving.

does the noise go away when you rev it or get louder???

I use a "mechanics stethoscope" or gordon's old trick, a long scredriver to help pinpoint where the mysterious noises are coming from.

my advice, figure that out before you buy the car. replacing a lifter would be expensive and make that 15k car not so much of a bargain.

ZR-1s are great values, and many good cars are available.

03-10-2007, 03:59 PM
hmm I think my car might be starting to make the same sound. I had it stored away for winter and turned it on today and heard the sound. Did you ever find out what caused this? if not if you want send me your video and I will upload it. email: shaun.richmond@sbcglobal.net

03-10-2007, 09:08 PM
Last year my car developed a ticking noise about two weeks after I changed plugs and wires. The ticking noise sounded like lifter tick, but it turned out to be a hair line crack in the insulator on the number 5 plug. Replaced the plug, ticking gone.

03-11-2007, 09:44 AM
I used a piece of wood as a stethescope and put it on the cam cover and could not hear it but when I was able to put it on the fuel Rail I was able to hear it better. I just had the injectors replaced about 2 years ago now. could it be a bad injector?

03-11-2007, 05:12 PM
when you replaced the injectors did you get the factory inj. or did you go with another company like accel or rc? If you used the factory ones then yeah could be going . factory injectors don't like todays fuel

03-11-2007, 05:30 PM
Yeah I got RC injectors

03-12-2007, 08:01 PM
I took some Video of my car running so that maybe it will give you a better understanding


03-12-2007, 08:47 PM
Kind of hard to tell over the PC, sounds pretty damn choppy. Check the oil level to see if you are running a bit low (will cause lifters to make noise) Add oil if needed.

Get a real auto stethescope place around cam cover over each lifter hole, and then you can reach the driver side tensioner to check for excessive noise as well.

03-12-2007, 08:51 PM
shaun , were you the one that was haveing trouble getting your car running after replacing head gaskets?. have you tried pulling the plug wires one at a time with it running and see if it stop? you might give the rc guys a call and ask them if their inj might make this sound if one is partially plugged ? i listened to you vid and something tells me it might be a plug wire .its my best guess hope that helps.

03-13-2007, 08:16 AM
shaun , were you the one that was haveing trouble getting your car running after replacing head gaskets?. have you tried pulling the plug wires one at a time with it running and see if it stop? you might give the rc guys a call and ask them if their inj might make this sound if one is partially plugged ? i listened to you vid and something tells me it might be a plug wire .its my best guess hope that helps.

I didn't have a head gasket issue.. but I am going to pull the Wires and check plugs. I was thing about replacing them with some NGK plugs anyway. thanks for the advice .

03-13-2007, 09:05 AM
be very carefull when gapping them as that little tiny tip breaks very easy ( found out the hard way) I set my gap @45 with a gap ring . you also need the wire gapper for bending the strap. I found that the gap out of the box was between 60 -70 thou and thats too big . Ps you have a very nice engine compartment . did you get her pcd?

03-13-2007, 09:28 AM
Listening to your video, it seems to flutter a little while raising the rpms. It could just be my pc, but make sure you don't have an exhaust leak. When doing your spark plugs make sure to torque them down properly. You can have a slight leak there. If you don't have a stethescope, a vacumm cleaner hose, can also help locate the source.

03-13-2007, 10:14 AM
be very carefull when gapping them as that little tiny tip breaks very easy ( found out the hard way) I set my gap @45 with a gap ring . you also need the wire gapper for bending the strap. I found that the gap out of the box was between 60 -70 thou and thats too big . Ps you have a very nice engine compartment . did you get her pcd?

Yeah I had Marc Haibeck refinish it and do the injectors at the same time. he did a great job I would recommend him to anyone.

How hard it is to get the plenum off to change out the wires? and Im guessing Ill have to get new gaskets for that as well right. Also can I get new Coil Packs (if needed) from napa? any one know a part number?

03-13-2007, 12:39 PM
you can get the gaskets from kurt white white racing. its easy mark sell a cd on pulling the plenum if your a little unsure its a good buy just to have for reference. coil packs can be got from kurt also