View Full Version : Question about Chain Rattle

02-02-2008, 11:11 AM
I have the usual minor timing chain rattle on cold start up and shut down, nothing major. I've played with oil filters and have found that the Bosch seems to do the best job minimizing it.

My question is this, if I change out the chain tensioners will the rattle go way? You would think it would. But does it at least temporarily (10K miles) solve the problem?


02-02-2008, 01:15 PM
Although I only owned my ZR-1 for about month and a half I have been trying to be a quick study... so like you I heard this rattle...asked lots of questions, read up on it and when I had a ZR-1 gathering over my house of course the subject came up... and I listened to the other ZRs... Chain rattle at start up and shut just comes with the LT5...just one the noises it makes, but when I changed all the engine fluids I installed the Bosch filter and the Amsoil AMO oil...that reduced considerably the chain rattle noise. So the noise is one of the special little auditory gifts from Lotus via the LT5 :wink:

02-02-2008, 05:38 PM
Of note, I used to experience zero chain rattle until I switched to a PureONE filter and Castrol SynTech 5w30. I think the filter has more to do with it than the oil. I was using the Mobil1 filter with the zinc fortified Mobil1 oil until I couldn't find it any longer.

No great shakes, just the way it is with these motors.

02-02-2008, 06:33 PM
So the noise is one of the special little auditory gifts from Lotus via the LT5 :wink:

That's a great (and amusing) way to look at it.

02-02-2008, 07:00 PM
there have been reports of the replacement chain tensioners failing. FYI

02-02-2008, 07:52 PM
The only time I have ever heard the rattle is one time I did not start the Z for two months during the first winter I had her.

Suffice it to say once I started her up it was a ear opener all right!!

Woke me up real quick -- I shut her down right away and was freaking out for about a half a min till I remembered all the post about the infamous "CHAIN RATTLE"--

Well figuring I now was hearing the dreaded Chain Rattle I went ahead and fired her up again-- RATTLE still present for about another 10 seconds and then viola-- nice and quiet normal engine again.

Now I know what everyone had been speaking about with the Chain Rattle thing. Indeed is it very concerning the first time you ever witness it!

It was more that I had ever anticipated that is for sure. And it does take a while for the engine to pump up and get the lifeblood flowing to the correct components to quiet them back down.

Needless to say I fire the Z up every 30 days no matter what now and have not heard the dreaded Chain Rattle since!

Lesson Learned---

Like Jimi Hendrix sayz --- "Are you Experienced"???


Note---I suppose the sound I heard is really more like a new engine startup since all the oil had drained out of my filter and top end and that what I was hearing was about the same as a rebuilt new engine start up.

The sound most are talking about is the noise we all get from the DOHC design and the extra long special chain from Germany and that some engines are louder than others. And the fact that the tensioners do wear out eventually and need replacement.

I suspect that the louder ones are closer to needing replacement. Perhaps someone can chime in on having to do this replacement and when they knew it was time and just how loud it did actually become indicating the need to do such!

02-02-2008, 09:10 PM
there have been reports of the replacement chain tensioners failing. FYI i hadnt heard about this could you enlighten us more . are they from a certain place or what??????i am going to be tearing into one of my cars soon and really would like to avoid this .thanx

02-02-2008, 11:36 PM
Fortunately havent had that issue with mine. Always used Mobil 1 filters, dont know if that has anything to do with it or not.

02-03-2008, 02:29 AM
i hadnt heard about this could you enlighten us more . are they from a certain place or what??????i am going to be tearing into one of my cars soon and really would like to avoid this .thanx
i'll search my email tomorrow and get back to you

02-03-2008, 05:30 AM
I think.....that's not good this early in the AM....that the core of the issue is on the 2 bolt motors(?) the right side guides were made without a resevior for the oil to lay in after shut down. Therefore upon cold start up the lack of lube at the contact point caused some noise. I don't remember if the noise actually means that the chain is wearing for that short period of time...to the detrement of the chain. Later a new guide was devised with a well for retaining oil after shut down to quiet the following start up. Customer complaints drove this developement....I believe, rather than any actual potiential failure issues.

If I'm correct, there might even be a TSB about the issue over at the mothership site.

I noticed with my car that the noise took till after 15k miles to really make itself a regular thing. I got the car with 7400 on it and it only rattled if it sat more than a week. Now, at 29,xxx, it rattles everytime I start it after sitting for more than a coupla of hours...it was an attention getter the first few times for me also.:sign10:

I do believe that the guide is one of the last places to get oil....so as it wears I suppose the noise gets worse? I guess I'll find out aas time goes by because I'm not gonna stop using my car. I had thought about buying the newer guide but always found different places to spend the budget. Now I think that they are NLA....not really sure about that..I just kind of thought I had seen that somewhere?


02-03-2008, 06:39 AM
I should clarify something... this 'rattle' ONLY occurs right a start up and shut down...not continuous nor during running.. With the new oil & filter it is now bearly noticeable which means (1) my initial shock at hearing is now a non- shock routine (2) due to being driven more the rattle is lessening or (3) I am going deaf :mrgreen:

02-03-2008, 09:01 AM
Has anyone tried a pre-luber? It has a bladder with gas under pressure. Turn the key, the valve opens and oil pressure comes up before you start it. Much cheaper then trying to find and install new tensioners!

02-03-2008, 10:20 AM
To borrow from Hadi, chain rattle is just the opening and closing cymbol roll of the LT5 symphony. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the power of the entire musical piece.

02-06-2008, 08:10 PM
So....:confused: I take it no one knows the answer to the question?

Hasn't anyone changed out a tensioner or two and noticed one way or another and noticed that the rattle was either gone or still there.


02-06-2008, 08:12 PM
oh **** i totally forgot about this...check my email now, sorry guys

02-06-2008, 08:26 PM
Has anyone tried a pre-luber? It has a bladder with gas under pressure. Turn the key, the valve opens and oil pressure comes up before you start it. Much cheaper then trying to find and install new tensioners!

Somebody is thinking. :thumbsup:

Adding a accusump is a nice feature, ingest some pressurized oil into the motor before start up. Especially for the guys who store their cars for months.

They come in different sizes and the 3 quart accusump bottle is not that large.

02-07-2008, 11:11 AM
how would one plumb this in our system?