View Full Version : Accel & Multec Injector ???

01-31-2008, 09:20 PM
Got all my parts in today (thanks Jeff) & see theres a difference in the factory injectors & the Accels. The primaries on the Multecs dont have an O ring on the tips & look different from the secondaries which DO have an O ring.

The Accels look exactly the same & both have O rings. Do I remove the O rings or leave them on (primary side of course)?

01-31-2008, 09:47 PM
Well, I don't know if it was right or not, but the Accels I put in, I just put them in. O-rings and all.

Now somebody's going to tell me I have to take it back apart. :P


flyin ryan
01-31-2008, 10:07 PM
on 92's & up you shouldn't need to do anything concerning O-rings with the Accel's, individual pt. no: 150121 or eight pack no: 150821. you might need to use a razor blade to remove the plastic guide for the injector harness clip. it's just a guide, the harness will still clip in place by using the tabs on the sides. the guide was so the primary & secondary were not swapped.

01-31-2008, 10:22 PM
The part # is 150821 for all 16. 2 8-pack boxes. The original primaries had no O rings, these all have O rings....Jeff already trimmed the tabs for me, so, no problem there.....:icon_scra

01-31-2008, 10:26 PM
Throw them in and forget about it. Make sure the C-clip hits the first indentation making sure the injector gets fully seated.

And yes, your coils were trimmed and numbered, as were the tabs for the injectors.

01-31-2008, 10:37 PM
Throw them in and forget about it. Make sure the C-clip hits the first indentation making sure the injector gets fully seated.

And yes, your coils were trimmed and numbered, as were the tabs for the injectors.

Ive always heard Jeff offers full "trim" service :wink: :dancing

01-31-2008, 10:42 PM
how much cost for 16 injectors?
and how much cost for only 8 inj. ?:)

01-31-2008, 10:43 PM
Ive always heard Jeff offers full "trim" service :wink: :dancing
That's funny, I'd heard he likes the "Shaved" ones. :D

01-31-2008, 10:43 PM
how much cost for 16 injectors?
and how much cost for only 8 inj. ?:)
why you didnt change all of the injectors pal?

02-01-2008, 12:11 AM
Ok, cool beans, thanks Jeff... theyre ready and installed in the fuel rails. I'll put em in the housings as soon as the stupid secondary actuators come in....so far, we have one good one. Stan at Tom Henry is really stepping up to the plate & helping out with this task of finding 2 good ones.

Hadi, I did all 16. Cost around $540.

Paul Workman
02-01-2008, 12:18 PM
Ok, cool beans, thanks Jeff... theyre ready and installed in the fuel rails. I'll put em in the housings as soon as the stupid secondary actuators come in....so far, we have one good one. Stan at Tom Henry is really stepping up to the plate & helping out with this task of finding 2 good ones.

Hadi, I did all 16. Cost around $540.

I'm all ears on your project. I appreciate the engineering that went into their design, and the goal all that stuff attempts to achieve. But, inherent in it's complexity, it is obvious there is ample opportunity for "glitching", not to mention trying to find parts (like actuators) that are matched and work. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

I will hopefully be meeting with some of the IL "Z" nuts for a get together tonight. I will be very interested to discuss the possibility of deleting the secondary throttle plates, the actuators, and the 4 relays which have to work in perfect unison to prevent a sometimes stumble with there is a lack of perfect coordination in transition. A chip change may also be needed, but according to Pete, it is a "no brainer", with no practical downside, and possibly a 5 hp gain...WooHoo!

Although in down state IL there is currently no requirement for emmissions compliance testing (in Kankakee co), I want to move back to CO one day (sooner the better), or compliance testing might be expanded to my county one day. So, at the very least, I would have to hang onto the "stuff" in case I have to reinstall it for compliance reasons.:rolleyes:.

So...Like I said, I'm all ears on your project!


02-01-2008, 12:31 PM
I'm all ears on your project. I appreciate the engineering that went into their design, and the goal all that stuff attempts to achieve. But, inherent in it's complexity, it is obvious there is ample opportunity for "glitching", not to mention trying to find parts (like actuators) that are matched and work. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

I will hopefully be meeting with some of the IL "Z" nuts for a get together tonight. I will be very interested to discuss the possibility of deleting the secondary throttle plates, the actuators, and the 4 relays which have to work in perfect unison to prevent a sometimes stumble with there is a lack of perfect coordination in transition. A chip change may also be needed, but according to Pete, it is a "no brainer", with no practical downside, and possibly a 5 hp gain...WooHoo!

Although in down state IL there is currently no requirement for emmissions compliance testing (in Kankakee co), I want to move back to CO one day (sooner the better), or compliance testing might be expanded to my county one day. So, at the very least, I would have to hang onto the "stuff" in case I have to reinstall it for compliance reasons.:rolleyes:.

So...Like I said, I'm all ears on your project!


Hey Paul....its killing me to have to walk by my Z in the garage & know I have to wait!! I'm one actuator short....hopefully next week! I thought about removing the secondary throttle plates from reading about others' testamonials....BUT, its my first time into the LT5 & I thought it would just be easier to stick with whats in front of me instead of delving into doing a modification on an engine that I know little about anyway.

So far, with the help of the members here, the project has gone smoothly. Putting parts back in was a snap! It looks like a rats nest when you first pull it all apart, but once you get familiar with each piece, its not too big a deal. I probably only have an hour left of work once I get the actuator.

Where in Colorado did you live? We have no emission testing from Colorado Springs south.

02-01-2008, 02:24 PM
I'm all ears on your project. I appreciate the engineering that went into their design, and the goal all that stuff attempts to achieve. But, inherent in it's complexity, it is obvious there is ample opportunity for "glitching", not to mention trying to find parts (like actuators) that are matched and work. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

I will hopefully be meeting with some of the IL "Z" nuts for a get together tonight. I will be very interested to discuss the possibility of deleting the secondary throttle plates, the actuators, and the 4 relays which have to work in perfect unison to prevent a sometimes stumble with there is a lack of perfect coordination in transition. A chip change may also be needed, but according to Pete, it is a "no brainer", with no practical downside, and possibly a 5 hp gain...WooHoo!

Although in down state IL there is currently no requirement for emmissions compliance testing (in Kankakee co), I want to move back to CO one day (sooner the better), or compliance testing might be expanded to my county one day. So, at the very least, I would have to hang onto the "stuff" in case I have to reinstall it for compliance reasons.:rolleyes:.

So...Like I said, I'm all ears on your project!


Hey Paul, 1995 and older OBD1 cars are NO LONGER tested. IL, figured it costed more to keep the equipment for the % of vehicles of that age left on the road

02-01-2008, 04:22 PM
I don't understand, so you all are saying you leave the spray-end o-ring on the injector? It won't be held in by anything except the o-ring's tension. I'd be afraid one day it might fall off and get sucked into the engine.

I used '93+ injectors and here is what I did to them prior to installing:


02-01-2008, 06:21 PM
Aurora, that was my reasoning as well. Thats why I questioned it. I might take them off too, its just my luck & one will fall off.

02-01-2008, 06:59 PM
The 1990 primary injector has an "O" ring that sits inside the housing body. The "O" ring fits around the injector body providing the seal. These are about the size of a quarter and no longer available at GM. If you need some let me know I can tell you where to buy them, cost is about a dollar each. These are made of Viton material, same as the original. GM price on these was $25.00 each.