View Full Version : Well today was a good day on several levels>>>

01-28-2008, 12:57 PM
First and best... the ZR passed Virginia emissions :dancing which is as strict as California emission requirements...for those who do not have to concern yourself with emissions testing this is a big deal since getting a vehicle to pass can cost BIG $$$. Anyway here is the report I promised>>

Second and maybe as important was that this morning I took the ZR out for the first time to begin to run it thru the rpms etc...think of it as 'sea trials'. After two weeks on working on the car, looking for any defect, replacing a few parts (like a water hose) that were OK but not to my standard, all new fluids etc., Haibeck ECU upgrade and so on... fired up instantly and all sounded spot on... took to the road... all instrumentation looking good so first run 4500 rpm max..all good; second run 5500 rpm...all good; and third run 6500++ rpm... all good. Run thru the gears, downshift with rev matching and run hard... I am ALL smiles :) ..the beast ran perfectly and yes that LT5 sound at higher rpms and the ZF performed flawlessly (I hate to admit this..soooo much nicer shifting than the tranny on my C6) The only thing I found was a slight brake fluid leak from the Master Cylinder Reservior mounting grommet (unit #1)..new parts on the way and that will be taken care of by Friday. I had fun!!

And last ..I could now register the ZR and get my custom plates...got exactly what I wanted (which surprised me) and should have my new plates in about a week.

Oh... the down side... damn Virginia fees:
$54 for emissions and safety inspection
$133 for two year registration and custom license plates


01-28-2008, 01:06 PM
Wow, you are right on the edge with the HC's @ 25mph. It may be leaking injectors, my HC's were close before changing them. But if it's running fine and passed, something for another day.

What plates did you get?

01-28-2008, 01:15 PM
the beast ran perfectly and yes that LT5 sound at higher rpms and the ZF performed flawlessly (I hate to admit this..soooo much nicer shifting than the tranny on my C6)

Michael, I've got a C6 in the garage as well and I know exactly what you're talking about.

My Z might have longer throws than the C6, but it feels SOOOOO much nicer! The C6's tranny just isn't as smooth as the ZR-1.



01-28-2008, 01:40 PM
Yep on the injectors...figure I give them a year or so and the 10% ethanol will do them in...future project guaranteed!

Plate...hmm... OK>>>> ZR-1 90


01-28-2008, 02:04 PM

Congratulations! Passing all emissions testing is always a good thing. I feel your pain on the fees. I just got my personal plates (QUASARZ); $178 in Maryland.

Thanks for sharing.


01-28-2008, 02:16 PM
want high fees come to calif. 214 with custom plates for 1year ugh

01-28-2008, 02:56 PM
Ouch! OK no more complaints from me about VA fees...still PIA

01-28-2008, 06:01 PM
... all instrumentation looking good so first run 4500 rpm max..all good; second run 5500 rpm...all good; and third run 6500++ rpm... all good. Run thru the gears, downshift with rev matching and run hard... I am ALL smiles :) ..the beast ran perfectly and yes that LT5 sound at higher rpms ........[/quote]

Cool! Next time rap it a little more. 7200 sounds even better!!

"thru the gears" was that 6500+++ in 5th? =D> Sweeeeet.

01-29-2008, 04:37 AM
Michael, good choice on the custom plate.