View Full Version : O2 change - help

01-26-2008, 02:25 PM
I have the car raised. I can't budge the left hand side o2 sensor, I warmed the car up like the book says. I can't even imagine being able to get to the right hand side o2 sensor. My right side o2 sensor is ontop of the manifold. How do you access it?

Please help someone!!!!

01-26-2008, 04:24 PM
roger , do you have the o2 sensor socket ? if not , you need to get one . also a pivoting head ratchet works wonders. you might try some type of nut buster thats used for loosening rusted bolts . i had to do that on the right one on my car .i also used a propane torch on it to heat it alittle . braking it loose can be a little tough . i used a hammer to tap the end of the ratchet to get it broken loose . do you have the car jacked up .? if so get it high enough to give you some room . also when you go to get the connector on the right remove that cross brace . dont worry your motor wont drop promise . removing that brace is really just about the only easy way to get at the connector . other my chime in with an easier way . i can anly share with you what i did . hope this helps

01-26-2008, 04:45 PM
roger , do you have the o2 sensor socket ? if not , you need to get one . also a pivoting head ratchet works wonders. you might try some type of nut buster thats used for loosening rusted bolts . i had to do that on the right one on my car .i also used a propane torch on it to heat it alittle . braking it loose can be a little tough . i used a hammer to tap the end of the ratchet to get it broken loose . do you have the car jacked up .? if so get it high enough to give you some room . also when you go to get the connector on the right remove that cross brace . dont worry your motor wont drop promise . removing that brace is really just about the only easy way to get at the connector . other my chime in with an easier way . i can anly share with you what i did . hope this helps

I got the left side changed(after getting an o2 socket). Even if I remove the cross brace, it doesn't look like that will give me enough room. What if I only change the left o2 sensor? Can it hurt the car? I have about had it for the day. Another thing on the right side o2 sensor, they have spliced the one that is in there, so if and when I could get to the rt side o2 sensor I will have to do the same. Man this is frustrating. Don't eve know if this will fix the car.

Tyler Townsley
01-26-2008, 04:59 PM
I got the left side changed(after getting an o2 socket). Even if I remove the cross brace, it doesn't look like that will give me enough room. What if I only change the left o2 sensor? Can it hurt the car? I have about had it for the day. Another thing on the right side o2 sensor, they have spliced the one that is in there, so if and when I could get to the rt side o2 sensor I will have to do the same. Man this is frustrating. Don't eve know if this will fix the car.

I made a tool out of a 3' .25 dowell and a coathanger to deal with the connector.


01-26-2008, 05:07 PM
just changing one will not hurt a thing. but i would not splice the right one i would hook it up as it was set up from the factory. splicing could change the reading of the sensor . in fact that could be part of the problem. i will have to look at my red car which is still stk to give you better direction on the right sensor . i,ll try to get back at ya within the hr after i jack it up and remove it my self . you have worked so hard on your car it would be my pleasure to try to help :thumbsup:

01-26-2008, 05:41 PM
Remove the k-brace and you can get into to hook the connector back up.


Tyler Townsley
01-26-2008, 06:58 PM
just changing one will not hurt a thing. but i would not splice the right one i would hook it up as it was set up from the factory. splicing could change the reading of the sensor . in fact that could be part of the problem. i will have to look at my red car which is still stk to give you better direction on the right sensor . i,ll try to get back at ya within the hr after i jack it up and remove it my self . you have worked so hard on your car it would be my pleasure to try to help :thumbsup:

At one time someone had a harness extension just for this problem.

OK Guess its time to describe how to use the coathanger and dowell. Take the coathanger and straighten it out and put a 1/4-1/5 hook in one end. You use this to hook the connector. Pull the connector toward you and use the dowell to press the lever to unsnap the connector. To put it back use the dowell to push the connector back into the end.


01-26-2008, 07:33 PM
just changing one will not hurt a thing. but i would not splice the right one i would hook it up as it was set up from the factory. splicing could change the reading of the sensor . in fact that could be part of the problem. i will have to look at my red car which is still stk to give you better direction on the right sensor . i,ll try to get back at ya within the hr after i jack it up and remove it my self . you have worked so hard on your car it would be my pleasure to try to help :thumbsup:

Brad, I appreciate all the help and support you and the other guys have offered. :thumbsup:
I feel like maybe I am more apart of the z brotherhood now that I have done a few things on the car.

I didn't get the right side sensor out. When I change it, I will have to splice it because there is no connector there. I took the car for a drive. It ran great. I hope that it isn't some atmospheric presure thing that made the car run right. I hope I got lucky and the left sensor was the problem(it was damaged on the outside-one big dent in it).

What are the chances that the left o2 sensor was the problem?:pray

I drove it like a rented mule and it didn't let me down once.:D

01-26-2008, 08:20 PM
I didn't get the right side sensor out. When I change it, I will have to splice it because there is no connector there. I took the car for a drive. It ran great.

What do you mean there is no connector there?

01-26-2008, 08:23 PM
roger, way cool . about time you got to have some good zr1 fun @7000 rpm. when you replace the other one make sure you try to make good solid connections that wont get any water in them . but i am very glad its running better . sometimes i think our cars a living things that recognize when they are recieving loving care and reward us when they get it :wink:

01-26-2008, 08:25 PM
Tyler thankyou for the cool tool idea . i am going to make one up:thumbsup:

01-26-2008, 08:33 PM
just a thought . the connector is proably burried under the wrapped shielding that goes around the motor mount . ck that out first before you splice . hope this helps. still very happy your baby is running goood:cheers:

01-26-2008, 08:49 PM
What do you mean there is no connector there?

Maybe Brad is right, and I just didn't see the connector. It looked like the wires were spliced together rather than using the factory connection. There is a splice on the three wires, but it could have been put there to get the wires longer. If I had pulled in the wires, maybe the plug in would have been there. I didn't focus too much on the wires since I couldn't get to the sensor.

01-26-2008, 08:51 PM
Another thing on the right side o2 sensor, they have spliced the one that is in there, so if and when I could get to the rt side o2 sensor I will have to do the same. Man this is frustrating. Don't eve know if this will fix the car.

Thats what was wrong with my Z. The extention was not a good seal. Water got in, toasted the o2. I pulled the stock wire out of the loom and moved it to where I needed it.

01-26-2008, 09:46 PM
I want to go ahead and change the right side o2 sensor, but I can't figure out how to get to it. I got my o2 socket on the sensor, but could figure out how to get a connection to the o2 socket. Maybe I am a little dense and missing something. There is just no room to manipulate it.

You guys are probably tired of hearing from me.

01-26-2008, 11:39 PM
not at all my friend we have all been where you are . thats what this site ids all about . but its got to be late there . maybe just leave her on jackstands till morning . ai will pull the red beast in my shop and see if i can come up with something for you by tomarrow ,morning . have to go spend some time with my very preggers wife . red heads can be a little tough sometimes :mrgreen: but shes a car gal and i am a lucky guy :cheers:

01-27-2008, 01:03 AM
After seeing what a Bit*h it is to get these off,
its a good idea to put anti-sieze compound on the
new threads. Hopefully much easier the next time.

01-27-2008, 04:08 AM
Don't do what I did........bought both O2's & changed the left one and waited till someone else asked how to get the right one out....a yr later!:o

laying under the car & looking up at the right side exhaust cat ya can't see the connector....but the motor mount is right there above these two metal frame members. One has a nut on the bottom side and it looks like that is the motor mount nut....it's not, the metal brace above the nut isn't even holding the motor mount. There is an identical peice of metal going to the front cross member from the same spot where the motor mount nut is....those two come out and the connector can be reached. The motor mount is actually on a mounting point just above the rear facing metal you are going to remove.

FWIW.....the thread is here & I stared at it for 1/2 an hour before I did what had to be dunn to get the job done. Why, I would swear that I was gonna drop that side of the motor!:sign10: :redface:

I should have believed Sensi.........Jeff!:redface:

Just do it....a set of swivel sockets and box rachets come in handy....but once ya do it you will be like DUH, why didn't I see this!


01-27-2008, 11:34 AM
I know what you mean on the cross member .i thought for sure someone was playing a cruel joke and the motor was going to drop,but it didnt . roger , i changed both of thr 02s in the red vet this morning . to get the right one out of the exhaust I used a flare wrench . i first put on some liquid wrench after warming the car up , then i put the flare wrench on the nut and tapped the other end of the wrench with a hammer turned sidewase(that helps not to miss the end as i am a older fella :mrgreen: ) it took a couple of minutes to bust loose but it did. then removed the cross brace to get at the connector which was under the fabric shielding for the motor mount . good luck and just take your time . the new one should have anti sieze on it if its a bosch. if not make sure anti sieze only getd on the threads and not the sensor as it will kill the sensor if it does . hope this helps .

01-27-2008, 06:21 PM
roger , did you get that little pest out of there yet?

01-27-2008, 06:46 PM
roger , did you get that little pest out of there yet?

Brad, I haven't had a chance to try it again. My first problem is that I still can't see how I can get to the sensor. I don't think I have the equipmrnt I need. I take it you didn't use the o2 socket on the right sensor. I actually got the o2 socket on the sensor but couldn't get anything in it to turn it. I think I must be missing something here.:icon_scra

01-27-2008, 07:01 PM
Roger, snap on makes a very nice swivel head O2 sensor tool. Might be a bit more than you want to spend though. You should be able to get a open end wrench on it to get you taken care of though.

01-27-2008, 07:18 PM
Roger, snap on makes a very nice swivel head O2 sensor tool. Might be a bit more than you want to spend though. You should be able to get a open end wrench on it to get you taken care of though.

Jeff, How are you guys getting to the sensor? With it on top of the pipe, I can't get anything on it. I have to be missing something. I can barely get a finger on the bottom of the sensor. Looks like I would have to take the exhaust apart to get to the sensor.

01-27-2008, 08:24 PM
roger ,get a flare wrench slip it over the top of the sensor till it gets to the bottem where the nut is . move it around till you can get at it then tapp it with a hammer sidewase till it loosens . i,ll go back out an jack up the car and see if i can give you a more detailed way to do it .

01-27-2008, 09:32 PM
Jeff, How are you guys getting to the sensor? With it on top of the pipe, I can't get anything on it. I have to be missing something. I can barely get a finger on the bottom of the sensor. Looks like I would have to take the exhaust apart to get to the sensor.

Roger, it is a tight fit, but you can get in there.

This is the tool I was talking about. SWR1


01-27-2008, 09:57 PM
Roger, it is a tight fit, but you can get in there.

This is the tool I was talking about. SWR1


OK. Now I see how that could do it. Where can I find a wrench like that or something simular?

01-27-2008, 10:02 PM
roger ,get a flare wrench slip it over the top of the sensor till it gets to the bottem where the nut is . move it around till you can get at it then tapp it with a hammer sidewase till it loosens . i,ll go back out an jack up the car and see if i can give you a more detailed way to do it .

Brad, I am going to get you introuble with your wife.

BTW, when is she due?:thumbsup:

01-27-2008, 11:01 PM
nah shes glad to get me out of the house:mrgreen: that way she and the nurse thats looking after her can do the girl talk thing . I am having trouble getting the car into the garage though due to snow . she ia due in june but has to remain in bed alot due to the doctor being afraid of her loosing the baby . i will try tomarrow to get little red deb in the garage after the county guy comes to plow my road . i cant believe all the snow we are having here . need a 4 wheel drive zr1:o

Paul Workman
01-28-2008, 05:36 AM
Roger, it is a tight fit, but you can get in there.

This is the tool I was talking about. SWR1



Is that used to remove the O2 sensor...or to jam up the butt of the engineer that designed the location for the sensor...OR BOTH!:mrgreen:


01-28-2008, 05:42 AM
Man It's been a long time since I've been in a snap-on truck.......that place is more dangerour than sears for me:o

I recognize the handle & the flank drive configuration of the socket....that's off of the snap-on truck, it must be their answer for leverage on stubborn O2 sensors. That must have cost about $60.00!

I'm soooo glad my O2 socket from autozone worked....$10.00!:sign10:

01-28-2008, 08:51 AM
nah shes glad to get me out of the house:mrgreen: that way she and the nurse thats looking after her can do the girl talk thing . I am having trouble getting the car into the garage though due to snow . she ia due in june but has to remain in bed alot due to the doctor being afraid of her loosing the baby . i will try tomarrow to get little red deb in the garage after the county guy comes to plow my road . i cant believe all the snow we are having here . need a 4 wheel drive zr1:o

Snow in San Jose, CA ? Holy crap that's a rare occurence:)

01-28-2008, 09:11 AM
OK. Now I see how that could do it. Where can I find a wrench like that or something simular?

You can get it from snap on online, or find out when the local snap on guy hits your local shop. And yes, having the snap on guy stop is like a crack dealer swinging by. You can easily drop 500 bucks.

01-28-2008, 10:43 AM
Snow in San Jose, CA ? Holy crap that's a rare occurence:)opps guess i should update . i am currently dividng my living between lone pine and mammoth lakes ca.where deb and i are building a new home. you wouldnt believe the snow in mammoth:wink:

01-28-2008, 12:04 PM
Wow, Nice up there!

01-28-2008, 12:47 PM
yeah it is but this white stuff is not good zr1 weather . my wife says i get a little goofy if i cant drive my baby:mrgreen: so iam driving to lone pine so we can go for a cruize

01-28-2008, 08:21 PM
Ok. Car is back on stands. I just want to make sure that you guys are talking about removing the large piece of steel that looks to be holding the car together to get to the connector?????

Also, the Bosch O2 sensor doesn't seem to have a long enough wire connection to get to the factory one, not that I have actually seen the factory one on that side. I have seen enough of the wire to know that the replacement one I have won't be long enough.

I know this this topic is getting old for you guys, but I am trying to get it right.:o

01-29-2008, 12:07 PM
ryan , do you have headers ? if its not long enough you could make yourself a extender by using the 2 connectors off the old o2 sensors . if someone can show you hou to pop the pins out of them you could even ,make one without splices. auto parts guys should be able to show you how to do that. Sorry i didnt get to the red car yesterday we had a dr appointment yesterday and found out some interesting info WE ARE HAVING TWINS. the little minx has known for a while . the look on her face when telling me awsome and from what she said the look on my face priceless:o oh well guess i better get busy .or did I allready:mrgreen:

01-29-2008, 12:44 PM
It's a U shaped, formed metal brace, bolted on each end (frame & crossmember) and has one nut right in the center which is to the motor mount. Not to worry about removing it. Engine will not drop as there are steel pads that the motor mounts sit on.

Usually, the Bosch O2's have a longer lead than the OEM parts. If it doesn't reach and before you splice, you might want to see if you can remove a bit more of the harness O2 lead to make it reach.

Before reconnecting, coat the weather seal with a bit of silicone grease to keep it healthy and watertite.

01-29-2008, 12:59 PM
very good advise roger . he really knows these cars

01-29-2008, 02:22 PM
ryan , do you have headers ? if its not long enough you could make yourself a extender by using the 2 connectors off the old o2 sensors . if someone can show you hou to pop the pins out of them you could even ,make one without splices. auto parts guys should be able to show you how to do that. Sorry i didnt get to the red car yesterday we had a dr appointment yesterday and found out some interesting info WE ARE HAVING TWINS. the little minx has known for a while . the look on her face when telling me awsome and from what she said the look on my face priceless:o oh well guess i better get busy .or did I allready:mrgreen:

WOW, twins!!!!! Probably 2 red headed girls waiting to turn your world upside-down.:thumbsup:

I will get under the car and work some more on trying to get that right o2 sensor out. I am also trying to clean in the wheel wells---what a nightmare!!!

01-29-2008, 02:48 PM
your proably right . i might just have 3 red headed women ...... oh the pain j/k:wink: roger , on the wheel wells i found it alot easier to clean them off the car . the front have 3 pieces the rears one piece . they are very easy to remove if you have torx bits. gotta run

02-09-2008, 08:30 PM
I got the right side O2 sensor out. Put the new one in. THe wires are not long enough to reach the plug in. What are some options I can try?

Just when I think I got it licked, the wires don't reach.:thumbsdo:

02-09-2008, 09:03 PM
Do not cut and splice. They won't function correctly. Bob Bloyer found out the hard way.

How short?

02-09-2008, 09:16 PM
Do not cut and splice. They won't function correctly. Bob Bloyer found out the hard way.

How short?

It looks to be about 3 to 4 inches short.

02-09-2008, 09:20 PM
Don't route it the factory way. Just connect it off the back of the oil pan.

02-09-2008, 09:43 PM
Don't route it the factory way. Just connect it off the back of the oil pan.

WHat do you mean? Will the o2 plug fit on the connector on the oil pan?

02-09-2008, 10:04 PM
pull the factory wires out of the factory wire harness from the plastic loom. Pull out as much as you need to route it to the back of the oil pan. put new plastic loom over the factory wires you just pulled out. black tape the new plastic loom to the factory plastic loom at the new T point you made. DONE

02-09-2008, 10:13 PM
pull the factory wires out of the factory wire harness from the plastic loom. Pull out as much as you need to route it to the back of the oil pan. put new plastic loom over the factory wires you just pulled out. black tape the new plastic loom to the factory plastic loom at the new T point you made. DONE

I must be stupid. I didn't follow any of that. :o

I feel like Forrest Gump.