View Full Version : Finally on its way home for the install!!!

Zr1 Destroyer
01-20-2008, 10:58 PM
Finally had some time to finish degreeing the cams where i wanted them in my cookie cutter 415.....thanks to Rods(nj) dad. Just thought i'd through a few pics up of me getting it ready for its ride home to be together again with the ol Z!

The jeffvette powder coating work looks awesome with the white racing stainlees bolt/dowdy kit! Has bme gas ported pistons, oliver titanium rods and a knife edged bryant crank......blah blah blah......you know...cookie cutter stuff!
I'll post a few more pics up of the install fun and hopefully fire it this week.

And of course the main piece that makes the 415 work.....

01-20-2008, 11:03 PM

01-20-2008, 11:12 PM
Looking good Ry!

01-20-2008, 11:40 PM
Very nice!

01-21-2008, 12:08 AM
Finally had some time to finish degreeing the cams where i wanted them in my cookie cutter 415.....
The jeffvette powder coating work looks awesome with the white racing stainlees bolt/dowdy kit! Has bme gas ported pistons, oliver titanium rods and a knife edged bryant crank......blah blah blah......


Nice, so what did you end up setting the cams at, unless that's locked in the R@D vault, I would understand? Probably not your run of the mill cams either though?

Paul Workman
01-21-2008, 06:34 AM
Wow! That looks very good! (Someone let Jeffvette know that I'm sending him my upper end for a port and powder job soon as I can swing it!!)

Thanks for the pix. That looks awesome. (I really don't understand why the with the new ZR1 that GM decided to put a coffee table on top of the engine - thinking that looked somehow better to the eying public (car nuts in fact!) than seeing the "works". )



01-21-2008, 06:43 AM
Wow that's some sweet heart of the beast transplant ya have there! I'll bet that'll get ya to :mrgreen: when ya hit the go pedal!

Good luck & enjoy!!


01-21-2008, 08:52 AM
Thats just cooool!
I'm gonna have to see this in person one day this spring Ry. :handshak:

01-21-2008, 09:12 AM
looks good? what color is that?

01-21-2008, 10:09 AM
wow..color me GREEN envy. congrats= i sure hope you get her
together, soon, i might even make it back to Bowling Green this
year to see you and you're daddy, "Dwight" face off on saturday
at beech bend. hell i'll even throw in a pic of some feet. :mrgreen:
if it happens, to the ah...winner.

Zr1 Destroyer
01-21-2008, 11:04 AM

Nice, so what did you end up setting the cams at, unless that's locked in the R@D vault, I would understand? Probably not your run of the mill cams either though?Thanks, stayed with stock on the cams and they came in at 112/114 so it would make tuning a snap!

Zr1 Destroyer
01-21-2008, 11:07 AM
Thanks guys, i'll snap some more in depth shots after i get done tapping the new pilot bearing in and this dang snow lets up.......friggin colorado!

01-21-2008, 11:20 AM
who did the rebuiding of the motor?

01-21-2008, 12:49 PM
Thanks guys, i'll snap some more in depth shots after i get done tapping the new pilot bearing in and this dang snow lets up.......friggin colorado!
Ry..I'm over here in Utah...there's more coming your way! We have over a foot of new snow as of this morning...and still snowing!


01-21-2008, 01:51 PM
Sweet! Can't wait for the install/first fire reports. :thumbsup:

Zr1 Destroyer
01-21-2008, 03:21 PM
Ry..I'm over here in Utah...there's more coming your way! We have over a foot of new snow as of this morning...and still snowing!

UlyGreeeeeeeat!!! I can't wait until spring hits!:)

Zr1 Destroyer
01-21-2008, 03:24 PM
who did the rebuiding of the motor?Dewild motorsports here in Denver, Co.:thumbsup:

Tyler Townsley
01-21-2008, 03:38 PM
Thats just cooool!
I'm gonna have to see this in person one day this spring Ry. :handshak:

When I was there the doors were open. What happened Ry you guys wimp out in the cooler weather?

Will was complaining it was too cold to work too. Kinda cold here today 65 deg and sunny.


Zr1 Destroyer
01-21-2008, 08:34 PM
When I was there the doors were open. What happened Ry you guys wimp out in the cooler weather?

Will was complaining it was too cold to work too. Kinda cold here today 65 deg and sunny.

TylerYeah yeah....rub it in.:mrgreen: It's 5 degrees here and snowy.....blah!

You'll have to visit Will again around the Vettes on the rockies if you already havn't........lots of sweet vettes up there in Frisco to gawk at!

01-22-2008, 01:56 PM
wow..color me GREEN envy. congrats= i sure hope you get her
together, soon, i might even make it back to Bowling Green this
year to see you and you're daddy, "Dwight" face off on saturday
at beech bend. hell i'll even throw in a pic of some feet. :mrgreen:
if it happens, to the ah...winner.

Keith's got you pegged on all counts Ry!!

Congrats on the 415. They are a BLAST to drive.
When you get used to that.....call me about a TT setup....:sign10:

Zr1 Destroyer
01-22-2008, 10:52 PM
Keith's got you pegged on all counts Ry!!

Congrats on the 415. They are a BLAST to drive.
When you get used to that.....call me about a TT setup....:sign10: As soon as your new tt contraption runs as fast as my old TT syclone i'll give you a call Jer!:sign10:


And of course some video on the same day i got it fired up and rolling for a 9.53@148mph at bandimere speedway.......before the new tranny went in!


Has anybody had any twin turbo Zr1's running times at the race track besides the two lpe ones!?

Zr1 Destroyer
02-14-2008, 02:12 PM
It has been in for two weeks now, but weather and the flu have held me back!:cry:
New/slimmer willwoods on the rear along with some new 345/19 michelins!
....and some custom 16" hre with new ET streets for the rear aswell!!!

02-14-2008, 02:30 PM
nice! Git er done Ry! BG or BUST! WooHoo!

Zr1 Destroyer
02-15-2008, 11:25 AM
nice! Git er done Ry! BG or BUST! WooHoo!Thanks Uly, this weekend i'm going to try and finish her up and maybe even drop it down off the jack stands........i can't wait to here the lt5 breath once again!!!:cheers:

02-15-2008, 12:58 PM
Good luck and Black Death was sweet! :D

02-15-2008, 02:07 PM
As soon as your new tt contraption runs as fast as my old TT syclone i'll give you a call Jer!:sign10:

:worship: Hey! Be nice now....

Has anybody had any twin turbo Zr1's running times at the race track besides the two lpe ones!?

Not that I'm aware of. But then, who else is there except for Wayne Hale's new one? I doubt that you'll see his on the track, or my rear TT either. We both tend to play elsewhere and not real interested in building dedicated drag cars. Now Ron may be a different story when his is done. Although I don't think he wants to build a dedicated drag car either. We both know that if you don't stuff breaks and you can't go as fast.

I just like the rush you get from 3rd & 4th gear pulls. It's as close to an afterburner I'll ever get. Although....rear mounted turbos are kinda like afterburners aren't they?;)

02-15-2008, 03:43 PM
Destroyer, just pulling you're chain, the engine turned out
purrrrfect. you have one bad azzed ride my friend.
If you do decide to make the roadtrip to Bowling Green,
I can offer you a safe house, for the night in Mid Missouri.
congrats on a job well done. :worship:

Zr1 Destroyer
02-18-2008, 02:27 PM
:worship: Hey! Be nice now....

Not that I'm aware of. But then, who else is there except for Wayne Hale's new one? I doubt that you'll see his on the track, or my rear TT either. We both tend to play elsewhere and not real interested in building dedicated drag cars. Now Ron may be a different story when his is done. Although I don't think he wants to build a dedicated drag car either. We both know that if you don't stuff breaks and you can't go as fast.

I just like the rush you get from 3rd & 4th gear pulls. It's as close to an afterburner I'll ever get. Although....rear mounted turbos are kinda like afterburners aren't they?;)Can't wait to see them going. Are you guys planning on bringing them out to vettes on the rockies?

Zr1 Destroyer
02-18-2008, 02:30 PM
Destroyer, just pulling you're chain, the engine turned out
purrrrfect. you have one bad azzed ride my friend.
If you do decide to make the roadtrip to Bowling Green,
I can offer you a safe house, for the night in Mid Missouri.
congrats on a job well done. :worship:Thanks! If we go to BG i'm bringing a trailer for the Z......I drove it to Muskateen Iowa & back and talk about an uncomfortable ride....ouch!

Zr1 Destroyer
03-10-2008, 12:03 AM
IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-10-2008, 12:07 AM
Don't believe it. Want pix or video!!!!:)

03-10-2008, 01:02 AM
that just has to be the most awsome feeling, firing up a stroker lt5. man i could only wish i could do one , but i am very happy for you enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!please let us know what she runs when you go to the strip. hope ya got a roll bar for the 10s awsome :cheers:

03-10-2008, 05:23 AM
IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I bet you got a real bad case of permagrin!:mrgreen:

Congrats on the motor....it is a sweet feeling to fire it up & have all green at run in.

Enjoy your new toy!

Zr1 Destroyer
03-10-2008, 10:01 AM
Thanks guys!:handshak:I was pumped last night when I fired her up in the ol garage.....No engine light...no nothing yet. It sounds smooth(stock cams) and deep/loud even with the exhaust on. I let it run for about twenty minutes and gave it a couple quick revs.......the fast throttle response was very noticable and revs even faster....gotta love a 4-1/8 stroke crank!

I going to take it off the jack stands today after I fill the zf back up with some fluid(thanks Uly for the fluid advice)!
Exhaust back on, but still a little dusty from a year of sitting in my garage...it was worth it!

I have a new Sony camera, but can't figure out how to take the video yet...time to read the instructions I guess!

03-10-2008, 11:33 AM
Great looking LT5 in a great looking Quasar Blue. I like the blue Samco's with the blue car. I may have to get a set of those for mine.

03-10-2008, 04:30 PM
Let'er rip !! Congrats :cheers: :cheers:

03-10-2008, 04:57 PM
Lookin good Ry! Congrats:occasion1

03-10-2008, 05:23 PM
In the early photos I noticed you still had the secondary vacum reservoir. Did you leave the secondary throttle plates in?

Nice looking motor. I'm sure it will be strong as well.

Zr1 Destroyer
03-10-2008, 09:58 PM
In the early photos I noticed you still had the secondary vacum reservoir. Did you leave the secondary throttle plates in?

Nice looking motor. I'm sure it will be strong as well.Secondarys are all gone, but I wasn't sure what to or what not to remove some I just pluged the canistser vacum tubing off. I saw that the reserboir fed a few other things aswell, but it runs fine with no lights flashing at me....so I guess it's right...lol!


Zr1 Destroyer
03-10-2008, 10:00 PM
Thanks Frank and Dennis....I can't wait to take her out on a friday night!:cheers:

Z Factor
03-11-2008, 10:19 AM
I am sure you are dying to take it out for a spin. Just be careful and avoid driving in bad weather. We don't want another tragedy like poor djpatrick had. :cry:

BTW- It is looking very sharp. :thumbsup:


03-13-2008, 10:31 PM
Brutal, just brutal....congrats Ry.:cheers:

03-14-2008, 12:46 AM
DAMNNN....motor looks sweet. That thing is gonna drive great with the stock cams in it. 600HP and idle at 500rpm.....gotta love it!

Zr1 Destroyer
03-14-2008, 08:47 PM
Thanks again guys!:handshak: Sending the chip out for the tune and trying too gather some cashola for some new accell primary injectors. Just drove down to the lacal BMW dealership for some 10/60 Castrol to quiet the ZF down a little since I also added a Fidanza flywheel.....also need to set the idle up around 800rpm to also help dampen the tranny noise!

Fun times......:dancing......fluid goes in ZF tomorrow and she'll off on her maiden voyage around my hood!!!

03-15-2008, 07:18 AM
I hope you look like this after the maiden voyage!:D

Good luck with your new car!:worship:
