View Full Version : Haibeck 440

12-25-2007, 08:33 PM
Anybody else catch Frank's new signature? Come on Frank, tell us about it. =D>

Lucky fella you are, Merry Christmas.

12-25-2007, 08:46 PM
Wow, a 440 . i wonder what size the pistons are? and the crank I wonder if they are using the 415 crank. and what the rod stroke ratio is . ah I could never afford one but its xmas and one can dream

12-26-2007, 01:51 PM
Hammer, there is possible talk of trying to go up to a 454. Marc did a phenomenal job on this project. The motor was in the car and waiting to be run in and tuned the last I heard of it last week. There are two other indiviuals waiting to see if the 440 yields any more substantial power a 415 and they will be doing an engine as well.

12-26-2007, 02:23 PM
There are two other indiviuals waiting to see if the 440 yields any more substantial power a 415 and they will be doing an engine as well.
Any chance they'll be dumping those puny old 415's afterwards? :mrgreen:

flyin ryan
12-26-2007, 02:48 PM
Any chance they'll be dumping those puny old 415's afterwards? :mrgreen:i've wondered why LT-5's haven't gotten very big in the aftermarket circle's? i've built a couple 340 based Mopar small block's a little bigger cube, one was 461 cube & the other is 465 cube. i also did a 426 about five years ago but that's nothing too crazy. all based on production block's, no spread pan rails & no raised cam tunnels, also standard 340 deck height's. of coarse nobody thought i could make it happen ( INDY ). don't have too worry about raised cam's in the LT-5's obviously. not trying to step on any toes but from what i know & have seen i don't think mid-450's is a stretch with out-side of the box thinking. once you start getting that size the head's are usually the next problem on a two valve set-up. four valve shouldn't be a problem though.

12-26-2007, 04:28 PM
Wow. Great news! Does Marc use the EES big liners, or did he design his own? What cams did you go with, Frank?


12-26-2007, 07:45 PM
The liners are Marc's. I know that Darton's are popular with the big inch LSX engines.
And the cams are Stage III + spec.

What is amazing to me is over 20 years later and still more ground breaking mods are being done to our beloved LT5's ie. STS turbo's - unreal turbo combinations - bigger inch's. Also the guy's that are involved with the LT5 engines , tuning etc. are all diehard LT5 lovers. It is still a great time to own a ZR1 !

Thanks a lot for the update Frank. It has got to be great to be able to put a project of this magnitude together with such an LT-5 Guru as Marc. Truly phenominal (sp), it should keep our cars on the forefront.

Are there any magazines interested or have they been approached at all? I can't wait to hear how your car runs.

12-27-2007, 12:56 AM
Awesome, Frank!!! Any way to get a sound clip of this beast in action?

How exactly are they raising the "deck?"
Sounds like one heck of a project, congrats and enjoy!

12-27-2007, 02:16 AM
440 CID ZR-1? I've officially got wood. frank, I want a ride.

12-27-2007, 10:52 AM
That is great news Frank. :thumbsup:

12-27-2007, 12:22 PM
wow...congrats to you, and to Marc
now you can officially state
yours is finally.....biggest.:sign10:

12-27-2007, 01:46 PM
It is true , a 440 (4.125 X 4.125) inch engine has been assembled by Marc Haibeck. And as Jeff stated above "Marc did a truly phenomenal job on this project". The 440's block is built like a brick outhouse ! The engine is in the car and waiting on a few exhaust parts to be finished. Fire up should be the beginning of next week.
So here is what I wonder then. Instead of the budget 368 build, will a 391 build be the next thing for stock-crank builds? If it cost about the same as a 368 build-up, that would really be something. Just doing some basic math, if a full-bore 350ci motor makes ~430whp, a 368 would scale to ~455whp. I don't think that's too far off a stock-cammed 368. But a 391ci motor would scale to ~480whp. That's a lot more bang for the buck, assuming of course it's possible.

Thanks for your interest. I'll keep you guy's informed on the progress.
I can't wait to hear more about it, and of course to read the whole deal from start to finish in the next Heart of the Beast magazine!

12-27-2007, 11:21 PM

Congrats to you and Marc...

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:


12-27-2007, 11:21 PM
Just wondering what you guys did for head gaskets?

Did you use the stock units or have custom units made?


12-28-2007, 08:11 AM
Man o man, way to be Frank! I hope you have Tooooo muuuch fun with your new toy!:thumbsup:

I was just thinking that I'd like to know all the stuff that Mr. Haibeck has forgotten about LT5's......then I'd be set....can't wait to read all about this project in our news letter. Congratulations to Mr. Haibeck!=D>


12-28-2007, 09:12 AM
Congrats on what should be an awsome ride. Can't wait to hear how it performs. The longer Marc takes on your engine, the less likely I'll get a phone call from him saying my car is done. While I'm looking forward to getting mine back, I don't want to be driving it home in the weather their having in Chicago these days. Thanks for the help!

Cdn ZR1 Mike
12-29-2007, 01:22 AM
That is worth a road trip if there ever was!!! Congrats Frank and Marc!

12-29-2007, 12:30 PM
:hello: See ya guy's. If you want anymore info about the 440 e-mail me or talk to Marc.

Bell Curve
12-29-2007, 04:27 PM
It is true , a 440 (4.125 X 4.125) inch engine has been assembled by Marc Haibeck. And as Jeff stated above "Marc did a truly phenomenal job on this project". The 440's block is built like a brick outhouse ! The engine is in the car and waiting on a few exhaust parts to be finished. Fire up should be the beginning of next week.

The bore spacing will be the problem with going over a 454 as it is getting kind of thin with the 4.125 bore. Then again the deck height can be raised for some more stroke.

Thanks for your interest. I'll keep you guy's informed on the progress.

What type of intake are you doing?

12-29-2007, 05:44 PM
440 CID ZR-1? I've officially got wood. frank, I want a ride.

:sign10: Kevin, I'm not sure that telling a guy you've got a woodie on is the way to get him to take you for a "ride."

12-29-2007, 05:50 PM
440 CID ZR-1? I've officially got wood. frank, I want a ride.


12-30-2007, 12:12 AM
What type of intake are you doing?

Frank, i have the perfect intake for that 440 :D

12-30-2007, 02:07 AM
:sign10: Kevin, I'm not sure that telling a guy you've got a woodie on is the way to get him to take you for a "ride."
I guess that's true

12-30-2007, 01:54 PM
440, that is awesome! looking forward to more details about the build.

great job, that was some "oil change" :sign10:

Bell Curve
01-02-2008, 10:45 AM
Frank, i have the perfect intake for that 440 :D

What is it :confused:

01-24-2008, 03:20 PM
The 440 ci LT5 (Whitey) is alive and well in Addison Illinois.The 440 (4.125 X 4.125) inch engine with stage 3+ cam's were............................................. . I will follow up with more information as it becomes available.
I can not post this on the ZR1net. Too many of my posts were either deleted or edited in the past. I don't want to waste my time or energy with the matter at hand. So I just gave up.

I took this post from FU in CF which he made today, why FU is negative to our Forum???:icon_scra
anybody know what happend?!:confused:
i saw his post here were deleted !why? there is nothing wrong with it!

Funny thing he post something that our member post it here before 4 weeks!!:mrgreen:
To late FU2!

Zr1 Destroyer
01-24-2008, 05:07 PM
Cool Frank.....i bet ya can't wait to flog that bad motha down the quarter mile..........holy torque monster batman...lol!!!


BTW......PICTURES PLEASE!!!:wink::mrgreen:

Zr1 Destroyer
01-24-2008, 05:09 PM
:hello: See ya guy's. If you want anymore info about the 440 e-mail me or talk to Marc.What are you going on vacation er something!?:sign10:

01-24-2008, 05:25 PM
if you are interesting in 440, then here another one: EES

Btw, i dont like 440, i love 427 TT. :mrgreen:

01-24-2008, 07:18 PM
The 440 ci LT5 (Whitey) is alive and well in Addison Illinois.The 440 (4.125 X 4.125) inch engine with stage 3+ cam's were............................................. . I will follow up with more information as it becomes available.
I can not post this on the ZR1net. Too many of my posts were either deleted or edited in the past. I don't want to waste my time or energy with the matter at hand. So I just gave up.

I took this post from FU in CF which he made today, why FU is negative to our Forum???:icon_scra
anybody know what happend?!:confused:
i saw his post here were deleted !why? there is nothing wrong with it!

Funny thing he post something that our member post it here before 4 weeks!!:mrgreen:
To late FU2!

WTF :icon_scra
Why are Franks posts deleted or edited?


01-24-2008, 08:05 PM
WTF :icon_scra
Why are Franks posts deleted or edited?


I think it's due to his name :rolleyes:

01-24-2008, 08:07 PM
if you are interesting in 440, then here another one: EES

He has been promising one for years.

01-24-2008, 09:10 PM
if you are interested in 440, then here another the first one: EES

Very interesting :icon_scra

flyin ryan
01-24-2008, 09:23 PM
why does everyone call this a 440? 4.125" x 4.125" x 4.125" x .7854 x 8 = 441 cubes. my personal engine is a 441 so that's an easy one off the top off my head. not trying to be smart, just do the math.

Zr1 Destroyer
01-24-2008, 09:32 PM
why does everyone call this a 440? 4.125" x 4.125" x 4.125" x .7854 x 8 = 441 cubes. my personal engine is a 441 so that's an easy one off the top off my head. not trying to be smart, just do the math.
Why split hairs?:mrgreen:

01-24-2008, 10:00 PM
He has been promising one for years.

hmmm... who knows.

flyin ryan
01-24-2008, 10:14 PM
Why split hairs?:mrgreen:some off the stuff i do is a little better than 2.3 h.p. per cube & for those guys there is no rounding off, period. no crumbs left on the table they're looking for everything. they would sell off body parts for less than what we're talking about. class racers, it's a crazy game:rolleyes: .

01-24-2008, 10:15 PM
if you are interesting in 440, then here another one: EES
http://www.acsvette.com/ (http://www.acsvette.com/)

Who's car is that one in? :rolleyes:

01-24-2008, 10:16 PM
4.125" x 4.125" x 4.125" x .7854 x 8 = 441.01

flyin ryan
01-24-2008, 10:19 PM
4.125" x 4.125" x 4.125" x .7854 x 8 = 441.01
:Dyou got er'. good man:wink: .

01-24-2008, 10:32 PM
you got er'. good man:wink: .
4.125" x 4.125" x 4.125" x .785 x 8 = 440.78
So we call it 440 ! :mrgreen:

flyin ryan
01-24-2008, 10:38 PM
4.125" x 4.125" x 4.125" x .785 x 8 = 440.78
So we call it 440 ! :mrgreen::icon_scra uh, no. you were right the first time. but you can call it whatever you want, dosen't mean it's right.

01-24-2008, 11:06 PM
:icon_scra uh, no. you were right the first time. but you can call it whatever you want, dosen't mean it's right.
Ryan, why not??:mrgreen:

we call 421 ci , 420 !! :cheers:

01-24-2008, 11:14 PM
Ryan, why not??:mrgreen:

we call 421 ci , 420 !! :cheers:

Hadi an extra inch in the United States of America, means alot
in some households. :mrgreen:

01-24-2008, 11:19 PM
Hadi an extra inch in the United States of America, means alot
in some households. :mrgreen:
ohh realy???
then what do you call the 421.01 ci ?!!
421 or 422 ??:D

01-24-2008, 11:33 PM
ohh realy???
then what do you call the 421.01 ci ?!!
421 or 422 ??:D



01-24-2008, 11:45 PM
.01437 inch = 0.36 mm .
in engineer field , even those small numbers make different!

0.40 mm/s vibration in gearbox parts is Disaster ! :wink:
so dont tell me what the 1 inch mean. Cuz i know what a .01 inch can do!:thumbsup:

01-25-2008, 06:31 AM
4.125" x 4.125" x 4.125" x .785 x 8 = 440.78
So we call it 440 ! :mrgreen:

You round down?

Zr1 Destroyer
01-25-2008, 06:18 PM
some off the stuff i do is a little better than 2.3 h.p. per cube & for those guys there is no rounding off, period. no crumbs left on the table they're looking for everything. they would sell off body parts for less than what we're talking about. class racers, it's a crazy game:rolleyes: .I hear ya.....i'm looking at an old pst splayed valve for my lil 67 nova as we speek for some all motor fun here in colorado!

01-26-2008, 03:10 PM
OK off the rag now.
Thanks for the support guys. It's very much appreciated.
Marc will be doing a small write up in the next ZR1net Registry Newsletter as well as a slide show etc. at this years gathering at BG.

01-26-2008, 04:38 PM
what type of head gaskets did you use ? can the stk ones handle that big a bore? neat that you did what you did by the way . and the work that you guys put in it show a real labor of love and money too . a 700 rwhp zr1 naturally asperated one at that just has to be the ultimate at least to this old fella:mrgreen:

01-26-2008, 07:03 PM
I dont think any of the builders have used a stock head gasket, over a 4" bore.

01-26-2008, 08:09 PM
are they using one of mikes copper head gaskets or having them custom made . too bad we couldnt get cometic to make our gaskets we would never have a problem with them again

flyin ryan
01-26-2008, 10:27 PM
I hear ya.....i'm looking at an old pst splayed valve for my lil 67 nova as we speek for some all motor fun here in colorado!hey cool! i freshened one for a guy about six months ago. it was a pretty early one though, the heads had R&D done to them for every inch of there life. the guy told me it was supposed to make 900ish h.p. on i can't remember if it was Eaton's or Bill Maropolus' dyno. i told him not with these heads. it is a true 358 inch deal & it made i think 820-830ish with one carb. not bad. then i changed tops & put on two dominators, i think it only picked it up 15 horse or so. the guy was like what the hell, i said i told you before the heads are done. it's still a really good bullet, 2.3 per cube is stout, it's just not what he was told. same old story. a friend of mine Darren Morgan works at Reher Morrison & he thinks if the class would have continued on they would be at 1000 h.p. right now with the larger cam cores & C.G.I. blocks avalible. what heads are on the one your looking at, G.M. 517's? all engine is what i'm into but you've got it tough at mile high:redface: .

flyin ryan
01-26-2008, 10:31 PM
are they using one of mikes copper head gaskets or having them custom made . too bad we couldnt get cometic to make our gaskets we would never have a problem with them againi can get M.L.S. gaskets made, not a problem. they do it for me all the time. that's the ONLY way to go. they made me one set for a Hemi that were .120" thickness. now that looked strange. people would walk in & say what's with the spacers ha, ha.

Zr1 Destroyer
01-27-2008, 12:52 PM
hey cool! i freshened one for a guy about six months ago. it was a pretty early one though, the heads had R&D done to them for every inch of there life. the guy told me it was supposed to make 900ish h.p. on i can't remember if it was Eaton's or Bill Maropolus' dyno. i told him not with these heads. it is a true 358 inch deal & it made i think 820-830ish with one carb. not bad. then i changed tops & put on two dominators, i think it only picked it up 15 horse or so. the guy was like what the hell, i said i told you before the heads are done. it's still a really good bullet, 2.3 per cube is stout, it's just not what he was told. same old story. a friend of mine Darren Morgan works at Reher Morrison & he thinks if the class would have continued on they would be at 1000 h.p. right now with the larger cam cores & C.G.I. blocks avalible. what heads are on the one your looking at, G.M. 517's? all engine is what i'm into but you've got it tough at mile high:redface: .Denver and the dragstrip that's @ 5830ft of altitude, so ya figure out how to combat this thin *** air & chitty DA's!.

This one is an old jenkins deal with slakov heads, yada yada so i'm not sure.....that'd be nice to find one with a single cast type intake to get a better weight brake in this all motor class they've got going here in colorado! Those 4.5 bore space r07's are gonna be bad azz, but waaaaay pricey!

flyin ryan
01-27-2008, 01:43 PM
Denver and the dragstrip that's @ 5830ft of altitude, so ya figure out how to combat this thin *** air & chitty DA's!.

This one is an old jenkins deal with slakov heads, yada yada so i'm not sure.....that'd be nice to find one with a single cast type intake to get a better weight brake in this all motor class they've got going here in colorado! Those 4.5 bore space r07's are gonna be bad azz, but waaaaay pricey!on my personal engine that's what i run...a cast single four. it's hurts power & is heavy as heck but opening the hood at cruise nights with a sheet alum. intake is not my deal, a little over the top IMO. i know a lot of classes in the U.S. dictate a cast intake like you said so that's the way i went. the 4.5" B/S deal's are gonna require some serious R&D for a while yet. that's where the money gets stupid:rolleyes: .

01-28-2008, 12:50 PM
I think it's due to his name :rolleyes:

So does this mean i can't use my initials,PP

WOW,what is the world coming to when someones name becomes offensive.:icon_scra

That's some FUS

Frank please change your name cause it's so offensive i can't sleep at night Dr. Phil is getting expensive and i'm running out of Prosac. :rolleyes:


01-28-2008, 10:21 PM
Frankie is a helluva a good guy, it would be nice to see him back here. However id he chooses not to gotta respect the mans decision.

Ryan, that motor sounds like an 18 degree job, no?

flyin ryan
01-29-2008, 12:50 AM
Ryan, that motor sounds like an 18 degree job, no?no, no not that one, i do have a couple here right now though, G.M. 363's i think? my heads are 11° on the intake & 6° on the exhaust valve angles with i think off the top of my head a 4° cant. 2.23" dia. intake valve. 1.55" exhaust valve. regular small block stuff:mrgreen: , well maybe not.

03-10-2008, 06:10 PM

Tomorrow 3/11 I'm taking a flight to Marcs and pick the car up. First stop should be BG then down to Bontia Springs Florida to see my sister. Then up to Titusville to see Uncle Philly. The car will remain there for a while. It will be a great trip , this time of year I NEED the sun all over my body :) :)
After a nice long St. Paddy day weekend in Key West for some R&R+drinking water. It will be back to NY to see the springtime come rolling in.

03-10-2008, 06:37 PM
Sounds like a great trip to me. Have a safe trip and enjoy that new ride.

03-10-2008, 08:19 PM

Tomorrow 3/11 I'm taking a flight to Marcs and pick the car up. First stop should be BG then down to Bontia Springs Florida to see my sister. Then up to Titusville to see Uncle Philly. The car will remain there for a while. It will be a great trip , this time of year I NEED the sun all over my body :) :)
After a nice long St. Paddy day weekend in Key West for some R&R+drinking water. It will be back to NY to see the springtime come rolling in.

The entire ZR-1 nation eagerly awaits to hear the numbers produced by your monster LT5.

Zr1 Destroyer
03-10-2008, 11:06 PM

Tomorrow 3/11 I'm taking a flight to Marcs and pick the car up. First stop should be BG then down to Bontia Springs Florida to see my sister. Then up to Titusville to see Uncle Philly. The car will remain there for a while. It will be a great trip , this time of year I NEED the sun all over my body :) :)
After a nice long St. Paddy day weekend in Key West for some R&R+drinking water. It will be back to NY to see the springtime come rolling in.Man I bet you can't wait to flog that monster sideways down the road!:cheers:

Congrats again!:dancing

03-10-2008, 11:25 PM
hook up the v1 and cruize .just short of heaven that trip . i thought 415s sounded nasty a 440 with cams ah thats it . pullin up to a stop light and out of the corner of your eye watch the looks on the faces of those that know , all wishing they were in your car. man have fun nice job on the motor with mark. can ya put a short vid of her idleing maybe a full throttle drive by . gotta be bugatti quick . now that cool blow the doors of a bugatti. hehe now thats a look id like to see on them when you go by:jawdrop: enjoy, send us some music please!!!!!!

03-11-2008, 06:06 AM
I hope the flight is pleasant, and the journey to visit with family & friends finds all are well.....I'll bet it would take forever to get the grin off of your face after driving your new ZR-1.

Good luck with your trip and your new car, be safe and have fun, oh yea, congrats Frank!


Paul Workman
03-11-2008, 07:38 AM
I do shooting sports too - Same question(s):

Why do they call it a "44 Magnum" when it is really .429"
Why do they call it a "38 Special" when it is really .357"

I dunno, but "440" is close enough (and kinda sings, doanchaknow)


03-11-2008, 09:03 PM
I dunno, but "440" is close enough (and kinda sings, doanchaknow)


Whats an inch between freinds :sign10: :sign10:
Thanks for the well wish's !

Stopped at the Holiday Plaza at BG for the night. Tomorrow get down to the NCM and after that see if I can make a plant tour....Then"ON THE ROAD AGAIN"

03-11-2008, 11:22 PM
you get her over 55 mph yet franky?
nice road trip, i work you play, seems about right.
where's greenie?
ya know i could have followed you in the green machine.
to help you get them all where you want em.

03-12-2008, 06:34 AM
May I ask how is the Pizza going to get made if you do this ?????????

Phil DeJohn
03-12-2008, 09:27 AM

Tomorrow 3/11 I'm taking a flight to Marcs and pick the car up. First stop should be BG then down to Bontia Springs Florida to see my sister. Then up to Titusville to see Uncle Philly. The car will remain there for a while. It will be a great trip , this time of year I NEED the sun all over my body :) :)
After a nice long St. Paddy day weekend in Key West for some R&R+drinking water. It will be back to NY to see the springtime come rolling in.
We got a spot ready for you, The tires are ready too.

03-12-2008, 09:38 PM
:D :D :D :D see you tomorrow.

03-13-2008, 01:46 AM
I'll be there too!:cheers:

03-13-2008, 10:38 PM
Congrats Frank, can't wait to see/hear this beast someday.:thumbsup:

03-13-2008, 10:42 PM
I'll be there too!:cheers:

Hey, wait a minute....:mrgreen:

03-21-2008, 03:17 PM
Just got back into NY (JFK Airport) very late last night. The 440+-1 is an absolute beast. Ran fantastic ! The car did not use one drop of oil. Fuel mileage was 22-24 mpg depending on the hills and type of fuel available. Saw quite a few freinds and some family during the 1800 mile trip.
To say I'm happy with the car is putting it mildly.

03-21-2008, 09:45 PM
Way cool Frank, you must be turning cartwheels...can't wait to see this beast run someday.:dancing

03-21-2008, 10:50 PM
did you ever get her on a dyno ? could you share them PLEASE???????my guess 625 at the wheels

04-02-2008, 10:46 PM