View Full Version : Normal oil pressure characteristics?

Paul Workman
11-13-2007, 05:41 AM
I'm brand new to the Zs, so please bear with me:wink:

What is "normal" behavior for the oil pressure in these Zs?

When I crank her up cold** (cold being maybe 45 degrees F), the oil pressure runs pretty close to the top of the scale (80 PSI) at idle or just off idle. After the coolant reaches operating temperature, and the oil temp is just off the bottom temp peg, the pressure falls to approx 60. I haven't observed the oil pressure at WOT...I'm too bizzy watching the telephone poles go by like a picket fence to stare at gauges, I guess;). Anywayz, what is "normal" for these LT5s?

**I just changed the oil and used M1 5w-30w and changed the filter too.



11-13-2007, 02:14 PM
Paul, that is correct. At cold start up, the prssure gauge should read high, then at idle after warm it should settle in the mid range, and then move towards the high side while driving.

11-13-2007, 08:02 PM
yep that is how mine is and I have M1 too.

11-14-2007, 12:33 AM
I'm brand new to the Zs, so please bear with me:wink:

What is "normal" behavior for the oil pressure in these Zs?

When I crank her up cold** (cold being maybe 45 degrees F), the oil pressure runs pretty close to the top of the scale (80 PSI) at idle or just off idle. After the coolant reaches operating temperature, and the oil temp is just off the bottom temp peg, the pressure falls to approx 60. I haven't observed the oil pressure at WOT...I'm too bizzy watching the telephone poles go by like a picket fence to stare at gauges, I guess;). Anywayz, what is "normal" for these LT5s?

**I just changed the oil and used M1 5w-30w and changed the filter too.



As stated by the rest. Those readings are 100% normal. GC

11-14-2007, 01:26 AM
I'm brand new to the Zs, so please bear with me:wink:

I'm too bizzy watching the telephone poles go by like a picket fence to stare at gauges, I guess;). Anywayz, what is "normal" for these LT5s?



This too shall pass. Give a couple more weeks, keep driving it like you stole it, and pretty quick you'll notice all kinds of things at speed.

BTW, on the oil thing, mine does the same thing.