View Full Version : head gasket cam timing tools?

11-11-2007, 08:20 PM
what tool /etc are needed to change the head gaskets and set the cam timing? where can they be purchased/ thankyou for any help you can provide

11-12-2007, 12:53 PM
The cheaper way.
A few Metric sockets from Sears,Torx,Torque wrench,Breaker bar.

Cam timing you can use 15/64 drill bits, i will have to double check the size.

Are you doing this with motor in the car?

11-12-2007, 02:13 PM
no , from what I understand (i am a new owner) its alot better to do this with the engine out of the car. also is porting of the heads worth the money? if so who does the best work? thankyou again for any help

11-12-2007, 02:41 PM
no , from what I understand (i am a new owner) its alot better to do this with the engine out of the car. also is porting of the heads worth the money? if so who does the best work? thankyou again for any help

Porting/polishing/powerdcoating = Jeffvette + LocoBob.

'Nuff said.


11-12-2007, 07:05 PM
what tool /etc are needed to change the head gaskets and set the cam timing? where can they be purchased/ thankyou for any help you can provide

Camshaft temporary retainers was the only tool I bought from kent moore which was expensive and they are plastic, the other supplier I couldn't contact at the time but I hear they are aluminum, which might work better, I broke one of the plastic ones. There all here. http://www.zr1netregistry.com/ZR1_parts.htm temporary chain tensioners aren't too hard to make. Piston stop can be made if you do the degree wheel method. Mark Haibeck has camshaft bolts that need replaced and online info on resetting the chain tensioners.

11-12-2007, 09:15 PM
thankyou for all the help. I will get ahold of mark haibeck. in reading around he sees to have a great rep. this is kind of a scary job . i have done alot on standard small blk dhev. mut this is way different. too bad there isnt someone closer that i could take the car too just cant afford the shipping of the car. i could ship to so cal through a friendif there was a shop there that does this . anyone know if a place in so cal?