View Full Version : 110 octane

10-21-2007, 04:43 PM
i`ve got about 10 gallons of 110 octane sonoco blue gas left over from the dragboat. the season is over and it wo`nt keep til next year. at 6 bucks per gallon, i hate to put it in the chevy 4 by 4 or the lawn mower. 93 octane bp is the best this Z has ever tasted. anybody got any predictions or think i might not ought to do it?

10-21-2007, 06:02 PM
i`ve got about 10 gallons of 110 octane sonoco blue gas left over from the dragboat. the season is over and it wo`nt keep til next year. at 6 bucks per gallon, i hate to put it in the chevy 4 by 4 or the lawn mower. 93 octane bp is the best this Z has ever tasted. anybody got any predictions or think i might not ought to do it?
If it's leaded, mix it with 87 octane and use it in the lawnmower. If unleaded,
mix it with 87 and use it in the ZR-1. 3 parts 87 and 1 part 110 should get about 92/93 octane. Else dump some StaBil in it and use it next year in the boat. Decisions, decisions ...

10-22-2007, 03:31 PM
Richard, i would not use the 110 octane in the zr1
if that is the question. I don't know the exact reason why, but i have heard, it is not a good thing.