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View Full Version : Antenna Repair Successful

09-28-2007, 11:39 AM
The antenna on my Vette broke so that when the radio was turned on, the antenna would raise but not stop at full height. The top two sections of the antenna would be pushed out until they flopped over and were hanging by the plastic operating strip.

The good news is that the antenna can be replaced without replacing the whole antenna motor, which involves a hassle with getting into the rear fender well and the antenna relay behind the rear deck trim.

I bought a part called a "replacement mast". It is a Delco part and was available from several of the Corvette parts suppliers. Cost was about $50. Installation was easy. The kit came with a tool to unscrew the retaining nut that holds the antenna into the fender socket. Then you turn on the radio and the drive motor feeds all the antenna mast sections and the plastic strip out of the hole. Then insert the new plastic strip/mast into the antenna hole (align the toothed side) and turn off the radio. The antenna motor reels the new atenna in. Install the retaining nut and you are done.

Twenty minute job!

09-28-2007, 04:55 PM

Nice... I have to replace mine too!

I'll hit you up for details!

flyin ryan
09-29-2007, 01:35 AM
i've got to do the same on my 95. got the GM mast kit already. good to hear it's a piece of cake.:mrgreen:

09-29-2007, 08:44 AM
Replacing the mast is easier if you have a helper. I didn't. Since the antenna motor runs for a only for a short time in the down direction, I had to turn on the radio then run to the back of the car and try to engage the plastic strip's teeth with the motor. It took a couple of tries before I got quick enough to get it engaged. :)

09-29-2007, 08:51 AM
BTW, I think that I broke my antenna when I put a small flag on the antenna for a Ride-For-Pride around the DC Beltway. :o

The antenna survived the trip, but a few days later it failed.


10-02-2007, 11:18 PM
All, Just changed mine antenna & it took about 20 minutes which includes throwing away the old antenna mast & washing my hands. Have a safe week.

Manfred E.......... :hello:
91 #906

flyin ryan
12-29-2007, 05:37 PM
Replacing the mast is easier if you have a helper. I didn't. Since the antenna motor runs for a only for a short time in the down direction, I had to turn on the radio then run to the back of the car and try to engage the plastic strip's teeth with the motor. It took a couple of tries before I got quick enough to get it engaged. :)i replaced my mast on my 95 last night. i had a buddy, fellow member craigs427, give me a hand. i don't know how you would have done it by yourself, you must be lightning fast:sign10: . that motor runs for maybe two seconds.

12-29-2007, 06:05 PM
It took several tries. I am glad there was no video camera running, I would be a You-Tube funny video star for sure! :thumbsup:


flyin ryan
12-29-2007, 06:45 PM
It took several tries. I am glad there was no video camera running, I would be a You-Tube funny video star for sure! :thumbsup:

Jim:sign10: . craigs427 & myself were laughing to ourselves, saying how in the hell did he do it himself. craig has been a GM tech for ten years & i've been building engines for i don't know how long so it's not like we have no mechanical skill but to do it yourself...well i wouldn't suggest it.

01-03-2008, 08:22 AM
:sign10: . craigs427 & myself were laughing to ourselves, saying how in the hell did he do it himself. craig has been a GM tech for ten years & i've been building engines for i don't know how long so it's not like we have no mechanical skill but to do it yourself...well i wouldn't suggest it.

Hmm Maybe Jim was the master at Chinese Fire Drills while growing up ;)