View Full Version : U.D. pulleys & 160 T-stat G.P.

1990 quasar blue
09-06-2007, 08:28 PM
Is anyone else interested in these? Maybe, if enough of us are, Randy will offer us a group purchase. I haven't contacted him about it yet because I don't know if anyone else is interested. Just a thought.

09-06-2007, 09:26 PM
Dang, I just bought a 160 stat from him (great addition btw). How much would the pulleys go for, hmm...

Anybody used them and have an opinion of them?

09-06-2007, 10:47 PM
I might maybe be. But man, it would have to be one hell of a GP on that thermostat. Even half price seems like a ridiculous price to pay for a thermostat. I guess that explains why GM uses so many parts bin parts generally...

To me a thermostat is a maintenance item. It would be like paying $100 for an oil filter or something. You know it won't last forever.

09-07-2007, 01:56 AM
I'd be interested..........

09-07-2007, 02:36 AM
I might maybe be. But man, it would have to be one hell of a GP on that thermostat. Even half price seems like a ridiculous price to pay for a thermostat. I guess that explains why GM uses so many parts bin parts generally...

To me a thermostat is a maintenance item. It would be like paying $100 for an oil filter or something. You know it won't last forever.
Yes, but it sure makes a big difference in running temp

09-07-2007, 08:22 AM
id be interested in the ud pullies

09-07-2007, 10:51 AM
Dang, I just bought a 160 stat from him (great addition btw). How much would the pulleys go for, hmm...

Anybody used them and have an opinion of them?

i just bought from him 160 Thermo. and have it in my motor!

also i ordered from Randy the Underdrive pulleys ,cost= $ 245 , i should have it after 2 weeks, cuz i wait other parts too !
Randy is open mind and realy great to speak and deal with him!
go ahead buy the pulleys , dont forget its all LIGHT WEIGHT!:thumbsup:

1990 quasar blue
09-07-2007, 03:38 PM
OK, so we have four interested, and one defenite maybe. :mrgreen: I have to think, that if we get ten or so we would have something to offer him.

09-07-2007, 03:46 PM
Randy is a good guy. He may see this thread and contact you
and give us some incentives.

09-07-2007, 05:31 PM
I have both, the products are top notch quality & Randy is a man of his word. The thermostat will come with a quality check paper showing you exactly when by deg that the unit opens up. Pullys are a work of art haven't done my after dyno yet only been 3 years since I put them on LoL Randy is still waiting on my results sorry Randy:neutral: one of these days I will find a dyno ...

09-08-2007, 07:59 AM
Interested in 160 stat. Who's Randy?

Bell Curve
09-08-2007, 12:21 PM
I might maybe be. But man, it would have to be one hell of a GP on that thermostat. Even half price seems like a ridiculous price to pay for a thermostat. I guess that explains why GM uses so many parts bin parts generally...

To me a thermostat is a maintenance item. It would be like paying $100 for an oil filter or something. You know it won't last forever.


09-08-2007, 04:35 PM
Interested in 160 stat. Who's Randy?

Found the website buried in the favorites

09-08-2007, 04:37 PM
I agree its a lot for a thermo but I can say this...Your fans will almost never run on the freeway so those will last a lot longer...If your cooling system is in good shape youll be pleasantly surprised at how cool it runs and a little more oomph from lack of heat soak. Im lovn it!
This thing ran all morning on the hwy at maybe 1/4 way up the gauge. At 40 mph+-1/3, tops. it allows the motor to come down to a temp it previously couldnt with the stock stat as it would want to close and keep the motor fairly warm. Different strokes...

Next time out Ill take some temp readings out of curiosity.

1990 quasar blue
09-10-2007, 05:10 PM
Well guys, by my count thats 3 for the t-stat and 4 for the pulleys. I wasn't sure if you guys would be interested in one or the other, or both. In any case, I'll give it a while to see if anyone else chimes in.

09-10-2007, 05:16 PM
I already have a 160 thermo. Might be interested in pulleys but need more information.

Are the pulleys both under-drive and lighter? Anybody who has them, any ill effects on driveability, cooling, or electrical system? What's or where is the performance return?

09-10-2007, 07:29 PM
I already have a 160 thermo. Might be interested in pulleys but need more information.

Are the pulleys both under-drive and lighter? Anybody who has them, any ill effects on driveability, cooling, or electrical system? What's or where is the performance return?
yes, both underdrive and lighter !!
Randy himself used this on his black 386cid ZR1 , and his time was 10.8 sec. just imagine ! :thumbsup:
Ron, I agree you with highway ran, but when in traffic jam, my engine ran VERY HOT about 220 c. after 15 Min. by stoping and slow move !
I spoke with Randy about this isue. i think i should clean Radiator,or buy new Performance Rad. !:confused:

09-11-2007, 12:22 PM
I may be interested in UDs. How much are we talking?

10-01-2007, 05:54 PM
Just curious, has anyone approached them about a possible GP on this?

10-01-2007, 08:08 PM
I'd be interested in a GP on the pullies. :mrgreen:

10-01-2007, 08:26 PM
I would be interested in a T- stat if you can get a group purchase going.

1990 quasar blue
10-01-2007, 08:40 PM
I sent Randy an email tonight. I'll keep everyone posted.:thumbsup:

Greybeard ZR1
10-03-2007, 09:07 AM
Those dyno numbers on the company website should be highly suspect. Randy's magic 405 hp. LT5 now makes 482 hp. (482-15%=409.7rwhp.), with the addition of headers and exhaust, a lightweight flywheel, some coolant parts, underdrive pulleys, and a dyno tune. yeah...right.
Guys, people have been tweaking the LT5 for more than 15 years now, and nobody has gotten numbers like that. Not without getting out the old grinder and hogging out the intake flow.

He claims to be getting nearly 460 hp. by just slapping on headers, exhaust, chip, and that magic 160 deg. thermostat. How many of you already have that equipment on your car? I do. Is anyone getting 460 hp.?... c'mon, let's get real.

I applaud his "Project Objectives" - "Obtain maximum horsepower from a stock LT5 utilizing true "bolt-on" performance parts, and without any porting or internal engine modifications." It's just that I don't buy the posted results.

Perhaps they should take that garage queen 5K mi. 95' out to the local dragstrip and post some trap times to back up all the horsepower it supposedly has?

P.S.-Back in the last century, when I bought my 160 deg. stat from A.O. Engineering, it was $35. And I thought that was a ripoff.
Has anyone asked Randy why these are so expensive?

10-03-2007, 09:54 AM
If i may take a moment . i find the hostility of the previous post, unkind at best. why do people have to be so agressive . why cant they just ask nice. I have done business with randy and find him to be a honest person that delivers what he says and his products first rate . so much so i ordered another thermastate for my red car . why not just pm him and ask for his results. or better yet take the time and give him acall instead of (in my opnion )disrespecting him in a public forum . if the previous has been done then sure post your results of the call or pm . why take the chance of hurting a mans rep without doing some homework . jmho

Greybeard ZR1
10-03-2007, 11:19 AM
I'm sorry, I didn't wish to be hostile, or unkind. And I certainly don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. And I don't really need to PM him to ask for his results, they're posted on his website. It's the posted results that I questioned. The results seem to be out of line with the results achieved by numerous tuners that have worked on the LT5 for the past 15 years or so.
Do you think John Lingenfelter, or Doug Rippie would go to the trouble of porting the plenum, injector housings, and heads of the ZR1, if all they had to do was install underdrive pulleys, a thermostat, gaskets, and exhaust on it to get 475+ hp.?

For a more thorough look at what it takes to increase the output of an LT5, i refer you to this presentation by respected long time LT5 tuner Marc Haibeck:


Perhaps if Randy's parts have worked their magic on your car, you can share the results with us? dyno numbers? seat of the pants? :)

10-03-2007, 01:00 PM
Guys a dyno is a tuning device.
Some show hi some show low.

About Randy's Z either the car is a freako or the dyno was a freako.
I really don't think Randy is BSing.
I would think the Dyno could be BSing.

If the car runs 118-120 then it's making the power if not then the dyno was giving HP out like it was candy.

I have seen up to 30 RWHP difference from one dyno to the next.

Remember a lot tuners will show hi dyno #'s to bring in the costumers $$$
I say show me the MPH.:)


10-03-2007, 02:17 PM
I say show me the MPH.:)

Hear Him!

10-03-2007, 05:27 PM
I would probably be interested in the UD pulleys. Being new to ZR-1's a link to the site would be appreciated. Did a search of the 'net and came up empty. TIA

Z Factor
10-03-2007, 06:25 PM
I would probably be interested in the UD pulleys. Being new to ZR-1's a link to the site would be appreciated. Did a search of the 'net and came up empty. TIA

Hello and welcome to the forum.:handshak:



10-03-2007, 07:00 PM
my UD pulleys just arrived before week.
i told randy to send my pulleys to South corvette product, and he did it fast just like when i ordered 160 theromstat .
i deal with South corvette and ordered many parts from them! realy good ppl to talk and make a deal with them. you can contact Keven or Darren , they are great men and saved me time!
i will post pictures of my pullys soon here!:thumbsup:

10-03-2007, 07:33 PM
here are pulleys packed ,with instruction..............

here are unpacked:

10-03-2007, 08:53 PM
hadi have you put them on yet if so how long did it take ya ? thanx for the offers on the wires but i just use the msd wires i like them . but thanx again you might give corey henderson a ring . henderson performance tec in new braunfels tex .:cheers:

10-03-2007, 10:31 PM
Thanks for the link. I would be in for both the t-stat and pulleys.

Also thanks for the welcome! I have been lurking for a few weeks. The search engine has answered all my questions so far!

10-04-2007, 02:05 AM
hadi have you put them on yet if so how long did it take ya ? thanx for the offers on the wires but i just use the msd wires i like them . but thanx again you might give corey henderson a ring . henderson performance tec in new braunfels tex .:cheers:
if you need it for someone or... , i will sell the orginal Lt5 wires!
not yet , i didnt fix those pulleys, but its easy job.
i will take my parts from home (kuwait) to czech rep. , i will fly in 12 oct. , then there i will fix my pullyes, new S. belt , relocate battery kit!
i will post the pictures here of pulleys fixed on engine when done!
but why Henderson performance?? for what do you mean?

10-04-2007, 02:46 AM
corey is a very good guy did my car (porting and tune) and does alotof zr1 work. so he might know of someone that really wants original wires . hes a very good friend and a zr1 lover tooo. be well my friend. i leave for the uae in jan

10-07-2007, 01:12 AM
Sorry folks, I have been away from the best ZR-1 forum and did not realize there was a potential GP for some products from SRP. I am very pleased with my experience from them and here is what I posted on the "other" forum that I am trying to stay away from. Many of you have already seen it as you frequent the other forum too.

I can't comment on seat of the pants or dyno and won't be able to since my Z in still in pieces from all the projects I am doing to it. I can only say that the quality was top notch, easy to install and I would do business with them again as I have with Marc Haibeck too (another great, down to earth gentleman).

"I just wanted to share my recent experience with Specialized Racing Products. I first met Randy and Ron Woods at the ZR-1 Gathering in 2006 and was very impressed by their ZR-1 at the track and their professionalism; such nice folks too. Since I am putting my top half back together, I finally decided to get some of their products that I had on my wish list for a few years so I could install while I was at it.

This is a first rate company that puts heart and soul into the design and development of their products. Not only were the products first rate, but the customer service, packing and shipping of the items were unbelievable. Everything was packed to ensure that there would be no issues with my shipment coming all the way to Hawaii.

I bought the LT5 Aluminum Underdrive Pulley Set, LT5 Aluminum Powere Steering Pump Pulley, SRP power steering pulley removal and installation kit, high-flow air filter housing cover and oxygen sensor harness extensions for my header install. Very high quality, nice pieces and I have only installed the pulleys so far.

"World Class Service" from these guys and so great to see someone specializing in the Z, but also taking care of customers like family. Best of all they really helped me out with shipping since I am so far away and I really appreciate that too with the heavy items I ordered. "

1990 quasar blue
10-14-2007, 07:41 PM
I sent Randy an email tonight. I'll keep everyone posted.:thumbsup:

Well, it's been a week and still no reply. Sorry guys but, I guess that's our answer.

10-14-2007, 07:48 PM
Well, it's been a week and still no reply. Sorry guys but, I guess that's our answer.
hi, tell me what you looking for and i will contact Randy!:hello:

10-14-2007, 09:20 PM

I live about 8 miles from Randy so if I could be of help let me know.

10-16-2007, 02:25 PM
hadi have you put them on yet if so how long did it take ya ? thanx for the offers on the wires but i just use the msd wires i like them . but thanx again you might give corey henderson a ring . henderson performance tec in new braunfels tex .:cheers:
both pulleys took me 30 minuts to fix them. easy job!:thumbsup:

P.S. your battery gauge will go little bit down when engine @ 900 RPM,
but this dosent hurt, and i am happy with it. and it worth!

11-06-2007, 08:55 PM
under drive pulley on my new Alt. before go into motor.