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View Full Version : 64 fuelie vette

09-02-2007, 12:24 AM
have a chance to buy a 64 vette, suspose to be Fuel Injection. How can I determine if it is? Any numbers? Where? Naturally FI long gone! Block has been decked. Does have high rev tach. right front crunched at headlight!

09-02-2007, 01:30 PM
Others have more knowledge on this, but some tell-tales of an original fuelie car are (1) the original radiator support (hole and screw holes showing threads for the "S"-tube) although such could have been added, (2) the left inner fender would have holes and tapping plate for the air cleaner, (3) the front fenders would show holes for the F.I. emblems (or perhaps they were glassed over, but visible from inside), (4) a pig tail with a connector coming out the main engine harness around where the throttle linkage is - supplied voltage to the fuel bypass solenoid.

good luck :thumbsup:

09-02-2007, 03:33 PM
have a chance to buy a 64 vette, suspose to be Fuel Injection. How can I determine if it is? Any numbers? Where? Naturally FI long gone! Block has been decked. Does have high rev tach. right front crunched at headlight!

I've got a complete '64 FI system including air cleaner, s-tube and distributor
so if you want to make it right ...
There are procedures to read the stampings even though the deck has been cut. The NCRS guys on the "other" forum might be able to help.

Z Factor
09-02-2007, 05:18 PM
Others have more knowledge on this, but some tell-tales of an original fuelie car are (1) the original radiator support (hole and screw holes showing threads for the "S"-tube) although such could have been added, (2) the left inner fender would have holes and tapping plate for the air cleaner, (3) the front fenders would show holes for the F.I. emblems (or perhaps they were glassed over, but visible from inside), (4) a pig tail with a connector coming out the main engine harness around where the throttle linkage is - supplied voltage to the fuel bypass solenoid.

good luck :thumbsup:

Thanks for helping, and welcome to the forum.:handshak:

I've got a complete '64 FI system including air cleaner, s-tube and distributor
so if you want to make it right ...
There are procedures to read the stampings even though the deck has been cut. The NCRS guys on the "other" forum might be able to help.

We have some NCRS guys here as well, so there is no need to go to that "other forum". :wink:


09-03-2007, 07:19 PM
yes, I'm interested in your FI unit. Please call 985-758-1230 after 6 pm cst. Is it the early or later '64 FI. thanks
Oh, the car does have FI emblems on fenders

09-26-2007, 08:14 PM