View Full Version : Time to head to Byron

08-19-2007, 12:49 PM
We've got at least 8-10 ZR1s here in Chicagoland that I know personally. September is only a few weeks away and we should think about setting a date to head to Byron in beginning of October. We went in April and had a great time with other members from Chicagoland. I'll post this in the Great Lakes Forum and see if we get some other takers.

Let's pick a date. Here's schedule.

Sat. 15th -T&T- MWSC- Windy City Cobras
Sun. 16th -T&T- MWSC
Sat. 22nd -T&T- UTI Fall Nationals
Sun. 23rd T&T- Quick 16 Door Slammers Fall Series #2
Sat. 29th -T&T- MWSC
Sun. 30th - T&T- IMSM Series 3#-MWSC- Chicago Gear Heads
Sat.6th -Qualifying Outlaw & Modified SS, Door Slammers, Top Dog
Sun. 7th-13thAnnual World Power Wheel Standing Championship over $$,$$$ up for grabs-Top Dog Shoot Out
Outlaws, Modifieds, FINALS-Quick 16 Doorslammers #3
Sat. 13th -Big Bucks Bracket Bash #13
Sun. 14th -Big Bucks Bracket Bash #14- Pro/Street #9
Sat. 20th -T&T-Sunburst Corvette Club
Sun. 21st -T&T- Chicagoland Buick GSCA
Sat. 27th -T&T
Sun. 28th -T&T
Sat. 3rd -T&T
Sun. 4th -T&T
Sat. 10th -T&T
Sun. 11th -T&T

08-20-2007, 10:33 PM
Check the Great Lakes Forum for alternate. PeteZR1 is suggesting we rent Route 41. Any takers on that? Could make it interesting for those living in Indiana as well.

08-22-2007, 10:13 PM
Check the Great Lakes Forum for alternate. PeteZR1 is suggesting we rent Route 41. Any takers on that? Could make it interesting for those living in Indiana as well.

In case anyone wants to vote for the day


08-24-2007, 11:01 AM
I'm in...:dancing
