View Full Version : LT5 reliability and longevity

12-13-2003, 10:59 PM
I have an lt1 right now that I am putting in an rx7 (and yes it does actually fit)but I am thinking about doing an LT5 instead. I am just wondering how reliable this motor is and what problems may be encountered when purchasing a used motor. If at some point it needs to be "refreshed" what types of things need to be replaced (piston rings, bearings, liners possibly...?). I am probably looking at an earlier model unless I find a 93-95 for "cheap". Thanks for any response.

12-13-2003, 10:59 PM
To be honest based on the cost of the LT5 motor itself, then parts and then availability of parts I would stick with the LT1. The LT5 would cost you way more money then the LT1 will.

12-13-2003, 11:00 PM
but with the lt1 I would be doing a 383 AFR LT4 so it would be just as much as the LT5 atleast

12-13-2003, 11:00 PM
As far as reliability, the LT5 should have the LT1 beat hands down - it did set the world endurance speed record after all. But, it is considerably larger than an LT1, so it may not fit.

12-13-2003, 11:00 PM
Why combine 2 cars that were at competition? I see it as an insult to the mighty LT5. A Corvette engine belongs to a Corvette, unless it is a Corvette related product such as the Mosler MT 900. If you have to use a vette engine then you should use the LT1. The LT5 would be way more expensive to do things on it and you also need a special tool kit for the LT5.(Edited by zr1vettester at 2:48 am on April 26, 2002)

12-13-2003, 11:01 PM
Mom knows best. Stick with the LT1. While the LT5 is a monster, you have a much wider choice of "improvement" equipment available for the LT1 and nearly anyone can work on that motor with a wide choice of replacement parts availble should something "significant" happen.

12-13-2003, 11:01 PM
This must be a 2nd Gen Rx-7 you are talking about. I've seen this combo done before, and it results and a very quick car. The great thing about it is that the transmission lines up perfectly, thus avoiding many of the problems that comes with a mod like this one. But as many of the above have said, you're better off with the LT1..... i'm not sure if it's possible with an LT5, but I have often wondered.Good luck, have fun, and be safe.