View Full Version : Active Suspension Hood for ZR1

Greybeard ZR1
07-09-2007, 01:43 PM
On the Net Registry home page, note the pix of the GM display cars that are going to be at Carlisle this summer. The "Corvette ZR1 Active 1990" has a great C4 hood that I've never seen elsewhere. It has no groove down the center, and it looks to be a 1"-2" riser over the front part of the engine (right where we need it), but no rise at the the rear so it doesn't interfere with the sight line from the driver's seat. Very cool, in fact it looks to me like the hood that "should have" been put on the ZR1 from day one. Wouldn't it have been great to have had a distinctive ZR1 hood, so that the rear, and the front, would have been noticeably different from the "normal" C4.

I know, you can get low rise hoods from the usual sources. But they all look a little "aftermarket", IMHO. I'd like one like this, that is different, but still could pass for stock.

Any one know where I could access one of these? And don't say, "after midnight at Carlisle" :)

Greybeard ZR1
07-09-2007, 02:13 PM
I just posted a question about this hood in the wrong place, down in the "Corvette Technical Questions" box. Please check it out:


07-09-2007, 03:27 PM
:thumbsup: Definitely a nice looking hood. Would like to see it up close.

07-12-2007, 07:03 PM
Another good reason to go to Carlisle.

07-12-2007, 09:52 PM
Another good reason to go to Carlisle.

You don't have to wait for nighttime... Daytime will work :thumbsup:

07-13-2007, 12:28 PM
I've got a "Slim Jim" if you want to borrow it.
All I ask is for a copy of the hood.:rolleyes:

It's actually an interesting story as to how I came into possession of such a useful tool...
I had bought a 2001 Toyota Celica GTS after my '89 MR2 Supercharged decided to "Exit, Stage Left" into a field full of large rocks (but that's another story, not a good one :rolleyes: ).
Anyway, the Celica had a rattle in the drivers door on bumpy roads that was driving me nuts. I pulled the door panel, and viola! There was the slim jim. I suspect that somebody tried to steal the car and was somehow interrupted so they just pushed the slim jim down into the door.

07-13-2007, 04:03 PM
I suspect that somebody tried to steal the car and was somehow interrupted so they just pushed the slim jim down into the door.
That, or they realized it was a celica...

Just kidding. ;)

07-14-2007, 02:45 PM