06-25-2007, 12:58 AM
Well were took olde 92-443 for a nice long ride today and got to smell a lot of roses.
Sure felt good to run her throught the gears and feel the g-force acceleration push me in the seat hard. I love the way the hood bobs up and
down 3" between shifts.
No wonder my wife freaks everytime when I nail the KING.
But today I was solo-- so no "peanut gallery" comments has to be heard or acknowledged. It was a "hammer-time party" in the Z today.
The best part is I had no destination so we let 443 pick her own path as she might and ran with the call of the open road and the wind.
443 made a rule today that we would stay off the main highway and pick backwood 2-lanes over the big highways. We did the best we could to say off the beaten path and hit a lot of country roads.
We were "aimlessly wandering" truly the way a vette loves to roll. Not a care in the world except the next curve ahead and the next stop sign to brake for--- and then to do it all over again --- ram through the gears skirt the curve and brake for another sign---over and over and over---for miles and miles---
Go left--go right--go forward--We took the roads that had the best pavement for 443-- if a road had curmmy pavement we got off quick to look for good runnin roads.
Reminded me of my boat "Bad Attitude" when we are in search of flat water for a high speed pass--Today the ZR-1 was in search of the best pavement so we could go fast-turn hard and ram the gears.
The high point of the day was when we pulled up behind some RICE --you know the type--- the fast AWD MITSI evo crap that is gonna show your vette you are nothing as he hammers it on the green light. (funny it was one of the few lights we hit today) well after Mr RICE nails it I so have to admit he was pretty fast and did have good traction and even his fart can exhaust note sounded impressive--that was until the LT-5 roar took over my ears.
It is funny cause I did not even think about this guy going for it so we did not really nail it until we saw Mr Rice was hammer down--as a result we had a very nice controlled launch --two gears later we were all over the ricers azz.
It was a KING's moment--- I really felt truly sorry for Mt Rice since I had to actually brake to slow to his speed and I could see hiz eyes all over his rearview in disbelief of what he saw--My ZR-1 at ramming speed---LOL
Well needless to say he stayed on the throttle and proceeded to stay in it up to 100 when we backed off since we had already proved our point and didn't need to behave insane with any more speed than that--- being plenty fast for that particular road.
The KING always like to come from behind --the same way I race my boat and all my toys--since there is never any doubt when you pull up along someone and they know without any doubt they were full throttle and you just pulled them 'fair and square'. I love the pull it is my fav part--the look on the other guys face as you out-pull em and wiz on by--
Well we never did the wiz on by with Mr Rice but we didn't have to-- since he knows darn well he took the hole shot first and we came from behind to close the gap and we came up on him hard. We all know what that looks like in our rearview mirror when someone does it to us in our DD's.
This is why I love the KING-- She never disappoints, she is such a sleeper and she loves to out pull from behind--That is what I like ---the fact the guy knows he just got whooped bad and no doubt about that---must not be that stock vette he thought it was after all---
Long live the KOTH :thumbsup:
Sure felt good to run her throught the gears and feel the g-force acceleration push me in the seat hard. I love the way the hood bobs up and
down 3" between shifts.
No wonder my wife freaks everytime when I nail the KING.
But today I was solo-- so no "peanut gallery" comments has to be heard or acknowledged. It was a "hammer-time party" in the Z today.
The best part is I had no destination so we let 443 pick her own path as she might and ran with the call of the open road and the wind.
443 made a rule today that we would stay off the main highway and pick backwood 2-lanes over the big highways. We did the best we could to say off the beaten path and hit a lot of country roads.
We were "aimlessly wandering" truly the way a vette loves to roll. Not a care in the world except the next curve ahead and the next stop sign to brake for--- and then to do it all over again --- ram through the gears skirt the curve and brake for another sign---over and over and over---for miles and miles---
Go left--go right--go forward--We took the roads that had the best pavement for 443-- if a road had curmmy pavement we got off quick to look for good runnin roads.
Reminded me of my boat "Bad Attitude" when we are in search of flat water for a high speed pass--Today the ZR-1 was in search of the best pavement so we could go fast-turn hard and ram the gears.
The high point of the day was when we pulled up behind some RICE --you know the type--- the fast AWD MITSI evo crap that is gonna show your vette you are nothing as he hammers it on the green light. (funny it was one of the few lights we hit today) well after Mr RICE nails it I so have to admit he was pretty fast and did have good traction and even his fart can exhaust note sounded impressive--that was until the LT-5 roar took over my ears.
It is funny cause I did not even think about this guy going for it so we did not really nail it until we saw Mr Rice was hammer down--as a result we had a very nice controlled launch --two gears later we were all over the ricers azz.
It was a KING's moment--- I really felt truly sorry for Mt Rice since I had to actually brake to slow to his speed and I could see hiz eyes all over his rearview in disbelief of what he saw--My ZR-1 at ramming speed---LOL
Well needless to say he stayed on the throttle and proceeded to stay in it up to 100 when we backed off since we had already proved our point and didn't need to behave insane with any more speed than that--- being plenty fast for that particular road.
The KING always like to come from behind --the same way I race my boat and all my toys--since there is never any doubt when you pull up along someone and they know without any doubt they were full throttle and you just pulled them 'fair and square'. I love the pull it is my fav part--the look on the other guys face as you out-pull em and wiz on by--
Well we never did the wiz on by with Mr Rice but we didn't have to-- since he knows darn well he took the hole shot first and we came from behind to close the gap and we came up on him hard. We all know what that looks like in our rearview mirror when someone does it to us in our DD's.
This is why I love the KING-- She never disappoints, she is such a sleeper and she loves to out pull from behind--That is what I like ---the fact the guy knows he just got whooped bad and no doubt about that---must not be that stock vette he thought it was after all---
Long live the KOTH :thumbsup: