View Full Version : Wazoo holiday lunch Dec 14

12-09-2024, 08:20 AM
Just a reminder that we will meet on this Saturday December 14 at noon at G&M Restaurant 804 N Hammonds Ferry Rd, Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 (https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=6cef006f86a0d000e9d79e1a2a6262d46afe9170d303f78d 7510db9675663228JmltdHM9MTczMzcwMjQwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=350aaa6b-5110-61d0-31ea-bead50d260b8&u=a1L21hcHM_Jm1lcGk9MTAxfn5Vbmtub3dufkFkZHJlc3NfTG luayZ0eT0xOCZxPUclMjAlMjYlMjBNJTIwUmVzdGF1cmFudCUy MCUyNiUyMExvdW5nZSZzcz15cGlkLllONDAzeDk5NDE4OTkmcH BvaXM9MzkuMjI1MDQ4MDY1MTg1NTVfLTc2LjY2NTgzMjUxOTUz MTI1X0clMjAlMjYlMjBNJTIwUmVzdGF1cmFudCUyMCUyNiUyME xvdW5nZV9ZTjQwM3g5OTQxODk5fiZjcD0zOS4yMjUwNDh-LTc2LjY2NTgzMyZ2PTImc1Y9MSZGT1JNPU1QU1JQTA&ntb=1)?
As of today we have 30 confirmed and weather looks to be sunny and around 40 degrees. Bring the Z and we will have a mini car show at the restaurant. Looking forward to seeing everybody and having the best crab cakes in Maryland!