View Full Version : WTB: Used Stainless Works Headers w/o Cats

10-27-2024, 08:55 PM
Long story short, I am pretty sure I want a set of Stainless Works headers. I tried to order a set last week but it was frustrating that you can't order track headers anymore. I order a lot of header but not in the last three years. Not you have to get them with cats and air fittings even for a track car. Grr this world we live in!

Anyone have an old set of Stainless works header without cats and air fittings they want to sell? I have run OBX and wasn't happy with the fit around steering shaft.

I hate to order a new set of header that I have to work on. I am not a fabricator.

10-29-2024, 09:10 AM
Or other headers for track car. No air ports or cats.

10-29-2024, 04:16 PM
These are the best headers on the market

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10-29-2024, 04:48 PM
Awesome. Thanks @longhorns05 for the recommendation. I have always heard good things about Cory(I think is his first name) Henderson, but I didn't know he fab headers.

A couple questions
1. Have you installed them and if so how do they fit? Clearance around steer shaft etc?
2. Did the headers seal well? How many miles have you put on them?
3. Did you get a flanged set or Vbands? Why? Would you buy them the same?
4. Did they come with gaskets or did you use separate gaskets?

Thanks in advance for the info