View Full Version : Hi guys my first post.

06-20-2007, 04:24 AM
I have a91 ZR1, and ran 13.3 seconds at willowbank raceway here in australia at easter.[car stock standard] Am just having made a set of tuned length long tube headers[1 3/4" pipes], straight pipes are around 20" long and no cats and feeding into twin 3" pipes thru to the back end. What sort of power increase could i expect, and should I push some more air up around the motor if possible. By the way am running 335 tyres on the rear without any rubbing inside or out.
Cheers from down under Ernie. :cheers:

06-20-2007, 06:19 AM
:hello: Ernie! Welcome!:handshak: to the Brotherhood!

I'm not qualified to make any comments about mods & the eventual results but I hear that headers are the most bang for the buck. Maybe 30 hp? There are a few guys that have done headers and their own idea of what to weld on after them and I'm sure they will be along to compare notes with ya.

I just came by to say G'day mate! Hey sweet Z, you have excellent taste in fine motor cars!:thumbsup:


We Gone
06-20-2007, 07:28 AM
:hello: Welcome from the south .. just not as far south as you :mrgreen:

06-20-2007, 07:47 AM
is your z converted to right-side drive??

Bell Curve
06-20-2007, 09:27 AM
Hello from up yonder, glad to have you in the brotherhood.:cool:

Z Factor
06-20-2007, 09:44 AM
Hello Ernie, and welcome to the forum.:handshak:

I'm glad to see more Aussie's that own ZR-1's even if you do drive on the wrong side of the road.:wink:

Despite having ZR-1 owners in Oz, none of you have listed your country in our poll, so when you get a second go to the linked thread and throw in a vote for Down Under.


When I go to Outback Steakhouse tonight I will raise an extra Fosters on your behalf.:mrgreen:


06-20-2007, 10:10 AM
G'day Ernie, welcome to the `hood....the key is to let `er breathe, so more air and fuel flow is always a good thing for the LT5. Do a little searching around this site and you'll find some good info re: mods and what you can expect to gain from them. Good luck.:cheers:

06-22-2007, 02:26 AM
Thanks for the welcome fellas, will try and keep up.
Yes my Z has been converted to right hand drive,and although it drives excellently the interior needs a little TLC. The car has only25000 miles on the clock and has a few bits that need attention due to sitting for 14 years.
What sort of performance chip do you guys suggest,as I will have the long tube headers by next week. Also any suggestions on cold air induction and or vortec or similar superchargers for a ZR1.
Cheers Ernie. :handshak:

06-22-2007, 09:06 AM
Thanks for the welcome fellas, will try and keep up.
Yes my Z has been converted to right hand drive,and although it drives excellently the interior needs a little TLC. The car has only25000 miles on the clock and has a few bits that need attention due to sitting for 14 years.
What sort of performance chip do you guys suggest,as I will have the long tube headers by next week. Also any suggestions on cold air induction and or vortec or similar superchargers for a ZR1.
Cheers Ernie. :handshak:

Hi ernbuild!!
Cold Air Induction: The most popular is the AO Engineering system that ducts air from the front license tag area. Ecklers sells the kit. It's fairly expensive and requires cutting a large hole through the brace in front of the air cleaner box.

To the best of my knowledge, no one has installed a supercharger on the LT5, due in no small part to the very limited room and access to the belt drive. There is however (here comes a shameless plug) a rear-mount, twin-turbo system in the R&D stage for the ZR-1. Should be available in a month or two.

Glad to have you mate!

Z Factor
06-22-2007, 10:31 AM
Thanks for the welcome fellas, will try and keep up.
Yes my Z has been converted to right hand drive,and although it drives excellently the interior needs a little TLC. The car has only25000 miles on the clock and has a few bits that need attention due to sitting for 14 years.
What sort of performance chip do you guys suggest,as I will have the long tube headers by next week. Also any suggestions on cold air induction and or vortec or similar superchargers for a ZR1.
Cheers Ernie. :handshak:

The chip most people get is either the Marc Haibeck or Doug Rippie Motors. The link below will take you to a poll.


You will want to mention that you have headers when ordering because the chips programming is different than the one for stock exhaust.

I assume you know that when you put the headers on that you will need o2 sensor extensions. You can make them yourself or they come pre-made in a header install kit as well. I used the one on this page;


Also you may need new o2 sensors if you have trouble getting the old ones out. Remember to use anti-seize when installing the new/old ones.

Now as to the information on CAI's or similar products, you are going to be surprised to hear many of us have come to the conclusion they are not worth the money. Dyno results have shown little or no gains. Some have reported a loss in power as well. In theory you would have to be going at a very high rate of speed for them to be able to get enough air through them to notice a difference. Most will recommend that you stay stock, or run with a cut lid and a quality filter.

Don't forget to vote in our poll about you being down in Oz when you get a second.



06-22-2007, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the heads up rgarding the o2 sensors, but have that one well in hand. I am leaning towards the Haibeck chip, and as yet havent contacted them. How much info should I give them, as my old 78 had no electronics to speak of.
Will they also know about the different thermostat setting.
Cheers from downunder, Ernie :thumbsup: