View Full Version : G-TECH is it close??

06-18-2007, 11:46 PM
i just got one of those G-TECH gizmo's and took a few runs with it. i would like to know if the # are close to what i should be getting. i ran 1/4 times

run #1: 13.30 @113mph
run #2: 13.29 @115mph
run #3: 13.24 @118mph

are these close to what i should be getting? what about the 12.8 every one preaches? are the #'s off a little you think? i got exhaust,K&N and chip.....close to stock

06-19-2007, 01:55 AM
I have had one for a year. it is close et wise but mph can read high. i found it work edbest when i stopped using the windshield mount. anf used the stem and permimatly mounted ot on the dash. really pay close atten to the setup and make sure y ou enter the correct weight of the car. they are fin though. instant dragstrip when ever ya want . i had to up my rear tire budget a bunch:mrgreen:

06-19-2007, 01:58 AM
oh yeah what were your 60 ft times if over 2.1 you need to alter your starting tec