View Full Version : Thermostat Install Tips Helped

07-05-2024, 05:56 PM
Need tips on installing a new thermostat.

Read Marc Haibeck's good tips and searched 17 pages for thermostats.

The bracket that goes on top of the LH side of the thermostat housing is a tight fit.

Question - can that bracket be bent up to make more room to slide the thermostat housing in?



07-06-2024, 01:30 PM
Please disregard my request.

Stupid ole me finally scooted far enough in to get a giid look at the thermostat housing to the engine block and wallah, the LF side bracket that fits flush against the top of the thermostat housing is bolted to the frame. DUH! My Bad!

Removed 1 bolt and loosen the 2nd and have plenty of room to insert the thermostat housing under the bracket.

Per Marc Heibeck's info, held the thermostat in place with a thin putty knife and screwed the RH bolt in place.

Continual learning process for me. Thanks,
