View Full Version : Replacing main bearings

06-21-2024, 11:12 AM
I recently discovered a lot of gold glitter after an oil change. The car did briefly make some lifter and/or knocking noise, but that cleared up. There seemed to be sludge in the oil so I changed it. Oil was changed in February by the shop who sold me the car. They used the fram filter, not me. It had maybe 1500 miles on it. Cat has 94k. This what I found. Can the mains be changed from the bottom of the car if the crank journals aren?t damaged?

06-22-2024, 01:07 AM
If my car had metal particulate that had circulated through the motor, I'd be doing a full tear down otherwise any fix may be very temporary before any metal particulate left in the motor causes damage again after you change the bearings.

06-23-2024, 03:04 PM
Suggest cutting the oil filter and see what's in it.

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Thomas ZR-1
06-27-2024, 04:43 AM
You can`t change the main bearings if the engine is installed into the car. Unfortunately the engine has to be disassembled on a stand until the last screw. The crankshaft must taken out to replace the main bearings...no other way.

07-01-2024, 12:10 PM
if you dont polish the crank,it will take out the bearings in 10 miles