View Full Version : ZR-1 Oil Change

randy ransome
06-18-2024, 04:12 PM
My car has been on the lift for about 6 months. I need to change the oil, would it be better to crank it and circulate the oil or drain it as it is?
Something I've never pondered.


06-18-2024, 04:48 PM
Drain as it is....the oil filter will be empty 👍

And you will get the most old oil removed.......

Depending on the oil filter you use, I usually let it sit for a day or two before changing oil to make sure I have an empty oil filter 👍

06-18-2024, 04:53 PM
I would change it on the lift as-is.... whatever oil gravity can send to the pan is already there after this lengthy time. I'd pull the drain plug, and give it plenty time to drain cold. It should drain from pan just fine, given time... maybe a few hours just to get every reasonable drop. This southern summer temperature works in your favor, too.

randy ransome
06-18-2024, 05:42 PM
Thanks Folks, I'll let it drain over night. I'm using a AC Delco PF970C filter.
Been driving my 67, looking forward to getting back in the ZR-1 for a change.


06-18-2024, 09:02 PM
Something I've never pondered.

Interesting discussion. Conventional wisdom is to have the oil warm/hot to suspend the gunk. But, I wonder if that is really necessary.

06-22-2024, 01:30 PM
Interesting discussion. Conventional wisdom is to have the oil warm/hot to suspend the gunk. But, I wonder if that is really necessary.

I would think any suspended "gunk" would end up caught in oil filter 🙃

I have no clue how to remove an oil filter full of oil on the LT-5 😜

That is a BIG Advantage of the LT-5 over most any other engine (changing an empty oil filter with no mess) having a vertical and upside down oil filter 👍👍

As long as you give the oil filter time to drain back 👍

Regarding Oil Filter Drain Back issues.........and.....

For those of us who fire up the LT-5s (and assume sufficient crank shaft and rod lubrication exists) no matter if they have been stored/sitting for several months...........See Long Sit Before Starting (https://zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?p=334389)

06-23-2024, 04:12 AM
I don't want to hijack this thread, but it got me thinking:

I remembered hearing that our oil filters have an
"anti-drain back feature." Verified by:

Yes, this is older (1997/2005) but ...

Q1) Do all our ZR-1 oil filters have this feature? Are all oil filters anti-drain
back? Or just upside down/vertical?

Q2) Anybody add any oil into the filter before installing?
What a mess!


06-23-2024, 03:41 PM
The correct Blue filter has an anti drain back valve in it. You wont spill any. I always do all my cars cold. I know most use AMSOIL I used Brad Penn or now called Penn Grade. Hibeck told me its good stuff. I used Brad penn in some of my cars and Valvoline RV1 Racing oil in others all have the needed zinc but some Like Amsoil and Brad penn are semi synthetic whereas Valvoline is pure oil with zinc.

06-23-2024, 04:38 PM
I also use the K&N oil filter because it has a pretty good anti drain valve. K&N oil filters are good. No comment on air filters. Anyone cut open one to see how much oil it is holding? Sounds like a fun project.

06-27-2024, 07:12 PM


07-01-2024, 07:46 PM
You guys are inventing and trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.
Fill vs. no fill.
It probably and practically makes very little difference.

If you watch this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLBgIve1YzY) by the same guy, increased engine wear with having an unfilled vs. a filled filter in startup only happens with lower viscosity oils and does not happen with higher viscosity oils. And it would only happen for a few seconds anyway on the first startup after an oil change.

Either way, your choice, hopefully the anti-drain valve in whatever filter you choose, if you fill it first, will work, and you won't dump a large amount of oil all over the engine and the flloor.

07-02-2024, 06:54 PM
I agree.
But some have even installed pre-oil systems.
In medicine the question is: "Is it really clinically
significant?" I think not.
That is one benefit of Z ownership. You can do
WHATEVER you want to YOUR car.
Unless you are in California.