View Full Version : Help with no start PLEASE.

04-14-2024, 06:52 AM
Removed cam position sensor to rectify an oil leak. Seamed a simple job. 1 bolt removed and the sensor just fell out . No resistance from the O ring. On inspection the sensor looked to be in perfect condition so wiped clean, new O ring and back in.
Now the engine will crank and start, BUT dies instantly try numerous times and does the same. Starts and dies instantly.
Any suggestions on what I may have done wrong or how to proceed, to sort out problem.

Russell 🇦🇺

04-14-2024, 11:20 AM
Have you checked for codes?
Suspect maybe the cam sensor has gone fubar while you were addressing the 'O'Ring issue.

04-14-2024, 03:11 PM
Use a mirror to confirm sensor is against the block
Confirm sensor is completely snapped into connector
Confirm fuel pressure is to spec. Likely your primary fuel pump went bad.

04-22-2024, 11:15 PM
Have you checked for codes?
Suspect maybe the cam sensor has gone fubar while you were addressing the 'O'Ring issue.

Been waiting for a scanner to arrive (borrowing an AUTOXRAY OBD1 scan tool from a friend ).
Arrived with old corroded batteries in it and now won?t work.
I bridged pin A and G on the ALDL connector and got C12, which I believe is No faults found ?
So I guess I?m back to square one with an engine that fires but won?t run.
Any other suggestions appreciated.

Cheers, Russell 🇦🇺

04-27-2024, 05:49 PM
See the STICKIES about no start and read up. Get a fuel pressure gauge to see what you have. Both fuel pumps run for a bit to start the engine. Then the secondary pump goes off. If primary pump is bad engine will not continue to rim. My wild guess is new fuel pumps are needed.

04-27-2024, 06:26 PM
See the STICKIES about no start and read up. Get a fuel pressure gauge to see what you have. Both fuel pumps run for a bit to start the engine. Then the secondary pump goes off. If primary pump is bad engine will not continue to rim. My wild guess is new fuel pumps are needed.

Thanks Steve for that. I sort of dismissed the fuel pump scenario due to the fact that it was running fine, prior to pulling the cam position sensor out to replace worn O ring.
That makes sense and would create the issue that I have. Start / dies.
I Will check that tomorrow when I can borrow a fuel pressure gauge.
I will let you know how that turns out

Cheers, Russell 🇦🇺